Personal information

English pronunciation, accents, intelligibility, variation
France, Poland, Czech Republic, Spain, Netherlands, United States, North Macedonia


Employment (2)

Université Grenoble Alpes: Saint-Martin-d'Heres, Rhône-Alpes, FR

2018-09-01 to present | Enseignante-chercheure/Associate Professor (tenured) (Service des Langues+LIDILEM)
Source: Self-asserted source
Alice Henderson

Université Savoie Mont Blanc : Chambéry, FR

1994-09 to 2018-08 | Reader; Teaching assistant; Tenured associate professor (English department)
Source: Self-asserted source
Alice Henderson

Education and qualifications (5)

Université Savoie Mont-Blanc: Chambery, Rhône-Alpes, FR

2021-01-28 to present | Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches
Source: Self-asserted source
Alice Henderson

Université de Savoie: Chambéry, FR

2001 | PhD
Source: Self-asserted source
Alice Henderson

Université Bordeaux II: Bordeaux, FR

1996 | DEA (Diplôme d'Etudes Approfondies, a degree in France between the MA and the PhD. It no longer exists)
Source: Self-asserted source
Alice Henderson

University of Manchester: Manchester, GB

1993 | M.Ed. TESOL
Source: Self-asserted source
Alice Henderson

Boston University: Boston, Massachusetts, US

1989 | B.A. Comparative Literature & Linguistics
Source: Self-asserted source
Alice Henderson

Professional activities (2)

GERAS (French association for research on English for Specific Purposes): Paris, FR

Source: Self-asserted source
Alice Henderson

ACEDLE (French association for for teachers and researchers in foreign langauge didactics): Paris, FR

Source: Self-asserted source
Alice Henderson

Funding (2)

UndOA (Understanding Other Accents),

Finalisation de la partie orale du corpus EIIDA

2018-11 to 2018-12 | Grant
Consortium CORpus, Langues et Interactions (Paris, FR)
Source: Self-asserted source
Alice Henderson

Works (35)

English Pronunciation Instruction: Research-based Insights

2021 | Book
Contributors: Anastazija Kirkova-Naskova; Alice Henderson; Jonás Fouz-González
Source: Self-asserted source
Alice Henderson via HAL

Advancing towards research-informed pronunciation pedagogy

2021-10-13 | Book chapter
Contributors: Anastazija Kirkova-Naskova; Alice Henderson; Jonás Fouz-González
Source: check_circle

Rationale and design of a study of foreign-accented academic English

2021-10-13 | Book chapter
Contributors: Daniel John Frost; Alice Henderson
Source: check_circle

An Experiment in Paratone Detection in a Prosodically Annotated EAP Spoken Corpus

2021-08-30 | Conference paper
Contributors: Adrien Méli; Nicolas Ballier; Achille Falaise; Alice Henderson
Source: Self-asserted source
Alice Henderson via HAL

Intelligibility and identity: From teaching pronunciation to training for spoken language variation

2021-01-28 | Dissertation or Thesis
Contributors: Alice Henderson
Source: Self-asserted source
Alice Henderson via HAL

EIIDA’s Second Life: Préparer un corpus multilingue oral à des transpositions didactiques futures

2020-02-20 | Conference paper
Contributors: Achille Falaise; Adrien Méli; Alice Henderson; Nicolas Ballier
Source: Self-asserted source
Alice Henderson via HAL

Perceptions of foreign-accented lecture-style speech: Please take this seriously

2018 | Book chapter
Contributors: Jan Volin; Radek Skarnitzl; Alice Henderson
Source: Self-asserted source
Alice Henderson via HAL

L’apprentissage des codes de l’oral en LVE: Comment s’y prendre

2018-10-12 | Conference paper
Contributors: Alice Henderson
Source: Self-asserted source
Alice Henderson via HAL

EMILE dans l’internationalisation de l’enseignement supérieur français : La prononciation encore et toujours orpheline?

2018-05-31 | Conference paper
Contributors: Alice Henderson
Source: Self-asserted source
Alice Henderson via HAL

L'EMILE dans l'Académie de Grenoble : Résultats d'une enquête en ligne auprès des enseignants impliqués dans le dispositif

2018-05-16 | Conference paper
Contributors: Alice Henderson; Coralie Payre-Ficout
Source: Self-asserted source
Alice Henderson via HAL

CLIL in France

2018-03-16 | Working paper
Contributors: Alice Henderson
Source: Self-asserted source
Alice Henderson via HAL

Résultats d’enquête auprès d’enseignants d’Histoire et de Sociologie

2018-03-02 | Conference paper
Contributors: Alice Henderson
Source: Self-asserted source
Alice Henderson via HAL

Accented speech and English-medium instruction: What can teachers and students do?

2017-05-17 | Conference paper
Contributors: Alice Henderson
Source: Self-asserted source
Alice Henderson via HAL

Approche didactique de l’anglais de la psychologie pour l’appropriation de l’écrit scientifique spécialisé

2017-01-06 | Conference paper
Contributors: Frédérique Freund; Alice Henderson
Source: Self-asserted source
Alice Henderson via HAL

2016 | Working paper
Contributors: Alice Henderson
Source: Self-asserted source
Alice Henderson via HAL

Review of Reed, Marnie & Levis, John. (Eds.). 2015. The Handbook of English Pronunciation.

