Personal information

Economic History, Industrial History, financial history, Economic and Social History, Instituonal Ec


He was born in Istanbul in 1977. Education life started with Topkapılı Mehmet Bey Elementary School and Pertevniyal High School and continued in Istanbul. Faculty of Economics, Public Administration (1995-1999), Istanbul University (1999-2002) and his Ph.D. (2009-2012) in the field of Economic History, Prof. Dr. Completed in Marmara University under the consultancy of Ahmet Tabakoğlu.
He started his career in the Ministry of Finance in 2001, continuing with accounting auditing and internal auditing duties.
Academic studies; Social History, History and Society, Kebikeç, Entrepreneurship and Development Magazine, Turkish Studies and Communications, Kadir Has University Publications.
He has taught at university since 2010, as well as his position as Head of Internal Audit Unit at Marmara University.
Interest in the history of economics is mainly the history of finance and business.
Supervisors: Ahmet Tabakoğlu


Employment (1)

Marmara University: Istanbul, TR

2006 to present | Chief Audit Executive (CAE), Teaching Staff (Internal Audit Unit)
Source: Self-asserted source
Cem Çetin

Education and qualifications (3)

Marmara University: Istanbul, TR

2003 to 2009 | Doctor of Philosophy (Economic History)
Source: Self-asserted source
Cem Çetin

Marmara University: Istanbul, TR

1999 to 2002 | Master of Science (Economic History)
Source: Self-asserted source
Cem Çetin

Istanbul University: Istanbul, TR

1995 to 1999 (Economy)
Source: Self-asserted source
Cem Çetin