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Works (2)

A modified trans-anconeus approach to facilitate fixation of a posterior radial head fracture: a cadaveric feasibility study

Anatomy & Cell Biology
2023-03-31 | Journal article
Contributors: Ahmed Mohamed Desouky; Ahmed Naeem Atiyya; Mohamed Elbishbishi; Marwa Mohamed El Sawy
Source: check_circle

Partial Capitate with/without Hamate Osteotomy in the Treatment of Kienböck's Disease: Influence of the Stage of the Disease on the Midterm Outcome

Journal of Wrist Surgery
2020-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Ahmed Naeem Atiyya; Amr Nabil; Aly Ibrahim Abd El Lattif; Mohamed Nabil El Saied; Ramy Ahmed Soliman
Source: check_circle