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Architectural history, Art, Art history, Urbanism, Urban History, Urban Regeneration, Creative City-making, Creative industries, Urban theory, Contemporary Heritage, Urban Heritage


María F. Carrascal Pérez is PhD Architect and Lecturer in Architectural History, Theory and Composition, teaching at the University of Seville (USE) since 2008. Her academic work focuses on the regeneration of contemporary cities and their artistic, architectural, and urban heritage in North American and European contexts, exploring sustainable strategies for its management and intervention from the sector of creativity and culture. Her recent studies address the intersection of creative industries with the rehabilitation of historic centers, the inclusion of local communities, tactical urbanism and placemaking, distinguished with Magallanes-Elcano Social Innovation Award. She is the responsible for the first strategic program on Creative Industries in the Management Plan for Heritage Municipal Buildings of Seville (2022) and the current research project CREAfab on Creative Reindustrialization of Historic Centers, funded by Andalusian Government. She has been the co-founder of the international research and teaching platform Laboratorio Q, on Places of Urban Creativity (2012-) in collaboration with UCL, Universidad de los Andes and Politecnico di Milano, and promoter of the four editions of the International Conference on Urban Creativity organized at USE (2012-2016).

She is the coordinator of USE-EMVISESA Chair on Social Housing (PI. Prof. Filomena Gálvez) and a research member of UNESCO's Chair CREhAR and the Erasmus + project HERSUS (PI. Prof. Mar Loren). Since 2011, she is fellow of the USE Research Group PAI HUM666: Contemporary City, Architecture and Heritage. She held a postdoctoral reseacher position in the USE Department of Urban Planning (2019-2021). Carrascal has developed R+D+i research projects funded by local, regional and state excellence programs. She was responsible for the research projects WeCity I and II: Creative and Sustainable Intergenerational Neighborhood Model for Cordoba. She is co-author of the research and publication Handbook of Good Practices. For the Intervention on Obsolete Residencial Estates - Barriadas Creativas e Inclusivas (Abada Editores, 2016; PI: Prof. Carlos García Vázquez), subsequently participating in the project re-Habitar (IAPH, 2017).

In the field of design culture and gender studies, she has conducted the seminar Pioneering an Open Acess to the City. From the 1970s New York and the exhibition Other Urban Landscapes at Cornell University (2018) and, together with Prof. María Aguilar Alejandre, she coordinates the research and project-network @DmujerAnd: Design and Women in Andalusia (2019-), encouraged by USE Equality Unit with the institutional collaboration of AAD, COAS and AEDI. She is a researcher in the project R+D+i PAIDI 2020 Artisans and Designers in Andalusia: From The Bauhaus to the XXI Century (IP: Prof. Marisa Vadillo).

Since 2008, she lectures at the Highest Technical School of Architecture (Departments of HTCA, DUOT and PA) and the Master of Sustainable City and Architecture (2013-) and curates special international seminars and exhibitions. Carrascal has been a visiting scholar at Cornell University (AAP New York ), Columbia University (GSAPP), the Municipal Art Society of New York, the Politecnico di Milano - Campus di Milano (Ph. D. Program) and Piacenza (Master of Sustainable Architecture and Landscape Design), St John ‘s University New York (Department of Art and Design), Universidad Nacional de Colombia, and Universidad Politécnica de Barcelona (ETSAB). She also has accomplished visiting fellowships in the Spanish Cultural Center of Equatorial Guinea and the University of Delft.

Her doctoral thesis, entitled City and Art. Cross-dialogues on Space. New York in the 1970s, received the Extraordinary Doctorate Award, the highest distinction that the Spanish public university grants in the branch of Architecture and Engineering in Sevilla, and distinguished in the last Iberoamerican Biennial of Architecture and Urban Planning – X BIAU Sao Paulo 2016 –among more than a 150 thesis in the iberoamerican context. This work was supported by the Universidad de Sevilla through a four-year predoctoral fellowship and mobility grants. The research, which was also conducted at Columbia University, St. John’s University and Universidad de Barcelona (visiting scholar fellowships), including the Documentation Center of the Museum of Contemporary Art of Barcelona, MACBA, and the Archives of the Museum of Modern Art of New York, MoMA PS1 Archives, obtained the highest distinction (Sobresaliente, Cum Laude) and the International Mention.

