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processing/structure/property relationships in ferrous and non-ferrous engineering matl's; superpose
United States


John J. Lewandowski is Distinguished University Professor, Arthur P. Armington Professor of Engineering II at Case Western Reserve University, and Director of the Advanced Manufacturing and Mechanical Reliability Center (AMMRC) He established the AMMRC in 1987. It currently houses unique equipment valued in excess of $5.5M, and has been used by his research group (and others) in areas ranging from advanced aerospace materials to nuclear and biomedical systems. Research and teaching interests are primarily in the areas of processing/structure/property relationships in ferrous and non-ferrous engineering materials; effects of superposed pressure on deformation/fracture; fatigue and fracture of intermetallics and composites, bulk metallic glass, and layered/laminated materials; novel deformation processing; blast-resistant materials; advanced engineered materials systems; fracture and fatigue behavior of biomedical materials; failure analysis; additive manufacturing; metamorphic manufacturing and other novel manufacturing processes. Publications and presentations exceed 350 and 1085, respectively, with an H-index > 70. His top 50 papers have been cited over 6,000 times with recent major reviews on Additive Manufacturing, Fracture and Fatigue of Materials used in Biomedical Applications, and Metal Matrix Composites. His recent Nature Materials (NM) paper on metallic glasses was selected for a News and Views Article in NM; was selected as an Editor's Choice Paper in Science; and was selected by NM editors as one of the twenty most influential papers published in NM from 2002-2012.
His B.S., M.E., and Ph.D. were in Metallurgical Engineering and Materials Science at Carnegie Mellon University as a HERTZ Foundation Fellow. His M.E. research was on hydrogen embrittlement of austenitic stainless steels. Ph.D. research focused on hydrogen embrittlement and fracture of rail steels. He also spent two years as Metallurgical Engineer/Failure Analyst at the Richmond Refinery Materials Laboratory, CHEVRON USA. He subsequently spent two years as a NATO/NSF Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy at Cambridge University, England, working with Prof. John F. Knott, FRS, OBE, on fracture and fatigue of engineering materials. Specific research projects included: stress relief embrittlement and fracture/fatigue of 2 1/4 Cr-1 Mo steels; Pb-induced solid metal embrittlement of aluminum alloy pressure vessels; and impurity effects on fracture of Al-Li alloys.
He joined CWRU as Assistant Professor of Materials Science and Engineering in 1986 and is currently a Distinguished University Professor, the Arthur P. Armington Professor of Engineering II, Director of the Advanced Manufacturing and Mechanical Reliability Center, and Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. He has received a number of national and international awards for research and teaching. In research, he received the Allegheny Int'l Research Fellowship (CMU), HERTZ Foundation Graduate Fellowship (CMU), NATO/NSF Postdoctoral Fellowship and ALCAN Fellowship for Research (Cambridge University), NSF Presidential Young Investigator Award, ASM Research Silver Medal, Charles Hatchett Award from the Institute of Metals (U.K.) for work on Nb, and was elected an Overseas Fellow at Churchill College, Cambridge University, where he spent a sabbatical year for 2003-04. He received a Meritorious Service Award by the Case Alumni Association (CAA) in 2008, the Case School of Engineering (CSE) Research Award in 2005 and 2009, the TMS Leadership award in 2014, and was elected ASM Fellow in 1995 and TMS Fellow in 2022.
In the area of teaching and mentoring, he has advised 83 MS students and 34 Ph.D. students, in addition to 50 post-doctoral, visiting scholars, and staff. He has received the 2022 ASM Albert Easton White Distinguished Teacher Award, CTSC Technical Educator Award, SAE Ralph R. Teetor Educational Award, ASM Bradley Stoughton Award for Young Teachers, and the John S. Diekhoff Award for Graduate Teaching and Mentoring at CWRU. He has served on a number of panels organized by the NSF, National Research Council/National Academy of Sciences as well as the Institute of Mechanics and Materials at UC San Diego. He is on the editorial board of four journals and has co-organized over 30 conferences, including one Gordon Conference on Physical Metallurgy. He is a member of the TMS Mechanical Behavior; Additive Manufacturing; and Composites Committees, in addition to past Chair of the ASM/TMS Joint Composites Committee.


Employment (13)

Case Western Reserve University Case School of Engineering: Cleveland, OH, US

2021-07-03 to present | Distinguished University Professor (Materials Science and Engineering)
Source: Self-asserted source
John J Lewandowski

Case Western Reserve University: Cleveland, OH, US

2013-07-01 to present | Arthur P Armington Professor of Engineering II (Materials Science and Engineering)
Source: Self-asserted source
John J Lewandowski

University of Cambridge: Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, GB

2003-07-01 to present | Overseas Fellow - Churchill College (Materials Science and Metallurgy)
Source: Self-asserted source
John J Lewandowski

Nanyang Technological University: Singapore, SG

2017-06-15 to 2017-07-15 | Visiting Summer Professor (Mechanical Engineering )
Source: Self-asserted source
John J Lewandowski

Nanyang Technological University: Singapore, SG

2016-05-15 to 2016-06-15 | Visiting Summer Professor (Mechanical Engineering - SC3DP)
Source: Self-asserted source
John J Lewandowski

Nanyang Technological University: Singapore, SG

2015-05-15 to 2015-06-15 | Visiting Summer Professor (Mechanical Engineering - SC3DP)
Source: Self-asserted source
John J Lewandowski

Case Western Reserve University: Cleveland, OH, US

2000-07-01 to 2013-07-01 | Leonard Case Jr. Professor (Materials Science and Engineering)
Source: Self-asserted source
John J Lewandowski

Case Western Reserve University: Cleveland, OH, US

1994-07-01 to 2000-07-01 | Professor (Materials Science and Engineering)
Source: Self-asserted source
John J Lewandowski

Case Western Reserve University: Cleveland, OH, US

1989-07-01 to 1994-07-01 | Associate Professor (Materials Science and Engineering)
Source: Self-asserted source
John J Lewandowski

Case Western Reserve University: Cleveland, OH, US

1986-01-01 to 1990-07-01 | Assistant Professor (Materials Science and Engineering)
Source: Self-asserted source
John J Lewandowski

Wright-Patterson Air Force Base: Wright-Patterson AFB, OH, US

1987-05-15 to 1987-08-15 | Summer Visiting Professor (High Temperature Materials Lab)
Source: Self-asserted source
John J Lewandowski

University of Cambridge: Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, GB

1986-05-15 to 1986-08-15 | Summer Visiting Professor (Materials Science and Metallurgy)
Source: Self-asserted source
John J Lewandowski

Chevron USA: Richmond, California, US

1976-05-01 to 1978-08-31 | Failure Analyst/Metallurgical Engineer (Materials Laboratory - Richmond Refinery)
Source: Self-asserted source
John J Lewandowski

Education and qualifications (4)

University of Cambridge: Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, GB

1984-01-01 to 1985-12-31 | NATO/NSF Post Doctoral Scholar (Materials Science and Metallurgy)
Source: Self-asserted source
John J Lewandowski

Carnegie Mellon University: Pittsburgh, PA, US

1981-05-01 to 1983-12-31 | PhD (Metallurgical Engineering and Materials Science)
Source: Self-asserted source
John J Lewandowski

Carnegie Mellon University: Pittsburgh, PA, US

1979-01-01 to 1981-01-01 | ME (Metallurgical Engineering and Materials Science)
Source: Self-asserted source
John J Lewandowski

Carnegie Mellon University: Pittsburgh, PA, US

1974-09-01 to 1979-01-01 | BS (Metallurgical Engineering and Materials Science)
Source: Self-asserted source
John J Lewandowski