International Journal of English Studies
2016 | Journal article
Contributors: Alice Henderson
Source: Self-asserted source
Alice Henderson via HAL

Les enjeux de l'EMILE : Formation des étudiant.e.s et des enseignant.e.s

2016-06-10 | Conference paper
Contributors: Alice Henderson
Source: Self-asserted source
Alice Henderson via HAL

Perceptions of foreign-accented lecture-style speech: Contributing to evidence-based language policy

2016-06-02 | Conference paper
Contributors: Jan Volin; Radek Skarnitzl; Alice Henderson
Source: Self-asserted source
Alice Henderson via HAL

Language Policy: What, where, why, how, who?

2016-03-31 | Working paper
Contributors: Alice Henderson
Source: Self-asserted source
Alice Henderson via HAL

Say It Again, Please: English Pronunciation Exercises.

2016-01 | Book
Contributors: Alice Henderson
Source: Self-asserted source
Alice Henderson via HAL

English pronunciation teaching in Europe : Inside and outside the classroom.

2015 | Book chapter
Contributors: Alice Henderson; Lesley Curnick; Daniel Frost; Alexander Kautzsch; Anastazija Kirkova-Naskova; David Levey; Elina Tergujeff; Ewa Waniek-Klimczak
Source: Self-asserted source
Alice Henderson via HAL

Review of Pronunciation in EFL instruction: A Research-Based Approach, by Jolanta Szpyra-Kozłowska, Multilingual Matters, 2015,

Journal of Second Language Pronunciation
2015 | Journal article
Contributors: Alice Henderson
Source: Self-asserted source
Alice Henderson via HAL

Review of English phonology and pronunciation teaching, (2011), by P. Rogerson-Revell. London: Continuum. Pp. xii + 352. ISBN: 978-0-8264-2403-7

Journal of the International Phonetic Association
2015-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Alice Henderson
Source: Self-asserted source
Alice Henderson via HAL

Say It Again, Please : English Pronunciation Exercises

2015-12-18 | Book
Contributors: Alice Henderson
Source: Self-asserted source
Alice Henderson via HAL

Smoothie or Fruit Salad? Learners’ Descriptions of Accents as Windows to Concept Formation

Research in Language
2015-03-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Alice Henderson
Source: Self-asserted source
Alice Henderson via HAL

Le positionnement à travers la mention de l'auteur dans les écrits universitaires anglais d’étudiants français de premier cycle : Implications pédagogiques

2014 | Book chapter
Contributors: Alice Henderson
Source: Self-asserted source
Alice Henderson via HAL

Takes Two to Tango: Research into accent, comprehensibility and intelligibility and implications for CLIL

2014 | Book chapter
Contributors: Alice Henderson
Source: Self-asserted source
Alice Henderson via HAL

Desperately Seeking a Communicative Approach: English Pronunciation in a Sample of French and Polish Secondary School Textbooks

Research in Language
2014-09-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Alice Henderson; Anna Jarosz
Source: Self-asserted source
Alice Henderson via HAL

Review of Phonology for listening: Teaching the stream of speech, (2013), by R. Cauldwell. Birmingham: Speech in Action, 2013. Pp. 332. ISBN-13: 978-0954344726

Journal of the International Phonetic Association
2014-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Alice Henderson
Source: Self-asserted source
Alice Henderson via HAL

Results of EPTiES (English Pronunciation Teaching in Europe Survey): A Snapshot of Pronunciation Teaching in Several European Countries, through Teachers’ Eyes

Recherche et pratiques pédagogiques en langues de spécialité - Cahiers de l'APLIUT
2013-02-15 | Journal article
Contributors: Dan Frost; Alice Henderson
Source: Self-asserted source
Alice Henderson via HAL

The English pronunciation teaching in Europe survey: selected results

Research in Language
2012-01-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Una Cunningham; Alice Henderson; Dan Frost; Elina Tergujeff; Alexander Kautzsch; Deirdre Murphy; Anastazija Kirkova-Naskova; Ewa Waniek-Klimczak; David Levey; Una Cunnigham et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Alice Henderson via HAL

Comparing indicators of authorial stance in psychology students' writing and published research articles

Journal of Writing Research
2010 | Journal article
Contributors: Alice Henderson; Robert Barr
Source: Self-asserted source
Alice Henderson via HAL

English Pronunciation : Issues and Practices (EPIP): Proceedings of the First International Conference. June 3-5 2009, Université de Savoie, Chambéry, France

2010-12 | Book
Contributors: Alice Henderson
Source: Self-asserted source
Alice Henderson via HAL

A Corpus-Based, Pilot Study of Lexical Stress Variation in American English

Research in Language
2010-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Alice Henderson
Source: Self-asserted source
Alice Henderson via HAL

Towards intelligibility: Designing short pronunciation courses for advanced field experts

ASp - La revue du GERAS
2008 | Journal article
Contributors: Alice Henderson
Source: Self-asserted source
Alice Henderson via HAL