Personal information

Patient Safety, Resuscitation, Deteriorating Patient, Simulation, Clinical Education, Nursing Education, Knowledge Translation


Prior to retirement, Emeritus Professor Trudy Dwyer was the Deputy Dean (Research) at CQUniversity, Visiting Research Fellow with Central Queensland Hospital and Health Service (CQHHS) and a Fellow of the Australian College of Critical Care Nurses.
Her research has a strong focus on patient safety, clinical partnerships and knowledge translation research. Particularly around recognising and responding to clinical deterioration, evaluating hospital avoidance initiatives and research capacity building.

Based at a regional university her track record demonstrates a strong focus on clinical partnerships, a diversity of research skills and knowledge translation strategies. Professor Dwyer has over $4 million in competitive research funds, extensive journal publications, texts and book chapters. In more recent times her focus has been on art, particularly the use of watercolour.


Employment (2)

Retired: Yeppoon, QLD, AU

2020-06 to present | Emeritus Professor
Source: Self-asserted source
Trudy Dwyer

Central Queensland University: Rockhampton, QLD, AU

1991-01 to 2020-04 | Professor
Source: Self-asserted source
Trudy Dwyer

Education and qualifications (1)

Central Queensland University: Rockhampton, QLD, AU

2000-01 to 2004-04 | PhD
Source: Self-asserted source
Trudy Dwyer

Professional activities (1)

Central Queensland University: Rockhampton, QLD, AU

2021 to present | Emeritus Professor
Invited position
Source: Self-asserted source
Trudy Dwyer