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Ting-Chao Chou (born 1938 in Taiwan, Chinese name: 周廷潮) is a Chinese American theoretical biologist, pharmacologist, cancer researcher and inventor. He received Ph.D. from Yale University (1970) and PastDoc. at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. Based on Google Scholar Citations - Ting-Chao Chou, there has been 38,838 citations with h-index of 75 for 517 items of publications, as of October 5, 2022.
Based on the Web of Science database, the Chou-Talalay mass-action law derived pharmacodynamics/combination index theoretical article for synergy quantification/computer simulation, in Adv. Enz. Regul. 22: 27-55,1984, is cited 7,720 times in1,469 biomedical journals, which makes a record of broad citing disciplines.