Personal information

Modeling Power System, Damping Oscillation Using Wide Area Controller, Controlled Islanding Schemes on Microgrid Operating Conditions, Power System Security Using Artificial Intelligence Methods, Intelligent Techniques Applications in Power System/ Microgrid Resiliency Criteria


Soheil Ranjbar completed his PhD in power engineering at Electrical Engineering Department in ShahidBeheshti University (SBU), in 2018, Tehran, IRAN. In 2021, he have been an assistant professor at the Electrical Engineering Department of Velayat University, Iranshahr, Iran. In 2023, he joined the University of Leeds as a researcher at the Power Electronic Laboratory, School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, Leeds, UK. His current areas of research are broadly included in bulk power system dynamics with renewable energy systems focused on Wide-Area Measurement, Centralized Control and Protection, and Damping Controllers Design.


Employment (2)

University of Leeds: Leeds, West Yorkshire, GB

2023-10-01 to present | Researcher (School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering)
Source: Self-asserted source
soheil ranjbar

Velayat University: Iranshahr, Sistan and Balouchestan, IR

2020-01-01 to present | Assistant Professor (Electrical Engineering)
Source: Self-asserted source
soheil ranjbar

Education and qualifications (2)

Shahid Beheshti University: Tehran, Tehran, IR

2014-08-01 to 2018-01-01 | PhD (Electrcial Engineering)
Source: Self-asserted source
soheil ranjbar

Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch: Tehran, IR

2011-05-14 to 2013-05-14 | MSc (Electrcial Engineering)
Source: Self-asserted source
soheil ranjbar

Works (39)

Emergency Controlling Scheme for Damping the Inter-Area Oscillation Based on Estimating Critical Inter-Area Angle

IEEE Access
2024 | Journal article
Contributors: Soheil Ranjbar
Source: check_circle

Real‐time estimation of the synchronous generator dynamic parameters using actual phasor measurement unit data and experimental evaluations

IET Electric Power Applications
2024-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Soheil Ranjbar
Source: check_circle

CART Based Wide Area Damping Controller Using Global Inter-Area Signal From WAMS

IEEE Access
2023 | Journal article
Contributors: Soheil Ranjbar
Source: check_circle

STATCOM-Based Intelligent Wide-Area Controller for Damping Interarea Oscillation

IEEE Systems Journal
2023 | Journal article
Contributors: Soheil Ranjbar
Source: check_circle

Wide area voltage sag control in transmission lines using modified UPFC

Electrical Engineering
2023-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Soheil Ranjbar
Source: check_circle

Intelligent Inter-Area Damping Controller Based on Decision Tree Technique and Thevenin Impedance Considering Delay Compensation

2023-07-25 | Preprint
Contributors: soheil ranjbar
Source: check_circle

Improved Estimation of Calculating Rotational Electric Machine Core Losses

8th international Conference on Knowledge and Technology of Mechanical, Electrical Engineering and Computer Of Iran
2023-03 | Conference paper
Contributors: soheil ranjbar
Source: Self-asserted source
soheil ranjbar

Online Estimation of Synchronous Generator Voltage Transient Instability Criteria Using Intelligent Bayesian Theory

8th international Conference on Knowledge and Technology of Mechanical, Electrical Engineering and Computer Of Iran
2023-03 | Conference paper
Contributors: soheil ranjbar
Source: Self-asserted source
soheil ranjbar

The Effect of Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitor (TCSC) on Transient Oscillation Damping of Synchronous Generator

8th international Conference on Knowledge and Technology of Mechanical, Electrical Engineering and Computer Of Iran
2023-03 | Conference paper
Contributors: soheil ranjbar
Source: Self-asserted source
soheil ranjbar

Adaptive criteria of estimating power system separation times based on inter‐area signal

IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution
2023-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Soheil Ranjbar
Source: check_circle

Online estimation of controlled islanding time intervals using dynamic state trajectories through cascading failures from WAMS data

Electric Power Systems Research
2023-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Soheil Ranjbar
Source: check_circle

