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Applied Linguistics, English, Sociolinguistics, Language Policy and Planning, Codeswitching/Translanguaging, Language and New Media, African Linguistics, Ewe Linguistics


Teaching Philosophy:
•Adopting interactive and engaging approach to teaching and learning where the learner is at the centre of all pedagogic activities.
•Enhancing the social and cultural knowhow of learners through culturally appropriate examples during classroom discussions while fostering diversity and equality.
•Experienced in designing, delivering and adapting teaching materials to achieve pedagogic objectives using my own research and other research works.


Education and qualifications (4)

Aston University: Birmingham, West Midlands, GB

2022-01 to 2023-01 | MSc Human Resource Management (Aston Business School, College of Humanities and Social Sciences)
Source: Self-asserted source
Elvis ResCue (Yevudey)

Aston University: Birmingham, West Midlands, GB

2013-09 to 2017-10 | PhD (Applied Linguistics) (School of Languages and Social Sciences)
Source: Self-asserted source
Elvis ResCue (Yevudey)

Aston University: Birmingham, West Midlands, GB

2011-09 to 2013-03 | Masters (Applied Linguistics) (School of Languages and Social Sciences )
Source: Self-asserted source
Elvis ResCue (Yevudey)

University of Ghana: Accra, Greater Accra, GH

2005-08 to 2009-05 | Bachelor of Arts (Linguistics with English) (Department of Linguistics)
Source: Self-asserted source
Elvis ResCue (Yevudey)

Professional activities (1)

Linguistics Association of Ghana: Accra, Greater Accra, GH

2021-07 to 2023-09 | President
Source: Self-asserted source
Elvis ResCue (Yevudey)

Works (7)

Language and employment in Ghana: capturing the multilingual reality

Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development
2023-10-21 | Journal article
Contributors: Colin Reilly; Rosario Scandurra; Elvis ResCue; Kristinn Hermannsson; Angela Gayton
Source: check_circle

African contributions to four journals of sociolinguistics

2022-09-21 | Book chapter
Contributors: Evershed Kwasi Amuzu; Elvis ResCue; Bernard Boakye; ana Aba Appiah Amfo
Source: check_circle

Counter-hegemonic practices: a study of the song text of the Apoͻ festival of the Bono people of Techiman in Ghana

South African Journal of African Languages
2022-01-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Gertrude Nyarko-Takyi; Peter Arthur; Elvis ResCue
Source: check_circle

Carrying the War against COVID-19 into Ghanaian Communities: The Case of the Akan Community

E-Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
2021-08-31 | Journal article
Contributors: Peter Arthur, Dr; Charles Ofosu Marfo, Prof.; Elvis ResCue, Dr
Source: check_circle

A Pragma-Stylistic Approach to Analysing Proverbs: A Review of Some Selected Proverbs in Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart and Arrow of God

E-Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
2021-08-24 | Journal article
Contributors: Jonathan Essuman, Mr.; Elvis ResCue, Dr; Philomena Ama Okyeso Yeboah, Dr
Source: check_circle

Educational language policy in an African country: Making a place for code-switching/translanguaging

Applied Linguistics Review
2020 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Elvis ResCue (Yevudey)

Teacher Trainee sociolinguistic backgrounds and attitudes to language-in-education in Ghana: A preliminary survey

Current Issues in Language Planning
2019 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Elvis ResCue (Yevudey)