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Books (as author or co-author)
Leopold, D.J. 2020. Trees of New York. Native and Naturalized. Syracuse University Press, Syracuse, NY, 336 p. (paperback edition)
Leopold, D.J. and L.J. Musselman. 2020. Wildflowers of the Adirondacks, Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore, MD, 346 p.
Kirkman, L.K., C.L. Brown, and D.J. Leopold. 2007. Native Trees of the Southeast, Timber Press, Portland, OR, 372 p.
Leopold, D.J. 2005. Native Plants of the Northeast: A Guide for Gardening and Conservation, Timber Press, Portland, OR, 308 p.
Leopold, D.J. 2003. Trees of New York. Native and Naturalized. Syracuse University Press, Syracuse, NY, 322 p.
Hardin, J.W., D.J. Leopold, and F.M. White. 2000. Harlow and Harrar's Textbook of Dendrology, 9th ed., WCB/ McGraw-Hill, New York, NY, 544 p.
Raynal, D.J. and D.J. Leopold. 1999. Landowner Guide to State-protected Plants of Forests in New York State. State University of New York, College of Environmental Science and Forestry, Syracuse, NY, 96 p.
Leopold, D.J., W.C. McComb, and R.N. Muller. 1998. Trees of the Central Hardwood Forests - An Identification and Cultivation Guide, Timber Press, Inc., Portland, OR, 512 p.
Book Chapters (selected)
Bedford, B.L, D.J. Leopold, and J.P. Gibbs. 2000. Wetland biodiversity, pp. 781-804, In: Encyclopedia of Biodiversity, Vol. 5, Academic Press, San Diego, CA.
Raynal, D.J., J.P. Gibbs, N.H. Ringler, and D.J. Leopold. 1998. Ecological surveys: The basis for natural area management (Exercise 21), pp. 125-144, In: J.P. Gibbs, M.L. Hunter, Jr., and E.J. Sterling, Problem-Solving in Conservation Biology and Wildlife Management, Blackwell Science, Inc., Cambridge, MA.
Leopold, D.J. and M.K. Wali. 1992. Rehabilitation of forest ecosystems in eastern North America, pp.187-231, In: M.K. Wali (ed.), Environmental Rehabilitation. Vol. 2. Ecosystem Analysis and Synthesis, S.P. Bakker Publishers, The Hague, The Netherlands.
Published Manuscripts (refereed - selected out of 75)
Garcia-Polo, J., S.A.W. Diemont, T.B. Falkowski, and D.J. Leopold. 2024. A wetland condition assessment to consider ecological relationships of a Maya cultural keystone species within the Lake Atitlan, Guatemala littoral zone. Wetlands:44 (
Morin, T.H., V. Davies, T.A. Volk, A.S. Eallonardo, and D.J. Leopold. 2024. Continuous measurements of CO2, CH4, and H2O fluxes from a restored marl fen and inland salt marsh communities overlaying chemical-byproduct settling basins. Ecological Engineering: in press
Weber, J.B. and D.J. Leopold. 2023. Substrate moisture and texture affect germination in Houghton’s goldenrod (Solidago houghtonii), a federally-protected Great Lakes endemic plant. 2022. Native Plants Journal 24:33-43.
Heo, N., D.J. Leopold, M.V. Lomolino, S. Yun, and D.D. Fernando. 2022. Global and regional drivers of abundance patterns in the hart's tongue fern complex (Aspleniaceae). Annals of Botany
Farley, E.B., M.L. Schummer, D.J. Leopold, J.M. Coluccy, and D.C. Tozer. 2021. Influence of water level management on vegetation and bird use of restored wetlands in the Montezuma Wetlands Complex. Wildlife Biology doi:10.1002/wlb3.01016.
Haynes, K.R., J. Friedman, J.C. Stella and D.J. Leopold. 2021. Assessing climate change tolerance and the niche breadth-range size hypothesis in rare and widespread alpine plants. Oecologia 196:1233-1245.
Langdon, S.F., M. Dovciak and D.J. Leopold. 2020. Tree encroachment varies by plant community in a large peatland complex in the boreal-temperate ecotone of northeastern USA. Wetlands .
Kilheffer, C., H.B. Underwood, L. Ries, J. Raphael, and D.J. Leopold. 2019. Effects of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus borealis) exclusion on plant recovery in overwash fans after a catastrophic coastal storm. AoB Plants 11(5):1-9.
Kilheffer, C., H.B. Underwood, J. Raphael, L. Ries, S. Farrell, and D.J. Leopold. 2019. Deer do not affect short-term rates of vegetation recovery in overwash fans on Fire Island after Hurricane Sandy. Ecology and Evolution 9:11742-11751.
Mattingly, K.Z., J.J. Wiley, and D.J. Leopold. 2019. Invasive species removal promotes habitat restoration but does improve the condition of a threatened plant subspecies. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 10:111-125.
Raney, P.A. and D.J. Leopold. 2018. Fantastic wetlands and where to find them: Modeling rich fen distribution in New York State with maxent. Wetlands 38:81-93.
Mattingly, K.Z. and D.J. Leopold. 2018. Habitat indicators of a federally listed glacial relict plant species restricted to cliffs in the northern U.S. Natural Areas Journal 38:54-67.
Bouchard J.R., D.D. Fernando, S.B. Bailey, J. Weber-Townsend and D.J. Leopold. 2017. Contrasting patterns of genetic variation in central and peripheral populations of Dryopteris fragrans (fragrant wood fern) and implications for colonization dynamics and conservation. International Journal of Plant Science 178: 607-617.