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Employment (1)

University of Groningen: Groningen, Groningen, NL

Source: Self-asserted source
Janka Stoker

Works (5)

De nieuwe leider in het hemd gezet? Een kritische reflectie op concept, causaliteit en context van leiderschap

Gedrag & Organisatie
2024-06-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Janka I. Stoker
Source: check_circle

Leading and Working From Home in Times of COVID-19: On the Perceived Changes in Leadership Behaviors

Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies
2022-05 | Journal article
Contributors: Janka I. Stoker; Harry Garretsen; Joris Lammers
Source: check_circle

Tightening the leash after a threat: A multi-level event study on leadership behavior following the financial crisis

The Leadership Quarterly
2019-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Janka I. Stoker; Harry Garretsen; Dimitrios Soudis
Source: check_circle

Brexit and the relevance of regional personality traits: more psychological Openness could have swung the regional vote

Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society
2018-03-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Harry Garretsen; Janka I Stoker; Dimitrios Soudis; Ron L Martin; Peter Jason Rentfrow
Source: check_circle

The Facial Appearance of CEOs: Faces Signal Selection but Not Performance

2016-07-27 | Journal article
Contributors: Janka I. Stoker; Sabine Windmann; Harry Garretsen; Luuk J. Spreeuwers
Source: check_circle