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Mijo Beljo was born on 30 May 1989 in Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). He finished primary school in the small town of Prozor, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and attended the Ivan Zakmardi Dijankovečki Gymnasium in Križevci, Republic of Croatia, from 2004. In 2009, he enrolled on a single-subject history degree programme at the then Croatian Faculty of the University of Zagreb. In 2012, he obtained a university bachelor's degree in history when he was declared the best bachelor's student in history. In the same year, he enrolled in a single-subject degree programme in history with a major in teaching, which he completed in 2014 with excellent results. Shortly afterwards, he enrolled in a postgraduate doctoral programme in history at the Croatian Faculty of the University of Zagreb.

After completing his studies, he was employed as a history teacher at the Alojzija Stepinac Primary School in Zagreb. In 2017, he moved to the Croatian Faculty of History at the University of Zagreb, where he was appointed a staff member and assistant in the Department of History. Since then, he has been teaching the seminar part of compulsory and elective courses in modern and contemporary Croatian history and world history. In June 2021, under the supervision of Prof Ivica Lučić, Ph.D., he defended his dissertation entitled Political and Military Relations in the Territory of Northern Herzegovina from 1992 to 1994, which earned him the title of Doctor of Science (Ph.D.). In mid-2022, he was elected Assistant Professor at his home Faculty of History, where he teaches several courses closely related to the topic of the Homeland War in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Since 2016, he has been a student representative on the Council for Science and Teaching of Croatian Studies at the University of Zagreb. In 2018, he became a member of the working group for the proposal of the reformed History degree programme in the then Croatian Studies degree programme at the University of Zagreb and a member of the Committee for Student Mobility and Enrolment in the Bachelor's degree programme in History. In addition, he has been a member of the working group for the reform of the History degree programme and the committee for Public Tasks at his home Faculty of Croatian Studies since 2020. In 2018, he was appointed outside the board of the parent institution as a member of the committee for the evaluation of applications submitted in the framework of a public call for proposals by the Ministry of Croatian Veterans (MINOB) for the co-financing of literary or journalistic works on the Homeland War.

In 2018, he was the secretary of the academic conference 1918-2018: Historical Controversies and Croatia Today, which took place on 29 October 2018 at the Faculty of Croatian Studies in Zagreb. He was also a member of the organising committee of the academic conference The Importance of European Memory for the European Future: Communist War Crimes, which took place on 19 June 2020 at the parent institution. At the same time, he was a member of the preparatory committee for the scientific and cultural event Croatian Spring and the Croatian State, which took place on 21 and 22 October 2020. He is one of the editors of two anthologies, one of which is the result of the interdisciplinary project Historical Development of Applied Psychology in Croatia in the First Half of the 20th Century: The Work of the Station/Institute for Vocational Counselling from 1931-1948.

His academic interest is the Homeland War in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, focussing in particular on political and military events. Accordingly, his doctoral thesis and most of his published and in-progress academic works deal with the modern and contemporary history of the Croatian people in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republic of Croatia.


Employment (3)

University of Zagreb, Faculty of Croatian Studies: Zagreb, EU, Croatia, HR

2022-07-14 to present | Assistant Professor (History)
Source: Self-asserted source
Mijo Beljo

University of Zagreb, Faculty of Croatian Studies: Zagreb, EU, Croatia, HR

2017-12-18 to 2022-07-14 | research assistan (History)
Source: Self-asserted source
Mijo Beljo

Elementary School Alojzije Stepinac: Zagreb, EU, Croatia, HR

2016-01-26 to 2017-12-17 | History teacher
Source: Self-asserted source
Mijo Beljo

Education and qualifications (2)

University of Zagreb: Zagreb, EU, Croatia, HR

Ph.D (Department of History, Faculty of Croatian Studies)
Source: Self-asserted source
Mijo Beljo

Sveučilište u Zagrebu: Zagreb, EU, Croatia, HR

2009 to 2014 | mag. educ. hist. (Department of History, Faculty of Croatian Studies)
Source: Self-asserted source
Mijo Beljo

Works (13)

Informativno-propagandno djelovanje muslimansko- bošnjačke strane tijekom rata u BiH: primjer Oslobođenja (1992. i 1993. godine)

Miroslav Tuđman i paradigma znanja
2023 | Journal article
Contributors: Mijo Beljo
Source: Self-asserted source
Mijo Beljo

Mujahideen in Bosnia and Herzegovina from 1992 until 1995

Aspects of Islamic Radicalization in the Balkans After the Fall of Communism
2023-08-31 | Book chapter | Writing - original draft
Part of ISBN: 9781433198694
Part of ISBN: 9781433198700
Contributors: Mijo Beljo; Lucija Zadro
Source: Self-asserted source
Mijo Beljo

Contributions to Research of the Role of Foreign workers in the Homeland War; Example of Prozor-Rama Municipality

Gastarbajterska iseljenička poema - od stvarnosti do romantizma: zbornik radova
2022 | Conference paper
Contributors: Mijo Beljo; Danijel Jurković
Source: Self-asserted source
Mijo Beljo

Politička važnost borbi Titovih i Mihailovićevih snaga u Istočnoj Bosni i Sandžaku ujesen 1943. godine

Zbornik radova Filozofskog fakulteta u Splitu
2022-12-17 | Journal article
Contributors: Vladimir Šumanović; Mijo Beljo
Source: check_circle

Background and chronology of the crimes committed by the Army of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the village of Trusina on April 16, 1993

Review of Croatian history
2022-12-14 | Journal article
Contributors: Mijo Beljo; Hrvoje Mandić
Source: check_circle

Uzroci, tijek i posljedice akcije „Trebević-2”

Journal of contemporary history
2022-04-01 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1848-9079
Part of ISSN: 0590-9597
Source: Self-asserted source
Mijo Beljo
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Partizanski napad na Prozor i stradanje šćitskih franjevaca u srpnju 1942. godine

ama u Drugom svjetskom ratu i poraću: zbornik radova sa znanstvenog skupa održanog 2. listopada 2021. u Franjevačkom samostanu Rama-Šćit
2021 | Conference paper
Contributors: Mijo Beljo
Source: Self-asserted source
Mijo Beljo

1918. - 2018. Povijesni prijepori i Hrvatska danas : zbornik radova sa znanstvenoga skupa

Fakultet hrvatskih studija Sveučilišta u Zagrebu
2020-10-14 | Edited book
Source: Self-asserted source
Mijo Beljo

Odnosi Armije Bosne i Hercegovine i Hrvatskoga vijeća obrane na području središnje Bosne tijekom 1992. godine

Stolačko kulturno proljeće (1512-9527) XVI (2018); 127-140
2018 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Mijo Beljo

Conflicts between The Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Croatian Defence Council in Gornji Vakuf in 1992

2016 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Mijo Beljo


2016 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Mijo Beljo

Tomislav Brković, Stjepan Lovrić, Miljenko Petričević, Jozo Šarčević, ur., Rama 1942. Zbornik radova (Rama-Šćit: Franjevački samostan, 2014), 349 str. ( Rama 1942. )

Časopis za suvremenu povijest
2016 | Book review
Source: Self-asserted source
Mijo Beljo

Rasim Muratović, Genocide in Ahmici, 1993 (Sarajevo, Ahmici: Institute for Investigation of Crimes against Humanity and International Law of the University of Sarajevo, Association of Citizens of War Victims '92 -'95. "April 16, 2013), 382 pp.

Croatian Institute of History
2015-12 | Other
Source: Self-asserted source
Mijo Beljo