Personal information

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Employment (3)

Institute of Freshwater Research: Drottningholm, SE

2011-07-01 to present | Researcher (Department of Aquatic Resources)
Source: Self-asserted source
Thomas Axenrot

Swedish Board of Fisheries: Drottningholm, SE

2006-07-01 to 2011-06-30 | Researcher (Freshwater Laboratory)
Source: Self-asserted source
Thomas Axenrot

Institute of marine and brackish water ecology: Stockholm, SE

2005-05-01 to 2006-06-30 | Researcher (Systems Ecology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Thomas Axenrot

Education and qualifications (2)

Marine and brackish water ecology: Stockholm, SE

2000-09-01 to 2005-05-01 | PhD (Systems Ecology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Thomas Axenrot

Biology: Linköping, SE

1995-09-01 to 1999-06-01 | MSc (Physics, chemistry and biology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Thomas Axenrot

Works (24)

Ontogenetic variation in lacustrine European smelt (Osmerus eperlanus) populations as a response to ecosystem characteristics : an indicator of population sensitivity to environmental and climate stressors

2024 | Report
Contributors: Thomas Axenrot; Erik Degerman
Source: check_circle

Pelagisk fisk i Mälaren 2023

2024 | Report
Contributors: Björn Rogell; Thomas Axenrot
Source: check_circle

Pelagisk fisk i Vänern 2023

2024 | Report
Contributors: Björn Rogell; Thomas Axenrot
Source: check_circle

Pelagisk fisk i Vättern 2023

2024 | Report
Contributors: Björn Rogell; Thomas Axenrot
Source: check_circle

Collaborative research enhances selectivity in a lake fishery

Fisheries Management and Ecology
2024-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Alfred Sandström; Johnny Norrgård; Thomas Axenrot; Henrik Ragnarsson‐Stabo; Malin Setzer; Tomas Jonsson
Source: check_circle

Stable isotope and fatty acid variation of a planktivorous fish among and within large lakes

2024-07-22 | Journal article
Contributors: Tomas O. Höök; Antonio Medina Guerrero; Nicholas I. Kalejs; Thomas Axenrot; Martin Ogonowski; Alfred Sandström
Source: check_circle

Provtagningsmetoder av akvatiska resurser med 3R i fokus

2023 | Report
Contributors: Hans Nilsson; Magnus Appelberg; Thomas Axenros
Source: check_circle

Seasonal variation in thermal habitat volume for cold-water fish populations : implications for hydroacoustic survey design and stock assessment

2023 | Report
Contributors: Thomas Axenrot; Erik Degerman; Anders Asp
Source: check_circle

A Baltic pelagic fish community revisited: Indications of profound changes in species composition in the Stockholm Archipelago

Fisheries Research
2023-07-07 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0165-7836
Contributors: Henrik Svedäng; Gustaf Almqvist; Thomas Axenrot
Source: Self-asserted source
Thomas Axenrot

Dödliga, invasiva och icke-invasiva provtagningsmetoder av akvatiska resurser

Institutionen för Akvatiska resurser, Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet
2022 | Report | Writing - original draft
Contributors: Thomas Axenrot; Hans Nilsson; Magnus Appelberg; Jerker Vinterstare
Source: Self-asserted source
Thomas Axenrot

Collaborative Research in Fisheries

Springer International Publishing
2020 | Book
Part of ISSN: 2212-6260
Part of ISSN: 2212-6279
Contributors: Thomas Axenrot
Source: Self-asserted source
Thomas Axenrot

Including 38 kHz in the standardization protocol for hydroacoustic fish surveys in temperate lakes

Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation
2019-12 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 2056-3485
Part of ISSN: 2056-3485
Contributors: Thomas Axenrot; Anne Mouget; Chloé Goulon; Thomas Axenrot; Helge Balk; Anne Lebourges‐Dhaussy; Malgorzata Godlewska; Jean Guillard
Source: Self-asserted source
Thomas Axenrot

