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Born: Zalaegerszeg, 1946. ápr. 29.
Adress: 8200 Veszprém, Hársfa u. 23.
1964-1969: Veszprém University of Chemical Engineering
Degree: M. Sc.
1969-1971: Péti Nitrogénművek, gas analysis by instruments
1971- Research Institute of Chemical Engineering, Veszprém University, Veszprém, P.O.Box 125
1971- researcher
1973: degree of dr. techn.
(titel of thesis: Mass Transfer in Bubble Column)
1987 degree of candidate
(title of thesis: Mass Transfer in Two- and Three-Phase Systems)
1990-1991: head of group for Bioengineering
1994: degree of doctor of science
(title of thesis: Three-Phase Mass Transfer)
2000 degree of habilitation
2002 full professor at University of Pannonia (earlier Veszprém University)
2004 interim director
2005-2011 director
2011- scientific adviser
2016 emeritus professor

Cooperation with foreign universities from 1980:

Technical University Darmstadt (1980-1991),
Technical University Wrolaw (1975-1991),
Technical University Lodz (1988-1989)
Technical University Graz (1992-1994)
Technical University Wien (1995-1997)
Jadavpur University, Kolkata (2000-2005)
Centre of Chemical process Studies of Quebec (CEPROCQ), Montreal, (2009-2010)
Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals of the Academy of Sci. Czech Republic (2013-)
Institute on Membrane Technology, University of Calabria (2013-)
Rohsenow Kendall Heat Transfer Laboratory of Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,

Main topics of his research activity:

1. Mass transfer in two- and three-phase systems, the effect of chemical reaction on the mass transfer rate, effect of the third phase on the mass transfer rate (1969-2008)
2. Pervaporation process: separation of two-component mixtures (1971-)
3. Enzyme catalyzed reactions: hydrolysis of maltodextrin, hydrolysis of triglicerid esters, enzyme membrane bioreactors (1985-)
4. Heterogeneous catalytic reaction: isomerisation of n-hexane on zeolite catalyst (1979-1990)
5. Mixing in fermentation reactors, scale-up (1991-1994)
6. Mass transfer and separation by membrane processes (1971-)
7. Separation of optically active components by membrane processes (2000-2011)
8. Controlled drug release (2002-2008)
9. Biomass utilization, bioethanol, biochemicals production (2005-)
10. Investigation of enzyme nanoparticles (2005-)
11. Energy production by membrane (2013-)

Scientific activity: 221 publications (2 books - 2012, 2018; Basic equations of mass transport through a membrane layer, elsevier;, 11 book chapters, 121 in international journal, 140 in international proceedings), 182 lectures on international conferences, 4 patents, 1070 independent citations, summarized impact factor of his publications: 109.5.

Selected 5 publications from the last 6 years:

1. Nagy E., Hegedüs I., Tow, E.W., Lienhard, J.H. Effect of fouling on performance of pressure retarded osmosis (PRO) and forward osmosis (FO). J. Membr. Sci. 2018., 565 (2018) 450-462
2. NagyE., Dudás J., Hegedüs I., Improvement of the energy generation by pressure retarded osmosis, Energy, 116 (2016) 1323-1333
3. Nagy E., Dudás J., Mazzei, R., Drioli, E., Giorno L., Description of the diffusive-convective mass transport in hollow-fiber biphasic biocatalytic membrane reactor, J. Membr. Sci., 482 (2015) 144-157
4. NAGY E:, A general resistance-in-series, salt- and water flux models fpr forward osmosis and pressure-retarded osmosis for energy generation, J. Membr. Sci., 460 71-81 (2014)
5. Nagy, E. Lepossa, A. Prettl, Z., Mass transfer through bio-catalytic membrane reactor, Ind. Eng. Chem Res.51 (2012) 1635-1646


Employment (1)

University of Pannonia: Veszprém, Veszprém, HU

1971-09 to present | professor (Research Institute of Biomolecular and chemical Engineering )
Source: Self-asserted source
Endre Nagy

Education and qualifications (1)

University of Pannonia: Veszprém, Veszprém, HU

1964-09-01 to 1969-06-15 | cheimcal engineer (Research Institute of Chemical and Process Engineering)
Source: Self-asserted source
Endre Nagy

Works (10)

Study of Pressure Retarded Osmosis Process in Hollow Fiber Membrane: Cylindrical Model for Description of Energy Production

2022-05-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Endre Nagy; Ibrar Ibrar; Ali Braytee; Béla Iván
Source: check_circle

Thermoresponsive Poly(N,N-diethylacrylamide-co-glycidyl methacrylate) Copolymers and Its Catalytically Active α-Chymotrypsin Bioconjugate with Enhanced Enzyme Stability

2021-03-23 | Journal article
Contributors: György Kasza; Tímea Stumphauser; Márk Bisztrán; Györgyi Szarka; Imre Hegedüs; Endre Nagy; Béla Iván
Source: check_circle

The Need for Accurate Osmotic Pressure and Mass Transfer Resistances in Modeling Osmotically Driven Membrane Processes

2021-02-14 | Journal article
Contributors: Endre Nagy; Imre Hegedüs; Danyal Rehman; Quantum J. Wei; Yvana D. Ahdab; John H. Lienhard
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Study of Prepared α-Chymotrypsin as Enzyme Nanoparticles and of Biocatalytic Membrane Reactor

2020-12-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Imre Hegedüs; Marta Vitai; Miklós Jakab; Endre Nagy
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Diffusive Plus Convective Mass Transport, Accompanied by Biochemical Reaction, Across Capillary Membrane

2020-09-25 | Journal article
Contributors: Endre Nagy; Imre Hegedüs
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Analysis of Mass Transport through Anisotropic, Catalytic/Bio-Catalytic Membrane Reactors

2019-04-13 | Journal article
Contributors: Endre Nagy; Márta Vitai
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

From “Black Box” to a Real Description of Overall Mass Transport through Membrane and Boundary Layers

2019-01-23 | Journal article
Contributors: Endre Nagy; Márta Vitai
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Improvement of the energy generation by pressure retarded osmosis

2016-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Endre Nagy; József Dudás; Imre Hegedüs
Source: check_circle

Analysis of energy saving by combination of distillation and pervaporation for biofuel production

Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification
2015-12-01 | Journal article
Source: check_circle

Description of the diffusive–convective mass transport in a hollow-fiber biphasic biocatalytic membrane reactor

Journal of Membrane Science
2015-05-01 | Journal article
Source: check_circle

Peer review (7 reviews for 5 publications/grants)

Review activity for Adsorption. (1)
Review activity for Clean technologies and environmental policy. (1)
Review activity for Membranes. (3)
Review activity for Molecules. (1)
Review activity for Waste and biomass valorization. (1)