Personal information


Employment (2)

Kings College London: London, GB

2018-06-01 to present | Research associate (Education, communication and society)
Source: Self-asserted source
Louise Doherty

Goldsmiths University of London: London, London, GB

2012-09-25 to present | Lecturer (Social, therapeutic and community studies)
Source: Self-asserted source
Louise Doherty

Works (3)

‘Embers, and fragments’: social haunting in youth work, impact measurement and policy networks

Journal of Education Policy
2024-09-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Louise Doherty; Tania de St Croix
Source: check_circle

‘Capturing the magic': grassroots perspectives on evaluating open youth work

Journal of Youth Studies
2024-04-20 | Journal article
Contributors: Tania de St Croix; Louise Doherty
Source: check_circle

‘It’s a great place to find where you belong’: creating, curating and valuing place and space in open youth work

Children's Geographies
2023-11-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Tania de St Croix; Louise Doherty
Source: check_circle