Personal information
Research interests:
• Phenomenology beyond the Standard Model(SM);
• Electroweak measurements and Supersymmetry (SUSY) signals at TeV hadron colliders,
• ATLAS Muon spectrometer and micro pattern gas detector R&D.
• Ph.D. in Phenomenology High Energy Physics, USTC, 1992-1997.
Thesis: “Probing Physics beyond the Standard Model on the next-generation photon-photon collider”
• B.S. in Physics. USTC, 1988-1992.
• 2019, deputy director of Physics Scienece School, USTC
• 2018,co-convener of Session 4 of the ICHEP2018, Top Quark and Electroweak Physics, Seoul Korea,
• 2017,the leader of Innovation Team “Electroweak precise measurements and searching for exotic new physics at TeV hadron collider experiments”, granted by China National Natural Science Fundation
• 2016, awarded as “National Leading Personnel of Scientific and Technology Innovation”
• 2015, leader of NSFC-CERN collabotion project “ATLAS Phase 1 Muon Endcap Trigger Upgrade”.
• 2014, awarded as “Young Leading Talent of Innovation of Science and Technology”, granted by Ministry of Science and Technology of China.
• 2014, director of Modern Physics Department, USTC
• 2012, leader of “Particle Physics and Detection Technolgy” Innovation Team, granted by China Ministry of Education.
• 2011, awarded as “Excellence Youth Scientist” Scholarship, NSFC.
• 2006, joined the China ATLAS Experiment Research Project, sponsored by Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) of China, National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC) and CAS. Conducting SUSY R-parity violating e+muon new particle resonance search, and being engaged to electroweak di-boson measurements and anomalous gauge coupling search. Working on ATLAS Muon endcap trigger upgrade project, and the R&D of Resistive Plate Chamber(RPC) detector.
• From 2007 to 2011, was the member of D0 Authorship Committee.
• 2004, established a phenomenology-experiment joint group, working on Tevatron D0 experiment, and was granted the “Hundred Personnel Programme” Scholarship of China Academy of Science (CAS). Proposed the possibility of probing SUSY R-parity violating interactions via e+muon final states at TeV hadron colliders, and conducted the experimental search at D0. Working on electroweak precise measurements at D0, particularly on the extraction of weak mixing angle from the electron forward-backward asymmetry in Drell-Yan process at the Tevatron.
• From 2000 to 2003, joined D0 Experiment at Tevatron, Fermilab, as postdoc of Manchester University. Took responsibility for D0 Level-1 Central Track Trigger (L1CTT) Run2b upgrade algorithm design. The project of L1CTT upgrade design passed the Lehman Review of the Department of Energy(DOE) in 2002, and was recommended as the baseline of hardware construction by the Review Committees.
• From 1997 to 2000, studied the phenomenology of supersymmetr at TeV collider physics, especially the production of new heavy particles and heavy flavor strong CP violation effects in photon-photon collision at next generation linear colliders(NLC). Was co-author of “Photon Collider at TESLA”, which was to support photon collision mode on NLC and documented into TESLA TDR.
• Graduated from University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) and got Ph.D degree on particle physics in 1997.