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Bridget Hutter has a Chair in Risk Regulation at the London School of Economics. She studied sociology at the Universities of London and Oxford and has previously worked at the Centre for Socio-Legal Studies, Oxford and Jesus College, Oxford. She was Director of the ESRC Centre for Analysis of Risk and Regulation (CARR) 2000-2010 where she is now a Senior Research Associate.
Bridget Hutter’s research interests are in the broad area of regulation and risk governance including the regulation of economic life; risk anticipation, resilience and natural disasters; risk based regulation; and the regulation of food, the environment, airline safety and occupational health and safety. She is author of numerous publications on the subject of risk regulation and has an international reputation for her work on compliance, regulatory enforcement and business risk management. Her publications include Managing Food Safety and Hygiene: Governance and Regulation as Risk Management (2011), Anticipating Risks and Organizing Risk Regulation (edited, 2010), Organizational Encounters with Risk (edited with Mike Power, 2005), Regulation and Risk: Occupational Health and Safety on the Railways (2001), Compliance: Regulation and Environment (1997). She recently completed a monograph Regulatory Crisis: Interactions Between Disaster, Crisis and Risk Regulation with Sally Lloyd-Bostock, this will be published by Cambridge University Press in 2017. Her current research is engaging with risk-based approaches to regulation and also with issues of risk, resilience, inequality and environmental regulation.
Bridget Hutter is a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences, Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, an alumnus of the World Economic Forum Network of Global Agenda Councils and Member of the Regulation & Governance Editorial Board. In 2010 she was appointed Trustee and Board Member of the policy research centre The Strategic Society Centre. She is regularly involved in policy making discussions, with international bodies, business organizations, regulatory agencies and consumer groups. She has given advice to BALPA and the Civil Aviation Authority on the reporting culture amongst pilots; the Environment Agency on compliance and small businesses; HSE on compliance research and regulatory impact; the Pennington Inquiry into the 2005 South Wales E.coli outbreak on food regulation; the Pitt Review Team on regulation and natural disasters; and various regulators on risk-based regulation. She also speaks at conferences, meetings and to international groups on risk regulation issues.