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I have many years of working experience in the IT industry, specializing in financial, risk, program, and project management. My last position was the Asia Pacific head of business intelligence in Cisco Systems Inc. I have just graduated with a PhD in Business from the Swinburne University of Technology. My research provides an in-depth study of how Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) use Business Intelligence & Analytics(Bl&A) to derive business value and why many SMEs fail. Firstly, it provides an understanding of current decision-making practices in SMEs. Secondly, it suggests the use of a short simple six-step iterative Bl&A cycle and a long-termed three-phase process to derive insights for improved business process application. Lastly, the research proposes a Bl&A leadership skill framework that SME leaders can take concerning managing data, analytical skills, cultural change, and financial investment at each leadership level to attain greater business value. I am also engaged as a sessional lecturer for Lyons College as well as a guest lecturer for Federation University.