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Mummy, Physical Anthropology, Paleopathology, Stable Isotopes, Archaeology, Trentino-Alto Adige


Works (50 of 110)

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The Gebelein Mummies: a review of the human remains and archaeological objects of Dr C. Reinhardt in the Berlin collection

8th International Conference “Egypt at its Origins” on Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt ; Kraków ; 16.9.2024 - 20.9.2024
2024-09-16 | Other


Contributors: Kuhn R; Teßmann B; Paladin A; Salem N; Sutherland ML; Zink A; Wurst C; Rosendahl W; Zesch S
Source: check_circle
Eurac Research

Exploring public perception: an ongoing project on the impact of ancient human remains via computerized craniofacial depiction

GIGA_Primo Congresso del Gruppo Italiano Giovani Antropologǝ ; Rome ; 2.9.2024 - 3.9.2024
2024-09-02 | Other


Contributors: Manzollino R; Liu J; Malatesta SG; Leopardi L; Genovese G; Palombini A; Wilkinson C; Paladin A
Source: check_circle
Eurac Research

Exploring ancient dental calculus: uncovering the diversity of oral archaeal Methanobrevibacter through metagenomic analysis

30th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists (EAA) ; Rome ; 28.8.2024 - 31.8.2024
2024-08-28 | Other


Contributors: Granehäll L; Huang KD; Tett A; Manghi P; Paladin A; O’Sullivan N; Rota-Stabelli O; Segata N; Zink A; Maixner F
Source: check_circle
Eurac Research

Exploring Public Perception: an ongoing project on the impact of Ancient Human Remains via Computerized Craniofacial Depiction

30th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists (EAA) ; Rome ; 28.8.2024 - 31.8.2024
2024-08-28 | Other


Contributors: Manzollino R; Liu J; Malatesta SG; Leopardi L; Genovese G; Montanari R; Palombini A; Wilkinson C; Paladin A
Source: check_circle
Eurac Research

Facial depictions of pre-Columbian Bolivian mummies and ethical museum approaches: an introduction to the project

30th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists (EAA) ; Rome ; 28.8.2024 - 31.8.2024
2024-08-28 | Other


Contributors: Conti V; Liu J; Valverde G; Castedo L; Maixner F; Zink A; Paladin A; Wilkinson C
Source: check_circle
Eurac Research

Kinship Patterns and Genetic Profile in the Late Iron Age: Seminario Vescovile Necropolis (Northeastern Italy; 3rd–1st Centuries BCE)

30th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists (EAA) ; Rome ; 28.8.2024 - 31.8.2024
2024-08-28 | Other


Contributors: Zingale S; Laffranchi Z; Paladin A; Goffredo G; Salzani L; Dori I; Zink A; Miella M; Coia V
Source: check_circle
Eurac Research

Qubbet El-hawa North, Egypt: ongoing bioanthropological study on the human remains from the Old Kingdom tomb 9 (QHN 9)

30th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists (EAA) ; Rome ; 28.8.2024 - 31.8.2024
2024-08-28 | Other


Contributors: Paladin A; Teßmann B; Seyfried F; Konert S; Kuhn R
Source: check_circle
Eurac Research

The 3,300-year-old Yersinia pestis genome of an ancient Egyptian mummified individual

European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association PPA ; Leiden ; 21.8.2024 - 24.8.2024
2024-08-21 | Other


Contributors: Maixner F; Gaul E; Mussauer A; Paladin A; Wurst C; Sarhan M; Samadelli M; Del Vesco P; Facchetti F; Posth C et al.
Source: check_circle
Eurac Research

Geographic origin, ancestry, and death circumstances at the Cornaux/Les Sauges Iron Age bridge, Switzerland

Scientific Reports
2024-06-17 | Journal article


Contributors: Laffranchi Z; Zingale S; Indra L; Coia V; Salazar García DC; Paladin A; Kaeser MA; Delley G; Szidat S; Lösch S et al.
Source: check_circle
Eurac Research

Paleogenetic investigation of Late Iron Age "Celtic" groups from north and south of the Alps (4th - 1st century BCE)

Iron Age Lives: Exploring Social Dynamics in Later Prehistoric Britain and Europe ; York ; 7.6.2024 - 7.6.2024
2024-06-07 | Other