Her office, ARTIPICA Creative Spaces, focused on temporary architecture, has been acknowledged by national and international institutions including COAM awards-Official Professional Association of Architects-Madrid, FAD Awards for Architecture and Interior Design-Barcelona, ICO Foundation-Spanish Government, or the Architectural League of New York.


Employment (9)

Universidad de Sevilla: Sevilla, ES

2021-11 to present | Phd Assistant Professor / Profesora Ayudante Doctora (Historia, Teoría y Composición Arquitectónicas)
Source: Self-asserted source
María F. Carrascal-Pérez

Universidad de Sevilla: Sevilla, ES

2019-03 to 2021-11 | Postdoctoral Researcher and Lecturer / Contratada de Acceso al Sistema Español de Ciencia, Innovación y Tecnología (Urbanística y Ordenación del Territorio)
Source: Self-asserted source
María F. Carrascal-Pérez

Universidad de Sevilla: Sevilla, ES

2015-03 to 2019-03 | Substitute Adjucnt Professor (PT) / Profesora Sustituta Interina (TP) (Historia, Teoría y Composición Arquitectónica)
Source: Self-asserted source
María F. Carrascal-Pérez

Cornell University Architecture Art and Planning: NYC Manhattan, New York, US

2018-08 to 2018-12 | Visiting Scholar / Lecturer (Architecture )
Source: Self-asserted source
María F. Carrascal-Pérez

St John's University: Global Program New York, NY, US

2017-09 to 2017-12 | Visiting scholar / Lecturer / Cultural Mentoring Program Coordinator (Department of Art and Design )
Source: Self-asserted source
María F. Carrascal-Pérez

Politecnico di Milano: Milano, Lombardia, IT

2016-11 to 2017-03 | Visiting scholar / Lecturer (CdS di LM in Sustainable Architecture and Landscape Design)
Source: Self-asserted source
María F. Carrascal-Pérez

St. John's University New York: New York City - Sevilla , New York - España, US

2015-12 to 2016-05 | Visiting scholar / Lecturer / Cultural Mentoring Program Coordinator (Department of Art and Design)
Source: Self-asserted source
María F. Carrascal-Pérez

Universidad de Sevilla: Sevilla, Andalucía, ES

2011-04 to 2015-03 | Predoctoral Researcher (competitive fellowship + contract) / Beca y Contrato Predoctoral de Investigación y Docencia (PIF) (Historia, Teoría y Composición Arquitectónica)
Source: Self-asserted source
María F. Carrascal-Pérez

Universidad de Sevilla: Sevilla, Andalucía, ES

2008-09 to 2009-06 | Substitute adjucnt professor (PT) / Profesora Sustituta Interina (TP) (Proyectos Arquitectónicos)
Source: Self-asserted source
María F. Carrascal-Pérez

Education and qualifications (5)

Universidad de Sevilla: Sevilla, Andalucía, ES

2015 | Internacional PhD / Extraordinary Doctorate Award US (Arquitectura)
Source: Self-asserted source
María F. Carrascal-Pérez

Universidad de Sevilla: Sevilla, Andalucía, ES

2008 to 2010 | MSc Sustainable City and Architecture
Source: Self-asserted source
María F. Carrascal-Pérez

Universidad de Sevilla: Sevilla, Andalucía, ES

2000 to 2007 | Architect
Source: Self-asserted source
María F. Carrascal-Pérez

Politecnico di Milano: Milano, Lombardia, IT

2005 to 2006 | Erasmus Grant (Architecture, Scenography, Interior Design, Allestimento )
Source: Self-asserted source
María F. Carrascal-Pérez

Cary Academy: Cary, NC, US

1999 to 2000 | Pre-College Year Education
Source: Self-asserted source
María F. Carrascal-Pérez

