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Gerald is a Food Scientist currently working as an Assistant Lecturer in the Department of Food Innovation and Nutrition, Mountains of the Moon University. In addition to teaching, he has research skills as evidenced by his work experience in various ongoing and completed research projects. Some of the ongoing projects include; (i) optimization of processing conditions for the production of tea beverages from green tea leaves (ii) integration of Nutrition Assessment, Counseling and Support (NACS), and locally processed supplementary food product (LoPSuF) in the management of acute nutrition among children 6-23 months in Ntungamo District (iii) Investigating potential of apple-based products in the management of Type II diabetes. The recently completed project is Impact of Covid-19 lockdown and effectiveness of complementary feeding on the nutritional status of mothers and their malnourished breastfeeding children attending health facilities in Kla and Wakiso districts. In addition to teaching and research, he has also been engaged by communities as a consultant by various NGOs and small-scale food processing companies to train their staff in product development, processing and preservation, and good manufacturing practices (GMPs) some of which have acquired Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS) Certification.