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Education and qualifications (2)

University of Cambridge: Cambridge, GB

2022-10-03 to present | PhD in Astronomy (Institute of Astronomy)
Source: Self-asserted source
Jiten Dhandha

University of Manchester: Manchester, GB

2018-09-17 to 2022-06-10 | MPhys(Hons) Physics with Astrophysics (Department of Physics and Astronomy)
Source: Self-asserted source
Jiten Dhandha

Works (8)

Uncovering the Effects of Array Mutual Coupling in 21-cm Experiments with the SKA-Low Radio Telescope

arXiv e-prints
2024-12 | Working paper
Contributors: O'Hara, Oscar S. D.; Gueuning, Quentin; de Lera Acedo, Eloy; Dulwich, Fred; Cumner, John; Anstey, Dominic; Brown, Anthony; Fialkov, Anastasia; Dhandha, Jiten; Faulkner, Andrew et al.
Source: check_circle
NASA Astrophysics Data System

Understanding spectral artefacts in SKA-Low 21-cm cosmology experiments: the impact of cable reflections

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
2024-08-29 | Journal article
Contributors: Oscar S D O’Hara; Fred Dulwich; Eloy de Lera Acedo; Jiten Dhandha; Thomas Gessey-Jones; Dominic Anstey; Anastasia Fialkov
Source: check_circle

Decaying turbulence in molecular clouds: how does it affect filament networks and star formation?

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
2024-03-23 | Journal article
Contributors: Jiten Dhandha; Zoe Faes; Rowan J Smith
Source: check_circle

Understanding spectral artefacts in SKA-LOW 21-cm cosmology experiments: the impact of cable reflections

arXiv e-prints
2024-02 | Working paper
Contributors: O'Hara, Oscar Sage David; Dulwich, Fred; de Lera Acedo, Eloy; Dhandha, Jiten; Gessey-Jones, Thomas; Anstey, Dominic; Fialkov, Anastasia
Source: check_circle
NASA Astrophysics Data System

Cosmic mysteries and the hydrogen 21-cm line: bridging the gap with lunar observations

arXiv e-prints
2023-11 | Working paper
Contributors: Fialkov, Anastasia; Gessey-Jones, Thomas; Dhandha, Jiten
Source: check_circle
NASA Astrophysics Data System

Decaying turbulence in molecular clouds: how does it affect filament networks and star formation?

arXiv e-prints
2023-07 | Working paper
Contributors: Dhandha, Jiten; Faes, Zoe; Smith, Rowan J.
Source: check_circle
NASA Astrophysics Data System

Can accreting primordial black holes explain the excess radio background?

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
2022-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Acharya, Sandeep Kumar; Dhandha, Jiten; Chluba, Jens
Source: check_circle
NASA Astrophysics Data System

High-resolution imaging with the International LOFAR Telescope: Observations of the gravitational lenses MG 0751+2716 and CLASS B1600+434

Astronomy and Astrophysics
2022-02 | Journal article


Contributors: Badole, S.; Venkattu, D.; Jackson, N.; Wallace, S.; Dhandha, J.; Hartley, P.; Riddell-Rovira, C.; Townsend, A.; Morabito, L. K.; McKean, J. P.
Source: check_circle
NASA Astrophysics Data System