Variable frequency transformer equipped with dynamic breaking resistors for controlling low frequency oscillation using hierarchical strategy

Electrical Engineering
2022-09-24 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0948-7921
Part of ISSN: 1432-0487
Contributors: Mostafa Dehghanzade Golmaee; Amangaldi Koochaki; Soheil Ranjbar
Source: Self-asserted source
soheil ranjbar
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Frequency stability-based controlled islanding scheme based on clustering algorithm and electrical distance using real-time dynamic criteria from WAMS data

Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks
2022-06 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 2352-4677
Contributors: S.F. Mahdavizadeh; M.R. Aghamohammadi; S. Ranjbar
Source: Self-asserted source
soheil ranjbar

New model of PEV parking lots in the presence of demand response uncertainties

Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks
2022-06 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 2352-4677
Contributors: Saeid Ahmadi; Mahmoud Samiei Moghaddam; Soheil Ranjbar
Source: Self-asserted source
soheil ranjbar

Operating Considerations of dc/dc resonance Converters in Marine Applications

1th National Conference on Soft Computing of Engineering Science in Industry and Society (ASEIS)
2022-02 | Conference paper
Contributors: soheil ranjbar
Source: Self-asserted source
soheil ranjbar

Operating Considerations of Inverters in Marine Applications Considering DC Voltage Bus Harmonics

1th National Conference on Soft Computing of Engineering Science in Industry and Society (ASEIS)
2022-02 | Conference paper
Contributors: soheil ranjbar
Source: Self-asserted source
soheil ranjbar

Ship Power System Stability in the Presence of Frequency Control Drives

1th National Conference on Soft Computing of Engineering Science in Industry and Society (ASEIS)
2022-02 | Conference paper
Contributors: soheil ranjbar
Source: Self-asserted source
soheil ranjbar

Dynamic clustering-based model reduction scheme for damping control of large power systems using series compensators from wide area signals

International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems
2021-10 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0142-0615
Contributors: Soheil Ranjbar; Ameena S. Al-Sumaiti; Reza Sangrody; Young-Ji Byon; Mousa Marzband
Source: Self-asserted source
soheil ranjbar

An online tripping index to improve microgrid dynamic stability based on estimating critical boundary area

Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks
2021-09 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 2352-4677
Contributors: Amir Habibzadeh; Mahmoud Samiei Moghaddam; Seyyed Javad Mohammadi Baygi; Soheil Ranjbar
Source: Self-asserted source
soheil ranjbar

Central Damping Controller for Microgrid Voltage and Frequency Dynamic Stability Using Adaptive Artificial Neural Network

Journal of Control, Automation and Electrical Systems
2021-08 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 2195-3880
Part of ISSN: 2195-3899
Contributors: Seyyed Hamid Hosseini; Masoud Radmehr; Soheil Ranjbar
Source: Self-asserted source
soheil ranjbar

Fast restoration of microgrids using online evaluation metrics considering severe windstorms

Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks
2021-06 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 2352-4677
Contributors: Abdollah Hosseinzadeh; Alireza Zakariazadeh; Soheil Ranjbar
Source: Self-asserted source
soheil ranjbar

Virtual generator‐based damping controller for microgrids with low inertia resources based on energy storage systems

International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems
2021-05 | Journal article | Author
Part of ISSN: 2050-7038
Part of ISSN: 2050-7038
Contributors: Sahar Roudi; Reza Ebrahimi; mahmood ghanbari; soheil ranjbar
Source: Self-asserted source
soheil ranjbar
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Intelligent Differential Protection Scheme for Controlled Islanding of Microgrids Based on Decision Tree Technique

Journal of Control, Automation and Electrical Systems
2020-10 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 2195-3880
Part of ISSN: 2195-3899
Contributors: Iman Sepehrirad; Reza Ebrahimi; Esmaeil Alibeiki; Soheil Ranjbar
Source: Self-asserted source
soheil ranjbar

Controlling Voltage Sags in Transmission Lines by using Modified UPFC

28th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE)
2020-08 | Conference paper
Contributors: soheil ranjbar
Source: Self-asserted source
soheil ranjbar

