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United Kingdom, United States, Italy, Singapore


Dr. Letizia Gionfrida has a background in designing, implementing, and evaluating vision-based models to improve diagnostic, rehabilitation, and assistive individuals with mobility impairments. She obtained her PhD from the Department of Bioengineering at Imperial College London. Her PhD work was on kinematics inference using cameras to assess disease activity in patients with arthritis. She then worked as a postdoctoral research fellow, in the Biorobtics Lab at Harvard University. During her postdoctoral training worked on the evaluation of vision-based predictive models to assess and improve internal and external variables to improve human-in-the-loop assistive strategies for individuals with mobility impairments. She is currently an Assistant Professor (UK Lecturer) in Computer Vision in the Department of Informatics at King's College London where she directs the Vision in Human Robotics Lab. She is interested in the inference of kinematics and dynamics of human movement using computer vision, in in-silico musculoskeletal models, and in computer vision to improve control strategies in assistive robotics.