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invasion ecology, plant ecology, urban ecology, ecosystem ecology


Employment (2)

Universidade Federal de Lavras: Lavras, MG, BR

2016-07-04 to present | Professor (Biologia/Ecologia)
Source: Self-asserted source
Rafael Zenni

Universidade de Brasília: Brasília, DF, BR

2014-09-01 to 2017-08-01 | Pesquisador Associado (Ecologia)
Source: Self-asserted source
Rafael Zenni

Education and qualifications (3)

The University of Tennessee: Knoxville, TN, US

2010-08-10 to 2014-08-09 | PhD (Ecology & Evolutionary Biology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Rafael Zenni

Stellenbosch University: Matieland, ZA

2009-01-10 to 2009-12-05 | BSc. Honours (Botany & Zoology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Rafael Zenni

Universidade Federal do Paraná: Curitiba, PR, BR

2000-03-01 to 2005-11-08 | Engenharia Florestal (Engenharia Florestal)
Source: Self-asserted source
Rafael Zenni

Funding (1)

Unidades de Conservação são fontes ou drenos de espécies exóticas invasoras? Uma análise de rotas e vetores de invasões biológicas com foco em manejo e restauração

2018-01 to 2020-12 | Grant
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (Brasilia, BR)


Source: Self-asserted source
Rafael Zenni

Works (50 of 55)

Items per page:
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Thematic assessment report on invasive alien species in Brazil: summary for policymakers

Biota Neotropica
2024 | Journal article
Contributors: Michele S. Dechoum; Andrea de Oliveira Ribeiro Junqueira; Mario Luís Orsi; Sílvia Renate Ziller; Vânia Regina Pivello; Rafael D. Zenni; Sidinei Magela Thomaz; Adriana Carvalhal Fonseca; Jean Ricardo Simões Vitule; Francisco Barros et al.
Source: check_circle

Anthropogenic factors, not altitude, shape native and nonnative plant species distributional patterns in a tropical mountain protected area

Invasive Plant Science and Management
2024-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Hugo Henrique Marques da Rosa; Raphaela Aparecida Duarte Silveira; Beatriz Cunha Mello Oliveira; Gustavo Heringer; Rafael Dudeque Zenni
Source: check_circle

Which protected areas should be prioritized for prevention and early detection of biological invasions? A new methodological approach

Biological Invasions
2024-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Rafaela Guimarães Silva; Victor Vinícius F. de Lima; Pedro H. C. Pereira; Tainah Correa Seabra Guimarães; Alexandre Bonesso Sampaio; Rafael D. Zenni
Source: check_circle

Out in the cold and warm! An antagonistic niche evolution of a global non-native shrub

2024-10-04 | Preprint
Contributors: Matheus Asth; Fellipe Alves Ozorio do Nascimento; Renato Garcia Rodrigues; Rafael Zenni; Edson Moura-Júnior
Source: check_circle

Invasive non-native species in Brazil: an updated overview

Biological Invasions
2024-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Rafael D. Zenni; Sílvia R. Ziller; Clarissa A. da Rosa; Rafael B. Sühs; Patricia B. Puechagut; Beloni T. P. Marterer; Gustavo Heringer; Ana Carolina L. de Matos; Marina L. Bueno; Jonathan W. Almeida et al.
Source: check_circle

Running to the sun: niche evolution of a global invasive shrub

2024-05-13 | Preprint
Contributors: Fellipe Alves Ozorio do Nascimento; Renato Garcia Rodrigues; Matheus Asth; Rafael Dudeque Zenni; Edson Gomes de Moura-Júnior
Source: check_circle

Plant-pollinator interactions in the neotropics are affected by urbanization and the invasive bee Apis mellifera

Journal of Insect Conservation
2024-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Karla Palmieri Tavares-Brancher; Letícia Vanessa Graf; Walnir Gomes Ferreira-Júnior; Lucas Del Bianco Faria; Rafael Dudeque Zenni
Source: check_circle

