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violent crime, gender-based violence, policing, specialist courts, criminal justice, multi-agency
Cardiff University: Cardiff, GB
2001 to present | Professor of Criminology (School of Social Sciences)EmploymentSource: Amanda L. RobinsonPreferred source
Michigan State University: East Lansing, MI, US
1996 to 2002 | PhD in Interdisciplinary Social Science (School of Criminal Justice)EducationSource: Amanda L. RobinsonPreferred source
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Continued Development of the Wales Safeguarding Repository
Welsh Government (Cardiff)2022-06 to present2023-03|AwardSource: Amanda L. RobinsonPreferred source
Development of the Wales Safeguarding Repository
Welsh Government (Cardiff)2021-03 to present2022-04|AwardSource: Amanda L. RobinsonPreferred source
Evaluation of Health Pathfinder Pilots for Domestic Violence
SafeLives (Bristol)2019 to present2021|AwardSource: Amanda L. RobinsonPreferred source
Justice, Inequality and Gender Based Violence
Economic and Social Research Council (Swindon)2015-09-30 to present2018-05-17|GrantSource: Amanda L. Robinson via DimensionsWizardPreferred source
University Consortium for Evidence-Based Crime Reduction
Economic and Social Research Council (Swindon)2013-08-31 to present2018-03-30|GrantSource: Amanda L. Robinson via DimensionsWizardPreferred source
Workplace Bullying and Harassment in Britain with Special Reference to Race and Ethnicity
Economic and Social Research Council (Swindon)2007-04-01 to present2011-07-30|GrantSource: Amanda L. Robinson via DimensionsWizardPreferred source
Differences between Recidivists and Non-recidivists Attending a community-based Domestic Violence Perpetrator Program in the Dominican Republic: A Brief ReportJournal of Family Violence
2025-01-15 | journal-articleSource: CrossrefPreferred source
The Relationship Between the Development of General Offending and Intimate Partner Violence Perpetration in Young AdulthoodJournal of Interpersonal Violence
2022-02 | journal-articleSource: Amanda L. RobinsonPreferred source
Systematically identifying and prioritising domestic abuse perpetrators for targeted interventionCriminology & Criminal Justice
2021-11 | journal-articleSource: CrossrefPreferred source
General Offending and Intimate Partner Violence Perpetration in Young Adulthood: A Dutch Longitudinal StudyInternational Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology
2021-06-06 | journal-articleSource: Amanda L. RobinsonPreferred source
Claiming justice: Victims of crime and their perspectives of justiceInternational Review of Victimology
2021-05 | journal-articleSource: Amanda L. RobinsonPreferred source
Findings from a Thematic Multidisciplinary Analysis of Child Practice Reviews in WalesChild Abuse Review
2021-03-02 | journal-articleSource: Amanda L. RobinsonPreferred source
The relationship between criminal behaviour over the life-course and intimate partner violence perpetration in later lifeEuropean Journal of Criminology
2020-11 | journal-articleSource: Amanda L. RobinsonPreferred source
Making connections: a multi-disciplinary analysis of domestic homicide, mental health homicide and adult practice reviewsThe Journal of Adult Protection
2019-03-07 | journal-articleSource: CrossrefPreferred source
A small constellation: risk factors informing police perceptions of domestic abusePolicing and Society
2018-02-12 | journal-articleSource: Amanda L. RobinsonPreferred source
Practitioner (mis)understandings of coercive control in England and WalesCriminology & Criminal Justice
2018-02 | journal-articleSource: Amanda L. RobinsonPreferred source
Serial Domestic Abuse in Wales: An Exploratory Study Into its Definition, Prevalence, Correlates, and ManagementVictims & Offenders
2017-09-03 | journal-articleSource: Amanda L. RobinsonPreferred source
Cheaper, Faster, Better: Expectations and Achievements in Police Risk Assessment of Domestic AbusePolicing
2016-12 | journal-articleSource: Amanda L. RobinsonPreferred source
Under the radar: policing non-violent domestic abuse in the US and UKInternational Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice
2016-07-02 | journal-articleSource: Amanda L. RobinsonPreferred source
Responding Effectively to Women Experiencing Severe AbuseViolence Against Women
2016-01 | journal-articleSource: Amanda L. RobinsonPreferred source
The ill-treatment of employees with disabilities in British workplacesWork, Employment and Society
2013-04 | journal-articleSource: Amanda L. RobinsonPreferred source
Judging risk: Key determinants in British domestic violence casesJournal of Interpersonal Violence
2012-05 | journal-articleSource: Amanda L. RobinsonPreferred source
- review activity for Journal of family violence.(2)
Record last modified Jan 15, 2025, 7:07:23 AM