Contributors: Zingale S; Laffranchi Z; Paladin A; Milella M; Coia V; Zink A
Source: check_circle
Eurac Research

Atherosclerosis in ancient mummified humans: the global HORUS study

European Heart Journal
2024-05-28 | Journal article


Part of ISSN: 0195-668X
Contributors: Thompson RC; Sutherland ML; Allam AH; Paladin A; Zink AR; Wann LS; Sutherland JD; Frohlich B; Hunt D; Miyamoto MI et al.
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Eurac Research
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Il progetto CELTUDALPS: nuove prospettive sulla mobilità territoriale e la variazione genetica in Svizzera ed Italia settentrionale durante la tarda età del Ferro

Working Group for Prehistoric Research in Switzerland (AGUS-GPS) Jahresversammlung. ; Bern ; 1.3.2024 - 1.3.2024
2024-03-01 | Other


Contributors: Milella M; Laffranchi Z; Lösch S; Zingale S; Coia V; Paladin A; Zink A
Source: check_circle
Eurac Research

Genetic study of Predynastic to early Islamic ancient Egyptian human remains

Mummies and the Ancient Egyptians ; Budapest ; 29.1.2024 - 2.2.2024
2024-01-29 | Other


Contributors: Mussauer A; Wurst C; Paladin A; Coia V; Maixner F; Zink A
Source: check_circle
Eurac Research

The multidisciplinary study of ancient Egyptian mummies

Mummies and the Ancient Egyptians ; Budapest ; 29.1.2024 - 2.2.2024
2024-01-29 | Other


Contributors: Zink A; Wurst C; Paladin A; Mussauer A; Maixner F
Source: check_circle
Eurac Research

Genetic Predisposition of Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease in Ancient Human Remains

Annals of Global Health
2024-01-25 | Journal article
Contributors: Christina Wurst; Frank Maixner; Alice Paladin; Alexandra Mussauer; Guido Valverde; Jagat Narula; Randall Thompson; Albert Zink
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Preferred source (of 2)‎

'Celts Up & Down the Alps': Tracing the Genetic History of Late Iron Age Human Groups from North and South of the Alps (4th–1st Century BCE)

Annual Meeting of the Swiss Society of Anthropology (SGA/SSA) ; Zürich ; 23.11.2023 - 23.11.2023
2023-11-23 | Other


Contributors: Zingale S; Laffranchi Z; Paladin A; Lösch S; Arenz G; Salzani L; Dori I; Müller F; Haussener V; Kaeser MA et al.
Source: check_circle
Eurac Research

The Bologna Mummy Project (BOmp)

CIPEG Annual Meeting 2023 and the 4th CIPEG Young Meeting: "Local and National Museums: celebrating 40 years of CIPEG 1983-2023” ; Luxor ; 20.11.2023 - 24.11.2023
2023-11-20 | Other


Contributors: Picchi D; Samadelli M; Paladin A
Source: check_circle
Eurac Research

Ancestry and kinship in a Late Antiquity-Early Middle Ages cemetery in the Eastern Italian Alps

2023-10-30 | Journal article


Contributors: Coia V; Paladin A; Zingale S; Wurst C; Croze M; Maixner F; Zink A
Source: check_circle
Eurac Research

Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease in mummies: a polygenic risk score based on a genetic enrichment approach

New Horizons in Biomolecular Archaeology (ISBA10) ; Tartu ; 13.9.2023 - 16.9.2023
2023-09-13 | Other


Contributors: Wurst C; Maixner F; Paladin A; Mussauer A; Valverde G; Thompson R; Zink A
Source: check_circle
Eurac Research

Genetic study of ancient Egyptian human remains dating from the Predynastic Period to the early Islamic Period (ca. 4000 cal. BCE - 800 cal. CE)

New Horizons in Biomolecular Archaeology (ISBA10) ; Tartu ; 13.9.2023 - 16.9.2023
2023-09-13 | Other


Contributors: Mussauer A; Wurst C; Paladin A; Coia V; Maixner F; Zink A
Source: check_circle
Eurac Research

Evidence of positional plagiocephaly from the pre-Roman necropolises of Matelica (Macerata, Italy)

XXV Congresso Associazione Antropologica Italiana ; Torino ; 6.9.2023 - 8.9.2023
2023-09-06 | Other