Professional activities (30)

Cátedra Vivienda EMVISESA-US: Sevilla, ES

2021 to present | Coordinator
Source: Self-asserted source
María F. Carrascal-Pérez

Asociación de Historiadores de la Arquitectura y el Urbanismo : Granada, ES

2021 to present | member
Source: Self-asserted source
María F. Carrascal-Pérez

UNESCO Chair CREhAR - Creative Research and Education in heritage Assessment and Regeneration: Sevilla, ES

2020 to present | researcher
Source: Self-asserted source
María F. Carrascal-Pérez

Asociación de Mujeres Arquitectas de España (en configuración): Madrid, ES

2020 to present | member
Source: Self-asserted source
María F. Carrascal-Pérez

Design and Woman in Andalusia (Forum and Network): Sevilla, ES

2019 to present | Coordinator / founder
Source: Self-asserted source
María F. Carrascal-Pérez

Research group HUM 666: Ciudad, Arquitectura y Patrimonio Contemporáneos: Sevilla, ES

2011 to present | researcher
Source: Self-asserted source
María F. Carrascal-Pérez

Laboratorio Q on Creative Urban Places (International Forum and Network): Seville, ES

2011 to present | founder / researcher
Source: Self-asserted source
María F. Carrascal-Pérez

College of Architecture of Texas University: Sevilla, ES

2023-04-20 to 2023-04-20 | Guest critic (Study Abroad Program, College of Architecture)
Invited position
Source: Self-asserted source
María F. Carrascal-Pérez

Università degli Studi di Firenze: Florence, IT

2021-10-11 to 2021-10-11 | Invited lecturer (Unità di Ricerca Interdipartimentale Florence Accesibility Lab)
Invited position
Source: Self-asserted source
María F. Carrascal-Pérez

College of Architecture of Texas University: Seville, ES

2021-10-07 to 2021-10-07 | Guest critic (Study Abroad Program, College of Architecture)
Invited position
Source: Self-asserted source
María F. Carrascal-Pérez

University of Beldrade. Università IUAV di Venezia: Belgrade, RS

2021-02-19 to 2021-02-19 | Invited Lecturer (ERASMUS + HERSUS project - Enhancing of Heritage Awareness and Sustainability of Built Environment in Architectural and Urban Design Higher Education)
Invited position
Source: Self-asserted source
María F. Carrascal-Pérez

Junta de Andalucía - I Congreso Innovación Social Magallanes-Elcano / Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica, Gobierno de España: Sevilla, AT

2021 | 1º Magallanes-Elcano Award on Social Innovation
Source: Self-asserted source
María F. Carrascal-Pérez

Universidad Santo Tomas - Villavicencio: Villavicencio, Meta, CO

2020-11-10 to 2020-11-10 | Invited Lecturer (Dirección de Investigación e Innovación de la Universidad Santo Tomás)
Invited position
Source: Self-asserted source
María F. Carrascal-Pérez

Universidad Santo Tomas - Villavicencio: Villavicencio, Meta, CO

2020-05-19 to 2020-05-20 | Invited Lecturer (Dirección de Investigación e Innovación de la Universidad Santo Tomás)
Invited position
Source: Self-asserted source
María F. Carrascal-Pérez

University of Huddersfield: Huddersfield, GB

2019-09-02 to 2019-09-04 | Program Committee (The City as a Commons - international research symposium 2019)
Invited position
Source: Self-asserted source
María F. Carrascal-Pérez

Municipal Art Society of New York: New York, New York, US

2018-08-31 to 2018-12-07 | Visiting scholar (Municipal Art Society of New York )
Invited position
Source: Self-asserted source
María F. Carrascal-Pérez

Cornell University: NYC, NY, US

2018-08-31 to 2018-12-07 | Visiting scholar (Architecture (AAP))
Invited position
Source: Self-asserted source
María F. Carrascal-Pérez

Universidad de Sevilla: Sevilla, Andalucía, ES

2018 to 2018 | 1º Extraordinary Doctorate Award (Rama Arquitectura e Ingeniería)
Source: Self-asserted source
María F. Carrascal-Pérez

Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Madrid: Madrid, ES

2018 to 2018 | COAM 2018 Award - Exhibition design
Source: Self-asserted source
María F. Carrascal-Pérez

Asociación Arquin-FAD del Fomento de las Artes y del Diseño (FAD): Barcelona, ES

2018 to 2018 | Selection Premis FAD - Ephimeral Architecture category
Source: Self-asserted source
María F. Carrascal-Pérez

St John's University: Global Program: New York, US

2017-09-04 to 2017-12-19 | Visiting scholar/ Lecturer (Department of Art and Design)
Invited position
Source: Self-asserted source
María F. Carrascal-Pérez

Politecnico di Milano - Polo Territoriale di Piacenza: Piacenza, Emilia-Romagna, IT

2016-11-28 to 2017-03-03 | Visiting scholar (Sustainable Architecture and Landscape Design)
Invited position
Source: Self-asserted source
María F. Carrascal-Pérez

St John's University: Global Program: New York, US

2016-04-04 to 2016-05-04 | Visiting scholar (Department of Art and Design)
Invited position
Source: Self-asserted source
María F. Carrascal-Pérez

St. John's University, Art and Design: Global Program: New York, US

2015-12-11 to 2016-03-03 | Visiting Scholar (Department of Art and Design)
Invited position
Source: Self-asserted source
María F. Carrascal-Pérez

X Bienal Iberoamericana de Arquitectura y Urbanismo: Sao Paulo, BR

2016 to 2016 | Doctoral Thesis distinction
Source: Self-asserted source
María F. Carrascal-Pérez

Politecnico di Milano: Milan, IT

Invited position
Source: Self-asserted source
María F. Carrascal-Pérez

Columbia University Graduate School of Architecture Planning and Preservation: New York, NY, US

2013-09-01 to 2014-03-01 | Visiting Scholar (Historic Preservation)
Invited position
Source: Self-asserted source
María F. Carrascal-Pérez

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya Escola Tècnica Superior d'Arquitectura del Vallès: Barcelona, ES

2012-09-01 to 2012-12-15 (Departament d'Urbanisme i Ordenació del Territori )
Invited position
Source: Self-asserted source
María F. Carrascal-Pérez

Spanish Cultural Center of Equatorial Guinea: Malabo, GQ

2012-02-17 to 2012-03-18 | Visiting Scholar
Invited position
Source: Self-asserted source
María F. Carrascal-Pérez

Universidad Nacional de Colombia: Bogota, CO

2012 to 2012 | Visiting scholar/ Mentor International Workshop (Arquitectura )
Invited position
Source: Self-asserted source
María F. Carrascal-Pérez

Funding (7)

CREAfab: Reindustrialización Creativa de los Centros Históricos. Industrias creativas, patrimonio industrial y nuevas formas sostenibles de habitar

2022 to 2024 | Grant
Junta de Andalucía (Sevilla, ES)
Source: Self-asserted source
María F. Carrascal-Pérez

Artisans and designers in Andalusia: from Bauhaus to the 21st century

2021-10 to 2023-06 | Grant
Consejería de Conocimiento, Investigación y Universidad, Junta de Andalucía (Sevilla, Andalucía , ES)
Source: Self-asserted source
María F. Carrascal-Pérez

Enhancing of Heritage Awareness and Sustainability of Built Environment in Architectural and Urban Design Higher Education

2021 to 2023 | Grant
Erasmus+ (Sevilla, ES)


Source: Self-asserted source
María F. Carrascal-Pérez

GISPARQ. Smart sustainable management of Architectural Heritage… Application to the Real Alcázar in Seville

2020-02 to 2022-04 | Grant
Consejería de Conocimiento, Investigación y Universidad, Junta de Andalucía (Sevilla, ES)
Source: Self-asserted source
María F. Carrascal-Pérez

