Personal information
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-Born at Porto, Paranhos, 1960.11.15
-Academic and professional degrees
2008: Doctorate (PhD) in Education Sciences, specialty of Philosophy of Education, by University of Coimbra.
Thesis title: Education and media culture: Analysis of un-educative practices (published by Âncora/CEI)
Directors: João José S.M.Boavida, António Simões; Committee: Angel Garcia del Dujo, Manuel Pinto, Maria das Dores Formosinho, Manuel Alte da Veiga, João Boavida, António Simões, Ana Paula Relvas
Classification: Praise and Distinction
1998-1996: Attendance of the curricular part of the Doctoral Programme in “Comunicación y Pluralismo”, Salamanca Pontifical University; seventeen subjects: 31 ECTS;
1998: Specialized Trainer for Educational Technology and Communication (B15), Specialized Didactics (Philosophy – C05) by the Portuguese Scientific-Pedagogical Council for In-service Training.
1996: Master in Education Sciences, by University of Coimbra
Thesis title: Advertising’s (un)educative value (published IUC)
Director: João José S.M.Boavida
Committee: Maria das Dores Formosinho Sanches Simões, António Moderno, João José S.M.Boavida
Classification: Very Good
1995: Specialized trainer for Practical and Pedagogical Research and Specialized Didactics (Philosophy) by the Portuguese Scientific-pedagogical Council for In-service Training;
1991: Graduation in Teaching of Philosophy, University of Porto.
1989: Graduation in Philosophy, University of Porto.
-Academic career
At University of Coimbra
Faculty of Psychology and of Education Sciences
Auxiliary Professor since 9.2.2015
At Guarda Polytechnic Institute (IPG), Portugal
Coordinator Professor since 2013.08.01 up to 8.2.2015; Scientific area of Education Sciences, specialty Philosophy of Education;
Adjunct Professor (tenure) since 2000.11.29 up to 2013.08.01; Scientific area of Education Sciences, specialty of Educational Psychology and/or Pedagogical Psychology; provisional appointment between 1997.11.29 and 2000.11.28; Scientific area of Education Sciences, specialty of Educational Psychology and/or Pedagogical Psychology;
Assistant (2nd triennium) between 1994.10.14 and 1997.11.28; (1st triennium) between 1991.10.14 and 1994.10.13; Scientific area of Education Sciences, Teacher Education
-At other Higher Education Institutions
Invited Lecturer (November, 2015), Liepaja Univerty, Latvia, PhD Course on Pedagogy
Invited lecturer (2009-2010), Universidade Lusófona do Porto, Master Course on Psychology of Education, Education Social Psychology;
Invited lecturer (2009-2010), Universidade de Coimbra, Master Course on Education and the Knowledge Society, Knowledge Society Multidisplinary analysis I;
Invited lecturer (2009-2010), Universidade de Coimbra, Master Course on Education and the Knowledge Society, Knowledge Society Multidisplinary analysis II;
Invited lecturer (2008-2009), Universidade Lusíada, Post-graduation course on Education, Inclusion and Special Needs, Science Research Methodology;
Invited lecturer (2008-2009), Universidade de Coimbra, Master Course on Education and the Knowledge Society, Themes and Problematics of Contemporary Education;
1989: Award Eng.º António de Almeida for the best graduation in Philosophy by OPorto University.
- Scholar and management activities
Director; School of Education, Communication and Sports of Guarda Polytechnic (IPG); 8/10/2010 up to January 2014; 19/2/2009-7/10/2010
Member; Council for Evaluation and Quality IPG; 30/09/2009 up to up to January 2014
Coordinator; Library of IPG; 14/04/2009 up to January 2014
Member; Board Coordination IPG; 19/02/2009; Up to January 2014
Member; Coordinating Council for the Evaluation of IPG; 19/02/2009 up to January 2014
Vice-President; Scientific Council ESEG; 2000-2002
Secretary; Scientific Council ESEG; 2000/02-2000/11
Member; Advisory Board ESECD IPG; 1996-1997
Member; Assembly of Representatives ESEG IPG; 1995-1997
Member; General Assembly of the IPG; 1995-1997
Director; Master Course of Basic Education 1st 2nd Cycles Teaching – ESECD-IPG; 04/11/2010 up to January 2014
Coordinator; Education Sciences Disciplinary Area; 2009-2012
Director; Department of Psychology and Educational Sciences ESEG-IPG; 2007-2009; 2004-2007
Departmental Coordinator; ERASMUS mobilities; 2007-2009
Coordinator; Graduation Course of Basic Education 1st Cycle Teachers – ESEG-IPG; 2004-2009
Pedagogical Coordinator; Courses of Higher Specialized Studies – ESEG-IPG; 1999-2001
Pedagogical Coordinator; Complementary Training Courses for Early Childhood Educators and Basic Education 1st Cycle Teachers – ESEG-IPG; 1999-2000
Coordinator; Bachelor Course of Communication and Public Relations – ESEG-IP; 1995-1997; 1993-1995
Member; Scientific Council of ESEG/ Conselho Técnico-Científico da ESECD; 1997/12 up to February 2014
Member; Scientific Council of UDI; Formação; up to February 2014
Member; Permanent Board of UDI; Formação; up to February 2014
Member; Pedagogical Council of ESEG; 2002-2005; 1996-998
Employment (1)
Education and qualifications (4)
Professional activities (4)
Funding (6)