Adaptive wide area damping controller for damping inter‐area oscillations considering high penetration of wind farms

International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems
2020-06 | Journal article | Author
Part of ISSN: 2050-7038
Part of ISSN: 2050-7038
Contributors: Mohamad Javad Alinezhad; Masoud Radmehr; soheil ranjbar
Source: Self-asserted source
soheil ranjbar
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Online estimation of power system separation as controlled islanding scheme in the presence of inter-area oscillations

Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks
2020-03 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 2352-4677
Contributors: Masoud Rezaee; Mahmoud Samiei Moghadam; Soheil Ranjbar
Source: Self-asserted source
soheil ranjbar

Automation and SCADA in Power Distribution Systems

Mazandaran Power Distribution Company Press
2019 | Book
Contributors: soheil ranjbar
Source: Self-asserted source
soheil ranjbar

Transient Stability Enhancement by Using Fuzzy-based SMES and Braking Resistor

5th National Conference on Electrical & Mechatronics Engineering
2019-12 | Conference paper
Contributors: soheil ranjbar
Source: Self-asserted source
soheil ranjbar

A new scheme of WADC for damping inter-area oscillation based on CART technique and Thevenine impedance

International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems
2018-01 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0142-0615
Contributors: Soheil Ranjbar; MohammadReza Aghamohammadi; Farhad Haghjoo
Source: Self-asserted source
soheil ranjbar

Damping Inter- Area Oscillation in Power Systems Using Local PSSs based on Global Control Signals

Tabriz Journal of Electrical Engineering (TJEE)
2017 | Journal article
Contributors: soheil ranjbar
Source: Self-asserted source
soheil ranjbar

Damping Inter- area Oscillation in Power System by Using Global Control Signals based on PSS devices

25th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE)
2017-05 | Conference paper
Contributors: soheil ranjbar
Source: Self-asserted source
soheil ranjbar

Real Time Wide Area Damping Control Signal to Damp Inter-Area Oscillation in Power System

25th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE)
2017-05 | Conference paper
Contributors: soheil ranjbar
Source: Self-asserted source
soheil ranjbar

Voltage Transient Instability Prediction of Synchronous Generator Using Bayesian Technique

4th National & 2nd International Conference on Applied Research in Electrical, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
2017-02 | Conference paper
Contributors: soheil ranjbar
Source: Self-asserted source
soheil ranjbar

Adaptive Wide Area Damping Controller for Damping Inter-Area Oscillations On Power System

24rd Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE)
2016-05 | Conference paper
Contributors: soheil ranjbar
Source: Self-asserted source
soheil ranjbar

Determining Wide Area Damping Control Signal (WADCS) Based on C5.0 Classifier

24rd Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE)
2016-05 | Conference paper
Contributors: soheil ranjbar
Source: Self-asserted source
soheil ranjbar

“Electrical System, Control and Efficiency in Wind Turbines

Qeddis press
2015 | Book
Contributors: soheil ranjbar
Source: Self-asserted source
soheil ranjbar

Real Time Transient Instability Assessment Based-on Bayesian Theory

23rd Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE)
2015-05 | Conference paper
Contributors: soheil ranjbar
Source: Self-asserted source
soheil ranjbar

Splitting Prediction of Wide Power System to Controlled Islanding Using Decision Tree Technique

9st Power System Protection Conference 2015 (PSPC)
2015-01 | Conference paper
Contributors: soheil ranjbar
Source: Self-asserted source
soheil ranjbar

Transient Instability Prediction Using Decision Tree Technique

IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
2013-08 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0885-8950
Part of ISSN: 1558-0679
Contributors: Turaj Amraee; Soheil Ranjbar
Source: Self-asserted source
soheil ranjbar

Peer review (27 reviews for 6 publications/grants)

Review activity for Computers & electrical engineering. (1)
Review activity for Electric power systems research. (11)
Review activity for Heliyon. (1)
Review activity for International journal of electrical power & energy systems. (12)
Review activity for Renewable energy focus. (1)
Review activity for SN Applied Sciences (1)