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Works (5)

Are Engineering Students Motivated by Interacting With Simulations They Program? A Controlled Study

2024-12-05 | Conference paper
Contributors: John Bacher; Thomas Price; James Skripchuk; Wengran Wang; Yang Shi; Keith Tran
Source: check_circle

An Investigation of the Drivers of Novice Programmers' Intentions to Use Web Search and GenAI

2024-08-12 | Conference paper
Contributors: James Skripchuk; John Bacher; Thomas Price
Source: check_circle

Overcoming Barriers in Scaling Computing Education Research Programming Tools: A Developer's Perspective

2024-08-12 | Conference paper
Contributors: Keith Tran; John Bacher; Yang Shi; James Skripchuk; Thomas Price
Source: check_circle

Novices' Perceptions of Web-Search and AI for Programming

2024-03-14 | Conference paper
Contributors: James Skripchuk; John Bacher; Yang Shi; Keith Tran; Thomas Price
Source: check_circle

Analysis of Novices' Web-Based Help-Seeking Behavior While Programming

2023-03-02 | Conference paper
Contributors: James Skripchuk; Neil Bennett; Jeffrey Zhang; Eric Li; Thomas Price
Source: check_circle