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I was born on 31 January 1935 in Budapest (Hungary) and graduated as a mechanical engineer from the Technical University of Budapest in 1958. From 1958 to 1967 I worked as assistant lecturer in the Department of Textile Technology at the university and I was involved in research work as well as teaching. From 1967 to 2000 I worked in several textile factories in Hungary as technologist and production development engineer. I retired in 2000. I am member of the Hungarian Society of Textile Technology and Science (TMTE) and editor-in-chief of the periodical “Magyar Textiltechnika” (Hungarian Textile Technology) published by the Society. I have published numerous papers (books, articles) in the field of the textile industry and technology, especially on knitting, in Hungarian and in foreign periodicals. I have given numerous presentations at textile conferences in Hungary and abroad. In my retirement I am independent technical expert in the textile and clothing industry.