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Art historian, he completed a PhD at the Institute of Arts in the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw. He wrote his doctoral thesis on the “Wprost” group, he analyses the Polish post-war art in the context of the socio-political changes, was granted a Ministry of Culture and National Heritage as part of the “Młoda Polska” (Young Poland) project and is carrying the research on the new figurative arts. He is interested in modern and contemporary painting, architecture, sculpture, photography, art in public space and art criticism. His works were published in "Biuletyn Historii Sztuki" = "Art History Bulletin", "Aspiracje. Kwartalnik Akademii Sztuk Pięknych w Warszawie = Aspirations. The Quarterly of Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw", "Kwartalnik Rzeźby Orońsko" = "Sculpture Quarterly Orońsko", "Quart" and „Znak”.