The work of the Architect Martín Domínguez in Cuba 1937-1960. The Other Exile

2019-01 to 2022-12 | Grant
Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (Madrid, ES)
Source: Self-asserted source
María F. Carrascal-Pérez

Architecture and Urbanism in the Spanish Colonies in Africa. Construction of the Habitat of Modernity: Postcolonial definition

2014-01 to 2017-12 | Grant
Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (Madrid, ES)
Source: Self-asserted source
María F. Carrascal-Pérez

Intervention in obsolete residential neighborhoods

2013-11 to 2015-06 | Grant
ondos FEDER. Agencia Obra Pública, Junta de Andalucía. Consejería de Fomento y Vivienda (Madrid, ES)


Source: Self-asserted source
María F. Carrascal-Pérez

Works (34)


Proyecto, progreso, arquitectura
2024 | Journal article
Contributors: Safiya Tabali; José Manuel Romero-Ojeda; María F. Carrascal Pérez
Source: check_circle


Inteligencias Arquitectonicas e Urbanas
2023 | Book chapter | Writing - original draft
Contributors: María F. Carrascal-Pérez; Silvana Rodrigues de Oliveira
Source: Self-asserted source
María F. Carrascal-Pérez

Hacia una monumentalidad creativa. Notas para el fomento de la actividad creativa local en conjuntos patrimoniales urbanos

El Real Alcázar de Sevilla. Investigación sobre conjuntos monumentales para una gestión inteligente y sostenible del patrimonio arquitectónico
2023 | Book chapter | Writing - original draft
Contributors: María F. Carrascal-Pérez
Source: Self-asserted source
María F. Carrascal-Pérez

Creatividad y Ciudad Contemporánea. Una historia alternativa de transformación urbana

Arquitectura, ciudad y patrimonio. Historia, teoría e intervención contemporánea.
2022 | Book chapter | Writing - original draft
Contributors: María F. Carrascal-Pérez
Source: Self-asserted source
María F. Carrascal-Pérez

Diseñadoras andaluzas en activo, una estrategia hacia un diseño integral e integrador

Humanismo poliédrico. Nuevas apuestas de estética, arte género y ciencias sociales
2022 | Book chapter | Writing - original draft
Contributors: María Aguilar Alejandre; María F. Carrascal-Pérez; Silvana Rodrigues de Oliveira
Source: Self-asserted source
María F. Carrascal-Pérez


Proyecto, Progreso, Arquitectura
2022 | Journal article
Contributors: María F. Carrascal Pérez; Silvana Rodrigues de Oliveira
Source: check_circle

Cultural Heritage, Sustainability, Conservation, and Social Welfare. A Management Plan for the Historic Municipal Buildings of Seville (Andalusia, Spain)

The Historic Environment: Policy & Practice
2022-10-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Francisco M. Hidalgo-Sánchez; María F. Carrascal-Pérez; Julia Rey-Pérez; Carlos Plaza; Emilio J. Mascort-Albea
Source: check_circle

Espacio, fotografía y danza contemporánea. Aprendiendo del habitar confinado.

JIDA : textos de arquitectura docencia e innovación 8
2021 | Book chapter | Writing - original draft
Part of ISBN: 9788498809329
Contributors: María Aguilar Alejandre; María F. Carrascal-Pérez; Inmaculada Guerra Sarabia
Source: Self-asserted source
María F. Carrascal-Pérez

Future History: New Monumentality in Old Public Spaces

Teachable Monuments
2021 | Journal article
Source: check_circle
Web of Science Researcher Profile Sync

Art and Urban Regeneration in New York City. Doris C. Freedman’s Public Project

VLC arquitectura. Research Journal
2021-04-30 | Journal article
Contributors: María F. Carrascal Pérez
Source: check_circle

Inhabiting confinement: an interpretation through photography and contemporary dance

2020 | Journal article
Contributors: Aguilar-Alejandre, Maria; Carrascal-Perez, Maria F.; Guerra-Sarabia, Inmaculada
Source: check_circle
Web of Science Researcher Profile Sync

