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Mykolaiko Iryna Ivanivna was born on July 30, 1980 in the village of Tsybli, Pereyaslav-Khmelnytsky District, Kyiv Region.
In 2003, she graduated from Uman State Pedagogical University named after Pavlo Tychyna, majoring in "Pedagogy and methods of secondary education. Biology" and obtained the qualification of Master of Pedagogical Education, biology teacher (ER 22686894 dated June 27, 2003).
He has been working at the university since 2004. Since then, she has worked her way up from a laboratory assistant, a junior researcher, a teacher, a senior teacher to an associate professor at the Department of Biology and its Teaching Methods.
In 2015, at the meeting of the specialized academic council D 26.004.09 at the National University of Bioresources and Nature Management of Ukraine, she defended her candidate's thesis "Autecology of the growth and stability of Hippophae rhamnoides L. varieties in the Right Bank Forest Steppe of Ukraine" on the specialty 06.03.01 - forest crops and phytomelioration (DK 029135 dated June 30, 2015). Academic supervisor, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor Volodymyr Petrovych Shlapak.
In 2017, she received the academic title of associate professor of the department of biology and methods of its teaching (Ad 000498 of December 12, 2017).
From 2003 to 2017, she took an active part in the development of two farm contract topics: "Variety study, testing and seeding of winter grain crops" and "Organizational and economic bases of the development of technologies for growing high-quality horticulture products", from 2006 to 2008 in the development of the state budget topic: "Soil - ecological monitoring of the central part of the right-bank forest-steppe of Ukraine".
In 2017, she received a certificate confirming a sufficiently high level (B2) of command of a foreign language (Polish).
In 2017, she completed an internship at the "Institute of International Academic and Scientific Cooperation" (Poland) and received a certificate. From October 1 to November 12, 2021, the international internship "Development of soft skills in the professional training of teachers" took place, Certificate No. 081321-044 (180 hours / 6 credits). On November 15, 2021, she participated in advanced qualifications "Digital competence of a teacher: trends and perspectives" (certificate No. 94236831466263 6 hours / 0.2 credits). 2021 passed "On Being a Scientist Course" (certificate ХИ-12-190293846-20 10 hours/0.5 credit)
2021, the official dissertation opponent N.P. Shpak "Forestry-ecological features of distribution and renewal of the medicinal birch (Sorbus torminalis L. Crants) in the plantations of the South-Podilskyi Forest Steppe of Ukraine" for obtaining the scientific degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the field of knowledge 20 Agrarian sciences and food, specialty 205 Forestry. Specialized Scientific Council DF 74.844.006.
Mykolaiko I.I. co-author of 4 utility model patents and 1 copyright registration certificate for a work.
Iryna Ivanivna is a member of the editorial board of the collection of scientific works of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Geography "Natural Sciences and Education" and the responsible secretary of the collection of materials of the All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Internet Conference: Natural Sciences in the Education System (2017-2022). Member of the All-Ukrainian public organization "Ukrainian Society of Geneticists and Breeders named after E. Vavilova" (since 2018)
For her conscientious work, significant personal contribution to the development of national science, and the successes achieved in the field of education and education of student youth, she was awarded a Certificate of Honor by the Uman City Council (2019).
Employment (1)
Education and qualifications (1)
Works (20)