Personal information
Hyo-Sang Park, DDS, MSD, PhD
Professor and Chair, Department of Orthodontics. School of Dentistry, Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Korea
department chair, Kyungpook National University Dental Hospital
more than 100 international articles, seven textbooks, and ten chapters dealing with Orthodontic Microimplants. His articles were cited in the orthodontic journals over 9,600 times. He found Dentos Limited with collaboration with colleagues. He has spoken to world-renowned orthodontic meetings more than 75 times as a keynote speaker and provided 2 or 3 days of microimplants training course internationally more than 230 times. He is serving as a reviewer for AJODO, Angle Orthod, EJO, Orthodontics, and craniofacial research, J of Orthodontics, KJO, and other journalresearchess doing reseaches concerning clinical use of microimplants, its biomechanics, and animal experiments to improve Microimplants.