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Since many years, Greferath has been holding a Ph.D., as well as the so-called Habilitation, a common German qualification for entering a full and tenured professorship. The Habilitation as an award is a certificate that explicitly acknowledges the holder's ability to independently represent the subject of Mathematics both in research and teaching.
During my scholarly career Greferath authored roughly 80 high-quality and original research publications. Most of them appeared in refereed periodicals with impact factors considered high in hiss discipline (e.g.: IEEE Transactions on Information Theory). Others, were published in refereed conference proceedings, and, last not least, he has authored a variety of book chapters and three monographs.
During his years at University College Dublin (UCD), he attracted funding from external peer adjudicated grant agencies such as Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) and the European Science Foundation (ESF). The total amount of funding that he received as (independent) PI is roughly 1'000'000 EUR, and the total sum where he served as Co-PI exceeds 5'000'000 EUR.
Among the grants he obtained were the prestigious SFI Principal Investigator Award (2008), a European COST Action (2012), and the funding for his Distinguished Professorship in Finland (2015). In fact, from 2015 till 2019, he accepted an appointment as Finland Distinguished Professor (FiDiPro) at Aalto University in Helsinki.
To this date, Greferath has filed 3 invention disclosures, that led to a patent and an evaluation license with a major hard drive manufacturer. The most recent invention disclosure was filed at Aalto University in 2019 and covers the field of miniaturization of MRI devices. Beside further Associate Editorships for journals in my field, he served as Editor-in-Chief of the mathematical journal AMC, the Advances in Mathematics of Communications. In this role, he took this journal to a stage, where it can now be considered as well-established with an impact factor comparable to most (applied) mathematical journals of high reputation.
Greferath served at several Technical Program Committees of highly reputable conferences. Apart from this, he (co-)organized many conferences besides the internationally renowned IEEE ITW2010 in Dublin,
He supervised a total of 5 Ph.D. students and various Master and Bachelor candidates. I also advised 3 post-doctorial researchers, which since have entered excellent tenured positions in the Academia. He served as keynote speaker at a number of meetings and was referee/member of several (international) Ph.D., Habilitation, and Tenure/Reappointment/Promotion Committees.
Last not least, he repeatedly served as expert and referee for several funding agencies in Saudi Arabia, Switzerland, Germany, Belgiium, and France. At the European level, he has been active (in an elevated position) for one of the prestigious H2020 programs of the REA (Brussels).