Klaus Biesenbach y Bettina Funcke (Ed.): MoMA PS1: A History

Proyecto, Progreso, Arquitectura
2020 | Book review
Part of ISSN: 2171-6897
Part of ISSN: 2173-1616
Source: Self-asserted source
María F. Carrascal-Pérez
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Pioneras de un Acceso Abierto a la Ciudad: Alanna Heiss, Doris c. Freedman and Anita Contini

Visiones urbanas. IX Jornadas Internacionales Arte y Ciudad
2020 | Conference paper | Writing - original draft
Contributors: María F. Carrascal-Pérez
Source: Self-asserted source
María F. Carrascal-Pérez

Re-making 'Corralas': Spaces for Creation and Construction of Identity in Seville's Historic District

Journal of Environmental Studies
2020 | Journal article | Writing - original draft
Contributors: Macarena Gross Ariza; Reyes Abad Flores; María F. Carrascal-Pérez
Source: Self-asserted source
María F. Carrascal-Pérez

Sevilla: Domestic City. Experimentation and Urban Critic from Confinement

2020 | Journal article
Contributors: Carrascal-Perez, Maria F.; Aguilar-Alejandre, Maria
Source: check_circle
Web of Science Researcher Profile Sync

Transferencias de la investigación a la docencia: metodologías creativas desde el Nueva York de la década de 1970

Innovación Docente e Investigación en Ciencias, Ingeniería y Arquitectura. Avanzando en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje
2020 | Book chapter | Writing - original draft
Contributors: María F. Carrascal-Pérez
Source: Self-asserted source
María F. Carrascal-Pérez

Herramientas de Aprendizaje Transversales para el Conocimiento del Patrimonio del Siglo XX vinculado a los Paisajes de la Producción en la Escuela de Arquitectura: la Participación Ciudadana y el Enfoque Transdisciplinar

Innovación Docente e Investigación en Ciencias, Ingeniería y Arquitectura. Avanzando en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje
2020-12 | Book chapter | Writing - original draft
Contributors: Julia Rey Pérez; María F. Carrascal-Pérez; Simona Pecoraio
Source: Self-asserted source
María F. Carrascal-Pérez
Preferred source (of 5)‎

La tertulia dialógica como estrategia participativa para la investigación: Propuesta para el desarrollo del TFM

Innovación Docente e Investigación en Educación. Avanzando en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje
2020-12 | Book chapter | Writing - original draft
Contributors: Simona Pecoraio; María Prieto Peinado; María F. Carrascal-Pérez
Source: Self-asserted source
María F. Carrascal-Pérez

Obsolescencia en la barriada de Nuestra Señora del Carmen

Re-habitar el Carmen. Un proyecto sobre patrimonio contemporáneo
2019 | Book chapter | Writing - original draft
Part of ISBN: 978-84-9959-344-9
Contributors: María F. Carrascal-Pérez; Carlos García Vázquez; Carolina Ledesma de la Rosa; Canadelaría López Romero ; Isabel Portillo Lugo
Source: Self-asserted source
María F. Carrascal-Pérez

The WeCITY: a key for the urban tomorrow. From the artistic community to the WeWork revolution.

The City as a Commons - international research symposium 2019
2019 | Conference paper | Writing - original draft
Part of ISBN: 978-186218166-3
Contributors: María F. Carrascal-Pérez; Margarita Calero Santiago
Source: Self-asserted source
María F. Carrascal-Pérez

“Laboratorio Q”, Seville: creative production of collective spaces before and after austerity

Journal of Urbanism: International Research on Placemaking and Urban Sustainability
2019 | Journal article | Writing - original draft
Contributors: María F. Carrascal-Pérez; Pablo Sendra; Antonio Alanís; Plácido González Martínez; Alfonso Guajardo-Fajardo; Carlos García Vázquez
Source: Self-asserted source
María F. Carrascal-Pérez
Preferred source (of 3)‎

Cuando el discurso critico se extiende del arte a lo urbano: crisis y reclamo en las décadas de 1970 y 2000.