Decreased functional dispersal traits of spontaneous plants in urban areas

Urban Ecosystems
2024-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Jonathan Wilson de Almeida; Gustavo Heringer; Rafael Dudeque Zenni
Source: check_circle

Ecology in South America: Present state and future prospects

Austral Ecology
2024-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Rafael D. Zenni; Alan Andersen; Nigel R. Andrew; André T. C. Dias; Julian F. Quintero‐Galvis; Natalia Pérez Harguindeguy; Pedro Jaureguiberry; Verónica L. Lozano; Cássio A. Nunes; Martin Pareja et al.
Source: check_circle

Urbanization and abundance of floral resources affect bee communities in medium‐sized neotropical cities

Austral Ecology
2024-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Karla Palmieri Tavares Brancher; Letícia Vanessa Graf; Gustavo Heringer; Rafael Dudeque Zenni
Source: check_circle

Artificial Intelligence text generators for overcoming language barriers in ecological research communication

Austral Ecology
2023-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Rafael D. Zenni; Nigel R. Andrew
Source: check_circle

Ecosystem variables importance in the presence and abundance of a globally invasive fish

Science of The Total Environment
2023-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Marina Lopes Bueno; Gustavo Heringer; Débora Reis de Carvalho; Tamara B. Robinson; Paulo Santos Pompeu; Rafael Dudeque Zenni
Source: check_circle

Multi‐lingual literature searches are needed to unveil global knowledge

Journal of Applied Ecology
2023-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Rafael D. Zenni; Jos Barlow; Nathalie Pettorelli; Phil Stephens; Romina Rader; Tadeu Siqueira; Rowena Gordon; Thomas Pinfield; Martin A. Nuñez
Source: check_circle

Invasive alien acacias rapidly stock carbon, but threaten biodiversity recovery in young second-growth forests

Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences
2023-01-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Fabio A. R. Matos; David P. Edwards; Luiz Fernando S. Magnago; Gustavo Heringer; Andreza Viana Neri; Tillmann Buttschardt; Rafael Dudeque Zenni; Luis Fernando Tavares de Menezes; Felipe Zamborlini Saiter; Carlos Ernesto Gonçalves Reynaud Schaefer et al.
Source: check_circle

Urbanization affects the richness of invasive alien trees but has limited influence on species composition

Urban Ecosystems
2022-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Gustavo Heringer; Lucas Del Bianco Faria; Pedro Manuel Villa; Amanda Urbano Araújo; Ana Luiza Moreira Botan; Rafael Dudeque Zenni
Source: check_circle

Use of a citizen science tool for the determination of biological invasions in urban areas

2022-06-17 | Preprint
Contributors: Ana Luiza Moreira Botan; Gustavo Heringer; Ana Carolina Lacerda de Matos; Daniel Luiz Oliveira; Danielle Ramos de Alvarenga; Jonathan Wilson Almeida; Karla Palmieri Tavares; Marina Lopes Bueno; Vitor Hugo Lopes; Rafael Dudeque Zenni
Source: check_circle

Alien fish fauna of southeastern Brazil: species status, introduction pathways, distribution and impacts

Biological Invasions
2021-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Marina Lopes Bueno; André Lincoln Barroso Magalhães; Francisco Ricardo Andrade Neto; Carlos Bernardo Mascarenhas Alves; Daniel de Melo Rosa; Nara Tadini Junqueira; Tiago Casarim Pessali; Paulo Santos Pompeu; Rafael Dudeque Zenni
Source: check_circle

Canals as invasion pathways in tropical dry forest and the need for monitoring and management

Journal of Applied Ecology
2021-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Matheus da Silva Asth; Renato Garcia Rodrigues; Rafael Dudeque Zenni
Source: check_circle

The economic costs of biological invasions around the world

2021-07-29 | Journal article
Contributors: Rafael Dudeque Zenni; Franz Essl; Emili García-Berthou; Shana M. McDermott
Source: check_circle

