Personal information
Sukardi Sukardi, Dr. M.Si curently as lecturer at Public Administration Department, University of Merdeka Malang, East Java, Indonesia. After final his graduate at 1990 he was become researcher assistant at NUFFIC a joint research project between International Social Studies (ISS), Wageningen Agriculture University (WAU), the Netherland with Brawijaya University on behalf the government of Republic Indonesia under INterdiciplinary RESearch (INRES Project). For four years between 1990-1994 he was active in field work with researchers as Ph.D candidate at ISS and WAU. He was also active in conducting field research and translating research question in english into Indonesia language, also into javanese language, writing down the dailly field notes , writing prelimanary reports series. Sukardi also active in community services, become volunteer at the Farmers Association South of Malang (FORKOTMAS) in cooperation with Indonesian Legal Aid Foundation Surabaya (LBH Surabaya and Malang). The farmer association active with 8000 peasents at six village at South of Malang who eager to got back 2050 ha land which claimming by government under transitional era. During passed graduates his Magister in Public Administration Science, at Gadjahmada University 2001 he also active in research and win for twice and got fund from the Research Competitive Grant (Riset Unggulan Kemitraan) which hold by Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI Jakarta). He was finalize Doctoral program at Faculty of Administrative Science at Brawijaya University 2015 he also put research the agrarian issues at south of Malang. At the present Sukardi become as a Dean at Social and Political Faculty at University of Merdeka Malang. He also become lecturer at graduate and post graduate in major : public administration theory, public policy evaluation method, public service evaluation. Besides, he has been becoming advisor and expert in : community development program, setting up collaborative model in governance with sorts of local government : Kabupaten Gresik, Kabupaten Magetan, Kabupaten Malang, Kabupaten Pasuruan, Kabupaten Probolinggo, Kabupaten Kutai Timur, Kabupaten Ponorogo, Kabupaten Probolinggo, Kabupaten Tulungagung, City of Kendari, City of Makassar, City of Banyuwangi, City of Batu, and City of Malang.