Crítica de Arte: Crisis y Renovación
2019-03 | Book chapter | Writing - original draft
Contributors: María F. Carrascal-Pérez
Source: Self-asserted source
María F. Carrascal-Pérez

Around the artistic scene of 10th Street. A pioneer creative cluster in New York City

Revista Europea de Investigación en Arquitectura
2018-05-21 | Journal article | Writing - original draft
Contributors: María F. Carrascal-Pérez
Source: Self-asserted source
María F. Carrascal-Pérez

Tactical Piacenza. Creativity and new learning

2017 | Journal article
Contributors: Carrascal-Perez, Maria F.; Garcia-Vazquez, Carlos
Source: check_circle
Web of Science Researcher Profile Sync

Buenas Prácticas Urbanas/ Urban Best Practices

Intervención en barriadas residenciales obsoletas/ Intervention on Obsolete Residential States
2016 | Book chapter | Writing - original draft
Contributors: Carlos García Vázquez; Antonio Alanís Arroyo; María F. Carrascal-Pérez; Pablo Sendra Fernández
Source: Self-asserted source
María F. Carrascal-Pérez

The shared use of the cityscape. Revisiting the extraordinary case of SoHo

telondefondo. Revista de Teoría y Crítica Teatral
2016 | Journal article | Writing - original draft
Contributors: María F. Carrascal-Pérez
Source: Self-asserted source
María F. Carrascal-Pérez

City and art, cross-dialogues on space. New York in the 1970s

2015 | Dissertation or Thesis | Writing - original draft
Contributors: María F. Carrascal-Pérez
Source: Self-asserted source
María F. Carrascal-Pérez

Crossed colonization. housing development in urban peripherieS: The Hispanic-African Colonial Territories, 1912-1976-2013

Urban Planning in Sub-Saharan Africa: Colonial and Post-Colonial Planning Cultures
2015 | Book chapter


Contributors: Pérez, M.C.; Martínez, P.; Ikuga, L.M.; Suárez, A.M.; Pozuelo, P.R.; Fernández, P.S.
Source: Self-asserted source
María F. Carrascal-Pérez via Scopus - Elsevier
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Un mapa de relatos urbanos: Laboratorio Q de lugares de creatividad urbana

Dearq. Revista de Arquitectura
2015 | Journal article | Writing - original draft
Contributors: Antonio Alanís Arroyo; María F. Carrascal-Pérez; Pablo Sendra Fernández; Plácido González Martínez
Source: Self-asserted source
María F. Carrascal-Pérez

Urban Planning in Sub-Saharan Africa

2015 | Journal article
Source: check_circle
Web of Science Researcher Profile Sync

Poder, vivienda y periferia en África

Modernidades ignoradas. Indagaciones sobre arquitectos y obras (casi) desconocidas de la arquitectura moderna
2014 | Book chapter | Writing - original draft
Contributors: María F. Carrascal-Pérez; Plácido González Martínez; Laida Memba Ikuga; Alejandro Muchada Suarez; Pablo Rabasco Pozuelo
Source: Self-asserted source
María F. Carrascal-Pérez

Otras arquitecturas anticipadas. Un recorrido por el subsuelo, suelo y cielo de Nueva York: Other anticipated architectures. A journey through the subsoil, soil and sky of New York

2013 | Journal article | Writing - original draft
OTHER-ID: 1803068330
Contributors: María F. Carrascal-Pérez
Source: Self-asserted source
María F. Carrascal-Pérez

Centro de Día para Mayores

37º23N 5º59W
2011 | Book chapter | Writing - original draft
Part of ISBN: 9788493917500
Contributors: María F. Carrascal-Pérez; Candelaria López Romero; Oscar Rodríguez López
Source: Self-asserted source
María F. Carrascal-Pérez

Esceno y grafías

Universidad de Sevilla
2011 | Book | Writing - original draft
OTHER-ID: 657727
Contributors: María F. Carrascal-Pérez; Julia Rodríguez Pérez; Fran Pérez Román ; César Díaz Cano
Source: Self-asserted source
María F. Carrascal-Pérez