Contributors: Beck De Lotto MA; Paladin A; Magno G; Zampieri F; Casci Ceccacci T; Zanatta A
Source: check_circle
Eurac Research

"Celts" Up & Down the Alps: New isotopic insights on mobility in Pre-Roman Verona (NE Italy, 3rd - 1st C. BCE)

EAA2023 - 29th European Association of Archaeologists Annual Meeting ; Belfast ; 29.8.2023 - 2.9.2023
2023-08-29 | Other


Contributors: Laffranchi Z; Zingale S; García DCS; Lösch S; Arenz G; Coia V; Paladin A; Salzani L; Zink A; Milella M
Source: check_circle
Eurac Research

Genetic History of Late Iron Age (4th – 1st century BCE) Human Groups from both sides of the Alps

EAA2023 - 29th European Association of Archaeologists Annual Meeting ; Belfast ; 29.8.2023 - 2.9.2023
2023-08-29 | Other


Contributors: Zingale S; Laffranchi Z; Paladin A; Lösch S; Dori I; Müller F; Kaeser MA; Coia V; Milella M; Zink A
Source: check_circle
Eurac Research

The CeltUDAlps project: a multifaceted perspective on Late Iron Age territorial mobility and genetic variation in Northern Italy and Switzerland

EAA2023 - 29th European Association of Archaeologists Annual Meeting ; Belfast ; 29.8.2023 - 2.9.2023
2023-08-29 | Other


Contributors: Milella M; Laffranchi Z; Zingale S; Lösch S; Arenz G; Coia V; Paladin A; Zink A
Source: check_circle
Eurac Research

"Celts up & down the Alps". A multidisciplinary study of Late Iron Age contexts from Switzerland and Northern Italy (4th-1st c. BCE).

ESEH Conference 2023 (European Society of Environmental History) ; Bern ; 22.8.2023 - 26.8.2023
2023-08-22 | Other


Contributors: Milella M; Laffranchi Z; Zingale S; Paladin A; Coia V; Müller F; Salzani L; Salazar-García D C; Arenz G; Szidat S et al.
Source: check_circle
Eurac Research

Uncovering the Genetic Diversity and Structure of Prehistoric Individuals from the Iceman’s territory in the Eastern Italian Alps

Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution SMBE2023 ; Ferrara ; 23.7.2023 - 27.7.2023
2023-07-23 | Other


Contributors: Croze M; Paladin A; Zingale S; Maixner F; Pedrotti A; Günther T; Zink A; Coia V
Source: check_circle
Eurac Research

Scurvy in Bolivia? A case study of a pre-Columbian child

PSLMeet 2023 - Porous Skeletal Lesions. Achievements and future directions ; Coimbra ; 7.7.2023 - 8.7.2023
2023-07-07 | Other


Contributors: Paladin A; Anderson A; Sutherland ML; Butrón J; Maixner F; Samadelli M; Valverde G; Zink A
Source: check_circle
Eurac Research

An Egyptian mummy of the Roman period with a painted shroud: a multi-analytical study of its technical features.

International conference Ancient Egypt New Technology 2nd edition. ; Napoli ; 5.7.2023 - 7.9.2023
2023-07-05 | Other


Contributors: Picchi D; Buscaglia P; Piccirillo A; Genta R; Pozzi F; Cardinali M; Samadelli M; Paladin A; Caliri C; Romano FP et al.
Source: check_circle
Eurac Research

The Reinhardt Mummies from Gebelein at the States Museum’s of Prussian Heritage in Berlin. A review of the human remains and archaeological objects

International Symposium - From Foragers to Farmers in Northeastern Africa ; Poznan ; 3.7.2023 - 6.7.2023
2023-07-03 | Other


Contributors: Kuhn R; Teßmann B; Zink A; Paladin A; Wurst C; Zesch S
Source: check_circle
Eurac Research

Six cases of positional plagiocephaly from the pre-Roman necropolises of Crocifisso and Brecce in Matelica (MC, Marche)

GIPaleo ; Napoli ; 17.6.2023 - 17.6.2023
2023-06-17 | Other


Contributors: Beck De Lotto MA; Paladin A; Magno G; Zampieri F; Casci Ceccacci T; Zanatta A
Source: check_circle
Eurac Research

An Egyptian mummy of the Roman period with a painted shroud: a multi-analyticalstudy of its technical features.

