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Employment (1)

Sandia National Laboratories California: Livermore, CA, US

1993 to present
Source: Self-asserted source
Habib Najm

Works (23)

Polynomial Chaos Surrogate Construction for Random Fields with Parametric Uncertainty

SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification
2025-03-31 | Journal article
Contributors: Joy N. Mueller; Khachik Sargsyan; Craig J. Daniels; Habib N. Najm
Source: check_circle

Surrogate construction via weight parameterization of residual neural networks

Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
2025-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Oscar H. Diaz-Ibarra; Khachik Sargsyan; Habib N. Najm
Source: check_circle

Adaptive tau-leaping methods for microscopic-lattice kinetic Monte Carlo simulations

The Journal of Chemical Physics
2024-08-28 | Journal article
Contributors: Tianshi Che; Yang Zhou; Xiaoying Han; Habib N. Najm
Source: check_circle

Active learning for SNAP interatomic potentials via Bayesian predictive uncertainty

Computational Materials Science
2024-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Logan Williams; Khachik Sargsyan; Andrew Rohskopf; Habib N. Najm
Source: check_circle

Diffusion-Limited Kinetics in Reactive Systems

The Journal of Physical Chemistry A
2024-05-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Matthew S. Johnson; Joy N. Mueller; Craig Daniels; Habib N. Najm; Judit Zádor
Source: check_circle

Bayesian optimization for stable properties amid processing fluctuations in sputter deposition

Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A
2024-05-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Ankit Shrivastava; Matias Kalaswad; Joyce O. Custer; David P. Adams; Habib N. Najm
Source: check_circle

Evaluation of Rate Coefficients in the Gas Phase Using Machine-Learned Potentials

The Journal of Physical Chemistry A
2024-03-14 | Journal article
Contributors: Carles Martí; Christian Devereux; Habib N. Najm; Judit Zádor
Source: check_circle

Trade-offs in the latent representation of microstructure evolution

Acta Materialia
2024-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Saaketh Desai; Ankit Shrivastava; Marta D’Elia; Habib N. Najm; Rémi Dingreville
Source: check_circle

Bayesian Nonlocal Operator Regression: A Data-Driven Learning Framework of Nonlocal Models with Uncertainty Quantification

Journal of Engineering Mechanics
2023-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Yiming Fan; Marta D’Elia; Yue Yu; Habib N. Najm; Stewart Silling
Source: check_circle

Pynta─An Automated Workflow for Calculation of Surface and Gas–Surface Kinetics

Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling
2023-08-28 | Journal article
Contributors: Matthew S. Johnson; Maciej Gierada; Eric D. Hermes; David H. Bross; Khachik Sargsyan; Habib N. Najm; Judit Zádor
Source: check_circle

Bayesian calibration with summary statistics for the prediction of xenon diffusion in UO2 nuclear fuel

Computational Materials Science
2023-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Pieterjan Robbe; David Andersson; Luc Bonnet; Tiernan A. Casey; Michael W.D. Cooper; Christopher Matthews; Khachik Sargsyan; Habib N. Najm
Source: check_circle

Global sensitivity analysis of a coupled multiphysics model to predict surface evolution in fusion plasma–surface interactions

Computational Materials Science
2023-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Pieterjan Robbe; Sophie Blondel; Tiernan A. Casey; Ane Lasa; Khachik Sargsyan; Brian D. Wirth; Habib N. Najm
Source: check_circle

Multifidelity Neural Network Formulations for Prediction of Reactive Molecular Potential Energy Surfaces

Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling
2023-04-24 | Journal article
Contributors: Yoona Yang; Michael S. Eldred; Judit Zádor; Habib N. Najm
Source: check_circle

Comprehensive Kinetics on the C7H7 Potential Energy Surface under Combustion Conditions

The Journal of Physical Chemistry A
2023-03-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Carles Martí; Hope A. Michelsen; Habib N. Najm; Judit Zádor
Source: check_circle

Automated Reaction Kinetics of Gas-Phase Organic Species over Multiwell Potential Energy Surfaces

The Journal of Physical Chemistry A
2023-01-26 | Journal article
Contributors: Judit Zádor; Carles Martí; Ruben Van de Vijver; Sommer L. Johansen; Yoona Yang; Hope A. Michelsen; Habib N. Najm
Source: check_circle

Bayesian calibration of interatomic potentials for binary alloys

Computational Materials Science
2022-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Arun Hegde; Elan Weiss; Wolfgang Windl; Habib Najm; Cosmin Safta
Source: check_circle

Quantification of the effect of uncertainty on impurity migration in PISCES-A simulated with GITR

Nuclear Fusion
2022-05-01 | Journal article
Contributors: T.R. Younkin; K. Sargsyan; T. Casey; H.N. Najm; J.M. Canik; D.L. Green; R.P. Doerner; D. Nishijima; M. Baldwin; J. Drobny et al.
Source: check_circle

Bayesian model calibration for vacuum-ultraviolet photoionisation mass spectrometry

Combustion Theory and Modelling
2022-04-16 | Journal article
Contributors: James Oreluk; Leonid Sheps; Habib Najm
Source: check_circle

Geometry Optimization Speedup Through a Geodesic Approach to Internal Coordinates

2021-06-11 | Preprint
Contributors: Eric Hermes; Khachik Sargsyan; Habib Najm; Judit Zádor
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 4)‎

Geometry Optimization Speedup Through a Geodesic Approach to Internal Coordinate Optimization

2021-05-27 | Preprint
Contributors: Eric Hermes; Khachik Sargsyan; Habib Najm; Judit Zádor
Source: check_circle

Accelerated Saddle Point Refinement Through Full Exploitation of Partial Hessian Diagonalization

2019-08-30 | Preprint
Contributors: Eric Hermes; Khachik Sargsyan; Habib Najm; Judit Zádor
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 3)‎

Explicit time integration of the stiff chemical Langevin equations using computational singular perturbation

The Journal of Chemical Physics
2019-05-21 | Journal article
Contributors: Xiaoying Han; Mauro Valorani; Habib N. Najm
Source: check_circle

Hybrid discrete/continuum algorithms for stochastic reaction networks

Journal of Computational Physics
2015-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Cosmin Safta; Khachik Sargsyan; Bert Debusschere; Habib N. Najm
Source: check_circle