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Director of the Degree (BSc) in European Studies and International Relations, Director of the Masters in Science of Religions, and Professor at Lusófona University. He holds a Ph.D. in Political Science, a Master's in Law, and a Degree in Political Science and International Relations from the NOVA University of Lisbon. Research associate at the IPRI – Portuguese Institute of International Relations and at the LusoGlobe - Lusófona Centre on Global Challenges. Ph.D. fellow in the Postgraduate Program in Political Sociology of the UFSC - Federal University of Santa Catarina (Brazil), sponsored by the Erasmus Mundus Action 2 Programme of the European Union (2014-16) and by the FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology (2016-19). Visiting scholar in Sciences Po Paris - University of Poitiers. National correspondent for EUREL (EUrope - RELigion), University of Strasbourg (2017-19), Political Attaché at the Embassy of Belgium in Lisbon (2019-20), member of the Board of Directors of the CITER - Research Center for Theology and Religion Studies (2019-2021), and Research Policy Officer at the Portuguese PermRep in Brussels (2020-2021).
Employment (12)
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Professional activities (13)
Funding (6)