TECHNART 2023 International conference on analytical techniques in art and cultural heritage. ; Lisbona ; 7.5.2023 - 12.5.2023
2023-05-07 | Other


Contributors: Piccirillo A; Buscaglia P; Pozzi F; Caliri C; Romano FP; Pavone DP; Ravan EL; Conti C; Catrambone M; Miliani C et al.
Source: check_circle
Eurac Research

Celts down the Alps: New isotopic data on territorial mobility among the Late Iron Age Cenomani of Verona (NE Italy, 3rd -1st c. BCE)

AABA - American Association of Biological Anthropologists ; Reno ; 19.4.2023 - 22.4.2023
2023-04-19 | Other


Contributors: Laffranchi Z; Zingale S; Salazar-García DC; Lösch S; De La Cruz Cordoba M; Arenz G; Coia V; Paladin A; Salzani L; Dori I et al.
Source: check_circle
Eurac Research

Reconstructing the genetic history of the Late Iron Age “Celtic” groups from north and south of the Alps (4th -1st century BCE) (CELT.U.D.ALPS)

AABA - American Association of Biological Anthropologists ; Reno ; 19.4.2023 - 22.4.2023
2023-04-19 | Other


Contributors: Zingale S; Laffranchi Z; Paladin A; Meiseleder L; Lösch S; Arenz G; Salzani L; Dori I; Müller F; Haussener V et al.
Source: check_circle
Eurac Research

Storia di una “Bella” egiziana da Tebe Ovest

Invito al Museo Civico Archeologico. Visite. Incontri. Laboratori. ; Bologna ; 21.1.2023 - 30.4.2023
2023-01-21 | Other


Contributors: Picchi D; Paladin A; Samadelli M
Source: check_circle
Eurac Research

Mitogenomic diversity and stable isotopes provide insights into the maternal genetic history, mobility patterns, and diet of early medieval individuals from the Eastern Italian Alps

Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences
2022-12-02 | Journal article


Part of ISSN: 1866-9557
Contributors: Coia V; Paladin A; Zingale S; Croze M; Cavada E; Lösch S; Maixner F; Zink A
Source: check_circle
Eurac Research

Storia di una “Bella” egiziana da Tebe Ovest

Ciclo di incontri del CISE, centro italiano studi egittologici ; Imola ; 18.11.2022 - 18.11.2022
2022-11-18 | Other


Contributors: Picchi D; Paladin A; Samadelli M
Source: check_circle
Eurac Research

“Celts” Up & Down the Alps: Origin and Mobility Patterns on Both Sides of the Alps During the Late Iron Age (4th – 1st century BCE)

Workshop Cultural transfer, mobility and networks: Osteoarchaeological perspectives on socioeconomic changes in European Iron Age societies ; Constance ; 16.11.2022 - 17.11.2022
2022-11-16 | Other


Contributors: Zingale S; Laffranchi Z; Lösch S; Salzani L; Dori I; Müller F; Paladin A; Coia V; Maixner F; Milella M et al.
Source: check_circle
Eurac Research

Una marmotta mummificata a 4300 metri: il museo regionale di scienze naturali Efisio Noussan cura il recupero del reperto, la sua conservazione e le indagini di laboratorio

XXXI Congresso ANMS-Musei scientifici ambiente terriorio. Nuove visioni, obiettivi, servizi, relazioni per comunitá sostenibili. ; Aosta ; 18.10.2022 - 21.10.2022
2022-10-18 | Other


Contributors: Botti V; Tutino S; Paladin A; Samadelli M
Source: check_circle
Eurac Research

Una marmotta mummificata a 4300 metri: recupero, conservazione e indagini sul reperto a cura del Museo Efisio Noussan

XXXI Congresso ANMS-Musei scientifici ambiente terriorio. Nuove visioni, obiettivi, servizi, relazioni per comunitá sostenibili. ; Aosta ; 18.10.2022 - 21.10.2022
2022-10-18 | Conference paper


Contributors: Botti V; Tutino S; Paladin A; Samadelli M
Source: check_circle
Eurac Research

Face to face with human remains: the case study of an Egyptian mummy’s facial reconstruction

Le scienze e i beni culturali: innovazione e multidisciplinarietà ; Milano ; 19.9.2022 - 20.9.2022
2022-09-19 | Other


