Personal information
The complete CV and the publication list: can be accessed here:
Born in Florence, Italy, on 04/11/1953.
Master Degree with honors in Agricultural Science and Technology in 1999 at the University of Florence, with a published thesis on "The Quality and Variability of Olive Production in Tuscany".
Qualified Doctor in Agronomy and is registered in the role list for Doctors in Agronomy and Doctors in Forestry of the Province of Florence (registration n. 944) since 2000.
Affiliations and positions:
01/05/1975 – 09/01/1995. Horticulture Department of the University of Florence.
1988 – 1993. Regional Institute for Educational Research Experimentation and Updating (IRRSAE, Istituto Regionale Ricerca, Sperimentazione Aggiornamento Educativi) of Tuscany as Instructor, trainer and team coordinator on the epistemological aspects and problems concerning the definition and transmission of educative contents for scientific subjects for the training of teachers of Primary School in the fields of Experimental Methodology, Plant Biology and Experimental Physics, Chemistry, Earth Science and Animal Biology.
24/09/2002 – now. Associate Faculty Member of the Center for Magnetic Resonance (CERM) of the University of Florence.
01/11/2002 – 01/11/2012. Department of Agricultural Biotechnology of the University of Florence; Senior Researcher in General and Inorganic Chemistry.
01/01/2013 – now. Department "Statistics, Computer Scinece Applications G. Parenti - DiSIA" of Florence. ; Senior Researcher in Commodity Science.
2016 – now. Fellow of the Italian Commodity Science Academy (AISME).
2004 - 2010. Member of the board of teachers of the International Doctorate in Structural Biology, (CERM).
2007/2008 - 2012/2013. Course of "General and Inorganic Chemistry" of the first degree course "Plant Production Science and Environment Management" of the Faculty of Agriculture of Florence.
2012/2013 – now. Course of "NEW TECHNOLOGIES AND ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTRY", in English, of the Master Degree course "DESIGN OF SUSTAINABLE TOURISM SYSTEMS".
Research fields
Quality and safety of agriculture and food products and of the environment; structural characterization and authentication of food allergens by high resolution NMR; characterization of typical products; application of multivariate statistical techniques on analytical data and setting of classification models to recognize the origin of products and evaluate their annual variability; low resolution Gamma-ray spectrometry.
Research Projects as Principal Investigator (or Co-investigator if a different P.I. or Coordinator is specified)
2003-2005 The Role of metal ions in metabolic processes; Coordinator I. Bertini – Cerm (Research Centre of Magnetic Rsonances; University of Florence).
2005-2009 with C. Luchinat (Cerm) as P.I. - EUROPREVALL (The prevalence, cost and basis of food allergy across Europe; (EU FP6-FOOD)
2006 Discovering and purification of biochemical and molecular markers of host-pathogen interaction for molecular phyto-diagnostic and non-conventional phytopharmacology; P.I. Tegli S. (Unifi)
2006-2008 Structural Genomics of metallo-proteins and their functional interactions. Coordinator I. Bertini (Cerm )
2008 Structural Authentication of macro-molecules of agri-food interest;
2008-2010 Natural Extract from Medical, Textile and Coloring Plants; Chemical Technological and Biological Characterization of Common Nettle (Urtica dioica), Laurel (Daphne sp.), Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia), Chestnut (Castanea sativa), Coordinator A. Romani, (University of Florence).
2009–2012 Authentication and Structural Analysis of macro-molecules of agri-food interest;
2013-2014 Chemometrical and Structural Authentication of Food Allergens, Olive (Olea europaea) Oil and Saffron (Crocus sativus);
2014 Gamma Spectrometry: Traceability, Quality, Safety.
2015 Methods and Standards for a Diffused and Cheap Radio-isotopical Characterization,of Agri-food Products, and By-products.
2016 ”Structural Authentication and Interactions of Food Allergens”.
2017 ”Structural Authentication and Interactions of Food Allergens”.
2018 ”Structural and functional Characterization of Food Allergens by High Resolution NMR”.
2019 "Structural and Functional Characterization of Food and Environmental Allergens, by high resolution NMR".