The economic costs of biological invasions in Brazil: a first assessment

2021-07-29 | Journal article
Contributors: José Ricardo Pires Adelino; Gustavo Heringer; Christophe Diagne; Franck Courchamp; Lucas Del Bianco Faria; Rafael Dudeque Zenni
Source: check_circle

The economic costs of biological invasions in Central and South America: a first regional assessment

2021-07-29 | Journal article
Contributors: Gustavo Heringer; Elena Angulo; Liliana Ballesteros-Mejia; César Capinha; Franck Courchamp; Christophe Diagne; Virginia Gisela Duboscq-Carra; Martín Andrés Nuñez; Rafael Dudeque Zenni
Source: check_circle

Ecological impact and population status of non-native bees in a Brazilian urban environment

Revista Brasileira de Entomologia
2020 | Journal article
Contributors: Letícia Vanessa Graf; Rafael Dudeque Zenni; Rodrigo Barbosa Gonçalves
Source: check_circle

A priority-setting scheme for the management of invasive non-native species in protected areas

2020-10-15 | Journal article
Contributors: Sílvia R. Ziller; Michele de Sá Dechoum; Raphaela Aparecida Duarte Silveira; Hugo Marques da Rosa; Marcelo Souza Motta; Leonardo Filipe da Silva; Beatriz Cunha Mello Oliveira; Rafael D. Zenni
Source: check_circle

Landscape-level determinants of the spread and impact of invasive grasses in protected areas

Biological Invasions
2020-10-05 | Journal article
Contributors: Rafaela Guimarães Silva; Rafael Dudeque Zenni; Vinicius Possato Rosse; Laís Souza Bastos; Eduardo van den Berg
Source: check_circle

Synergistic impacts of co‐occurring invasive grasses cause persistent effects in the soil‐plant system after selective removal

Functional Ecology
2020-05 | Journal article
Contributors: Rafael D. Zenni; Wanderson L. da Cunha; Carolina Musso; Jocemara V. de Souza; Gabriela B. Nardoto; Heloisa S. Miranda; Julia Cooke
Source: check_circle

Pine invasion decreases density and changes native tree communities in woodland Cerrado

Plant Ecology & Diversity
2020-01-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Ana Luísa Cazetta; Rafael Dudeque Zenni
Source: check_circle

Invasive Melinis minutiflora outperforms native species, but the magnitude of the effect is context-dependent

Biological Invasions
2019-02-28 | Journal article
Contributors: Rafael D. Zenni; Alexandre B. Sampaio; Yara P. Lima; Marco Pessoa-Filho; Tulio C. L. Lins; Vania R. Pivello; Curtis Daehler
Source: check_circle

Non-native species in urban environments: patterns, processes, impacts and challenges

Biological Invasions
2017-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Mirijam Gaertner; John R. U. Wilson; Marc W. Cadotte; J. Scott MacIvor; Rafael D. Zenni; David M. Richardson
Source: check_circle

Evolutionary dynamics of tree invasions: complementing the unified framework for biological invasions

AoB Plants
2016 | Journal article
Contributors: Rafael Dudeque Zenni; Ian A. Dickie; Michael J. Wingfield; Heidi Hirsch; Casparus J. Crous; Laura A. Meyerson; Treena I. Burgess; Thalita G. Zimmermann; Metha M. Klock; Evan Siemann et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Rafael Zenni via Crossref Metadata Search

Rapid increase in growth and productivity can aid invasions by a non-native tree

AoB Plants
2016 | Journal article
Contributors: Rafael Dudeque Zenni; Wanderson Lacerda da Cunha; Guilherme Sena
Source: Self-asserted source
Rafael Zenni via Crossref Metadata Search

Dez anos do informe brasileiro sobre espécies exóticas invasoras: avanços, lacunas e direções futuras

2016-02-05 | Journal article
Contributors: Rafael Dudeque Zenni; Michele De Sá Dechoum; Sílvia Renate Ziller
Source: Self-asserted source
Rafael Zenni via Crossref Metadata Search