Contributors: Conti V; Rodella L; Del Vesco P; Zink A; Manzollino R; Paladin A
Source: check_circle
Eurac Research

Facial depiction of a Roman Period mummy with portrait from the Fayoum Oasis, Egypt

10th World Congress on Mummy Studies ; Bolzano ; 5.9.2022 - 9.9.2022
2022-09-05 | Other


Contributors: Liu J; Wilkinson C; Roch A; Zesch S; Mussauer A; Paladin A; Zink A
Source: check_circle
Eurac Research

Four thousand years of maternal ancestry in ancient Egypt illuminated by mitochondrial genome sequencing

10th World Congress on Mummy Studies ; Bolzano ; 5.9.2022 - 9.9.2022
2022-09-05 | Other


Contributors: Mussauer A; Wurst C; Paladin A; Coia V; Maixner F; Helmbold-Doyé J; Del Vesco P; Rosendahl W; Zink A
Source: check_circle
Eurac Research

Genomic Analysis of Late Iron Age Individuals from Münsingen-Rain (Switzerland, 420-180 BCE)

10th World Congress on Mummy Studies ; Bolzano ; 5.9.2022 - 9.9.2022
2022-09-05 | Other


Contributors: Meiseleder L; Zingale S; Paladin A; Coia V; Laffranchi Z; Lösch S; Müller F; Milella M; Cemper-Kiesslich J; Maixner F et al.
Source: check_circle
Eurac Research

Mummy of vizir Imhotep: interdisciplinary study and restoration work

10th World Congress on Mummy Studies ; Bolzano ; 5.9.2022 - 9.9.2022
2022-09-05 | Other


Contributors: Facchetti F; Paladin A; Aicardi S; Manzollino R; Sutherland ML; Wurst C; Mussauer A; Samadelli M; Zink A; Greco C
Source: check_circle
Eurac Research

Reconstructing genomic and social structure of prehistoric groups from the eastern Italian Alps

10th World Congress on Mummy Studies ; Bolzano ; 5.9.2022 - 9.9.2022
2022-09-05 | Other


Contributors: Croze M; Paladin A; Zingale S; Maixner F; Pedrotti A; Günther T; Zink A; Coia V
Source: check_circle
Eurac Research

Revealing the “Maronite mummies” of Assi el Hadath Cave (Lebanon)

10th World Congress on Mummy Studies ; Bolzano ; 5.9.2022 - 9.9.2022
2022-09-05 | Other


Contributors: Zingale S; Paladin A; Moroder L; Alam N; Afeiche AM; Coia V; Zink A; Samadelli M
Source: check_circle
Eurac Research

The Bolivian Mummy Project: Different lines of scientific evidence for the study of pre-Columbian mummies at Museums

10th World Congress on Mummy Studies ; Bolzano ; 5.9.2022 - 9.9.2022
2022-09-05 | Other


Contributors: Valverde G; Niederkofler J; Paladin A; Samadelli M; Castedo L; Maixner F; Zink A
Source: check_circle
Eurac Research

The Bologna mummy project: an interdisciplinary approach to the study of human remains from Roman and Medieval Egypt

10th World Congress on Mummy Studies ; Bolzano ; 5.9.2022 - 9.9.2022
2022-09-05 | Other


Contributors: Picchi D; Samadelli M; Golfieri R; Vara G; Buscaglia P; Genta R; Piccirillo A; Pozzi F; Cardinali M; Tomedi I et al.
Source: check_circle
Eurac Research

The multifaceted nature of Egyptian mummification: New insights into child mummies

10th World Congress on Mummy Studies ; Bolzano ; 5.9.2022 - 9.9.2022
2022-09-05 | Other


Contributors: Zesch S; Panzer S; Paladin A; Sutherland ML; Lindauer S; Friedrich R; Helmbold-Doyé J; Pommerening T; Zink A; Rosendahl W
Source: check_circle
Eurac Research

The other face of musealization: 3D computerized reconstruction of the facial features of an Egyptian mummy

10th World Congress on Mummy Studies ; Bolzano ; 5.9.2022 - 9.9.2022
2022-09-05 | Other


Contributors: Manzollino R; Rodella L; Del Vesco P; Zink A; Conti V; Paladin A
Source: check_circle
Eurac Research
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