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Education and qualifications (4)

Umeå university: Umeå, SE

2022 to present | Professor, senior consultant (Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Eva Levring Jäghagen

Umeå Universitet Medicinska fakulteten: Umea, SE

2000 to present | PhD (Odontology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Eva Levring Jäghagen

Västerbotten county council: Umeå, SE

1995 to present | Specialist Oral and maxillofacial radiology (Oral and maxillofacial radiology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Eva Levring Jäghagen

Umeå Universitet Medicinska fakulteten: Umea, SE

1986 to present | DDS (Odontology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Eva Levring Jäghagen

Peer review (4 reviews for 3 publications/grants)

Review activity for Clinical oral investigations. (1)
Review activity for Dentomaxillofacial radiology. (1)
Review activity for Oral radiology. (2)