Smelt (Osmerus eperlanus): Glacial relict, planktivore, predator, competitor, and key prey for the endangered Arctic char in Lake Vättern, southern Sweden

Journal of Great Lakes Research
2018-02 | Journal article | Writing - review & editing
Contributors: Thomas Axenrot; Johan Hammar; Erik Degerman; Anders Asp; Eva Bergstrand; Olof Enderlein; Olof Filipsson; Eva Kylberg
Source: Self-asserted source
Thomas Axenrot

Assessing the potential of remote sensing-derived water quality data to explain variations in fish assemblages and to support fish status assessments in large lakes

2016-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Alfred Sandström; Petra Philipson; Anders Asp; Thomas Axenrot; Anders Kinnerbäck; Henrik Ragnarsson-Stabo; Kerstin Holmgren
Source: Self-asserted source
Thomas Axenrot via Crossref Metadata Search

Year-class strength, physical fitness and recruitment cycles in vendace (Coregonus albula)

Fisheries Research
2016-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Thomas Axenrot; Erik Degerman
Source: Self-asserted source
Thomas Axenrot via Crossref Metadata Search

Can multi-frequency acoustics improve the monitoring of large zooplankton in large temperate lakes?

Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management
2014-10-02 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1463-4988
Part of ISSN: 1539-4077
Contributors: Henrik Ragnarsson-Stabo; Tobias Vrede; Thomas Axenrot; Alfred Sandström
Source: Self-asserted source
Thomas Axenrot

Has climate variability driven the trends and dynamics in recruitment of pelagic fish species in Swedish Lakes Vänern and Vättern in recent decades?

Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management
2014-10-02 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1463-4988
Part of ISSN: 1539-4077
Contributors: Alfred Sandström; Henrik Ragnarsson-Stabo; Thomas Axenrot; Eva Bergstrand
Source: Self-asserted source
Thomas Axenrot

Foraging, bioenergetic and predation constraints on diel vertical migration: field observations and modelling of reverse migration by young-of-the-year herring Clupea harengus.

2011-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Jensen OP; Hansson S; Didrikas T; Stockwell JD; Hrabik TR; Axenrot T; Kitchell JF
Source: Self-asserted source
Thomas Axenrot via Europe PubMed Central

Multifrequency discrimination of fish and mysids

ICES Journal of Marine Science
2009-05-02 | Journal article
Contributors: T. Axenrot; M. Ogonowski; A. Sandstrom; T. Didrikas
Source: Self-asserted source
Thomas Axenrot via Crossref Metadata Search

Acoustic characterization of Mysis relicta at multiple frequencies

Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.
2008 | Journal article
Contributors: Lars G. Rudstam; Frank R. Knudsen; Helge Balk; Gideon Gal; Brent T. Boscarino; Thomas Axenrot
Source: Self-asserted source
Thomas Axenrot via Crossref Metadata Search

Diel patterns in pelagic fish behaviour and distribution observed from a stationary, bottom-mounted, and upward-facing transducer

ICES Journal of Marine Science
2004-10 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Thomas Axenrot via Crossref Metadata Search

Seasonal dynamics in pelagic fish abundance in a Baltic Sea coastal area

Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science
2004-08 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0272-7714
Contributors: T. Axenrot; S. Hansson
Source: Self-asserted source
Thomas Axenrot

Corydoras diphyes (Siluriformes: Callichthyidae) and Otocinclus mimulus (Siluriformes: Loricariidae), two new species of catfishes from Paraguay, a case of mimetic association

Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters
2003-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Thomas Axenrot; Sven O Kullander, Swedish Museum of Natural History
Source: Self-asserted source
Thomas Axenrot

Predicting herring recruitment from young-of-the-year densities, spawning stock biomass, and climate

Limnol. Oceanogr.
2003-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Thomas Axenrot; Sture Hansson
Source: Self-asserted source
Thomas Axenrot via Crossref Metadata Search