Invasions across secondary forest successional stages: effects of local plant community, soil, litter, and herbivory on Hovenia dulcis seed germination and seedling establishment

Plant Ecology
2015 | Journal article




Contributors: Dechoum, M.S.; Zenni, R.D.; Castellani, T.T.; Zalba, S.M.; Rejmánek, M.
Source: Self-asserted source
Rafael Zenni via Scopus - Elsevier

Loci under selection during multiple range expansions of an invasive plant are mostly population specific, but patterns are associated with climate

Molecular Ecology
2015 | Journal article




Contributors: Zenni, R.D.; Hoban, S.M.
Source: Self-asserted source
Rafael Zenni via Scopus - Elsevier

The naturalized flora of Brazil: a step towards identifying future invasive non-native species

2015 | Journal article
Contributors: Rafael Dudeque Zenni
Source: Self-asserted source
Rafael Zenni via Crossref Metadata Search

A standardized set of metrics to assess and monitor tree invasions

Biological Invasions
2014 | Journal article


Contributors: Wilson, John R. U.; Caplat, Paul; Dickie, Ian A.; Hui, Cang; Maxwell, Bruce D.; Nunez, Martin A.; Pauchard, Anibal; Rejmanek, Marcel; Richardson, David M.; Robertson, Mark P. et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Rafael Zenni via ResearcherID
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Adaptive evolution and phenotypic plasticity during naturalization and spread of invasive species: implications for tree invasion biology

Biological Invasions
2014 | Journal article


Contributors: Zenni, Rafael Dudeque; Lamy, Jean-Baptiste; Lamarque, Laurent Jean; Porte, Annabel Josee
Source: Self-asserted source
Rafael Zenni via ResearcherID
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Analysis of introduction history of invasive plants in Brazil reveals patterns of association between biogeographical origin and reason for introduction

Austral Ecology
2014 | Journal article


Contributors: Zenni, Rafael Dudeque
Source: Self-asserted source
Rafael Zenni via ResearcherID
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Rapid evolution and range expansion of an invasive plant are driven by provenance-environment interactions

Ecology Letters
2014 | Journal article


Contributors: Zenni, Rafael D.; Bailey, Joseph K.; Simberloff, Daniel
Source: Self-asserted source
Rafael Zenni via ResearcherID
Preferred source (of 2)‎

A new invasive species in South America: Pinus oocarpa Schiede ex Schltdl.

BioInvasions Records
2014-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Emilia Braga; Rafael Zenni; John Hay
Source: Self-asserted source
Rafael Zenni via Crossref Metadata Search

Number of source populations as a potential driver of pine invasions in Brazil

Biological Invasions
2013 | Journal article


Contributors: Zenni, Rafael Dudeque; Simberloff, Daniel
Source: Self-asserted source
Rafael Zenni via ResearcherID
Preferred source (of 2)‎

The elephant in the room: the role of failed invasions in understanding invasion biology

2013 | Journal article


Contributors: Zenni, Rafael D.; Nunez, Martin A.
Source: Self-asserted source
Rafael Zenni via ResearcherID
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Adoption, use and perception of Australian acacias around the world

Diversity and Distributions
2011 | Journal article


Contributors: Kull, Christian A.; Shackleton, Charlie M.; Cunningham, Peter J.; Ducatillon, Catherine; Dufour-Dror, Jean-Marc; Esler, Karen J.; Friday, James B.; Gouveia, Antonio C.; Griffin, A. R.; Marchante, Elizabete et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Rafael Zenni via ResearcherID
Preferred source (of 2)‎

An overview of invasive plants in Brazil

Revista Brasileira de Botanica
2011 | Journal article
Contributors: Zenni, Rafael Dudeque; Ziller, Silvia Renate
Source: Self-asserted source
Rafael Zenni via ResearcherID

An overview of invasive plants in Brazil | Visao geral das plantas exoticas invasoras no Brasil

Revista Brasileira de Botanica
2011 | Journal article


Contributors: Zenni, R.D.; Ziller, R.S.
Source: Self-asserted source
Rafael Zenni via Scopus - Elsevier

Invasion and management of Pinus taeda in mountain top grasslands of Pico Parana State Park, Parana, Brazil.

2011 | Journal article
Part of ISSN:


Contributors: Falleiros, R. M.; Zenni, R. D.; Ziller, S. R.
Source: Self-asserted source
Rafael Zenni via ResearcherID

Invasion and managment of Pinus taeda in mountain top grasslands of Pico Parana State Park, Parana, Brazil

2011 | Journal article
Contributors: Falleiros, R. M.; Zenni, R. D.; Ziller, S. R.
Source: Self-asserted source
Rafael Zenni via ResearcherID

Invasion and managment of Pinus taeda in mountain top grasslands of Pico Parana State Park, Parana, Brazil

2011 | Journal article
Part of ISSN:


Contributors: Falleiros, R. M.; Zenni, R. D.; Ziller, S. R.
Source: Self-asserted source
Rafael Zenni via ResearcherID

Invasion and managment of Pinus taeda in mountain top grasslands of Pico Paraná State Park, Paraná, Brazil | Invasão e manejo de pinus taeda em campos de altitude do parque estadual do pico paraná, paraná, brasil

2011 | Journal article


Contributors: Falleiros, R.M.; Zenni, R.D.; Ziller, S.R.
Source: Self-asserted source
Rafael Zenni via Scopus - Elsevier

Risk assessment, eradication, and biological control: global efforts to limit Australian acacia invasions

Diversity and Distributions
2011 | Journal article


Contributors: Wilson, John R. U.; Gairifo, Carla; Gibson, Michelle R.; Arianoutsou, Margarita; Bakar, Baki B.; Baret, Stephane; Celesti-Grapow, Laura; DiTomaso, Joseph M.; Dufour-Dror, Jean-Marc; Kueffer, Christoph et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Rafael Zenni via ResearcherID
Preferred source (of 2)‎

An overview of invasive plants in Brazil

Revista Brasileira de Botânica
2011-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Rafael Dudeque Zenni; Sílvia Renate Ziller
Source: Self-asserted source
Rafael Zenni via Crossref Metadata Search
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Peer review (81 reviews for 37 publications/grants)

Review activity for Acta Botânica Brasílica. (1)
Review activity for African journal of ecology. (1)
Review activity for Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências. (1)
Review activity for AoB plants. (2)
Review activity for Austral ecology. (3)
Review activity for Biological conservation. (1)
Review activity for Biological invasions. (6)
Review activity for Biological invasions. (21)
Review activity for Conservation genetics. (1)
Review activity for Diversity & distributions. (5)
Review activity for Ecography. (1)
Review activity for Ecological monographs. (1)
Review activity for Ecology and evolution. (3)
Review activity for Ecology. (2)
Review activity for Ecosphere. (1)
Review activity for Environment, development and sustainability. (1)
Review activity for Environmental conservation. (1)
Review activity for Floresta. (1)
Review activity for Forest ecology and management. (2)
Review activity for Forest ecosystems. (1)
Review activity for Global ecology & biogeography. (2)
Review activity for Journal of applied ecology. (1)
Review activity for Journal of ecology. (1)
Review activity for Journal of vegetation science. (1)
Review activity for Molecular ecology. (2)
Review activity for Nature Cities. (1)
Review activity for NeoBiota. (2)
Review activity for Oecologia Australis. (1)
Review activity for Oxford University Press (1)
Review activity for Plant ecology. (2)
Review activity for Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. (1)
Review activity for Restoration ecology. (1)
Review activity for Rodriguésia. (3)
Review activity for Trends in ecology & evolution. (2)
Review activity for Trends in ecology & evolution. (1)
Review activity for Urban forestry & urban greening. (2)
Review activity for Weed research. (1)