Personal information
I am a Daphne Jackson fellow working as a Post-doctoral Research Associate based in the Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Manchester (UofM) under the supervisor of Professor Costantinos Theodoropoulos. My fellowship is sponsored by the Biotechnology and Biological Science Research Council (BBSRC) due to finish in February 2023. I use a combination of experimental and computation modeling to maximize microalgae cultivation and evaluate the biochemical production of various high-value products used as raw materials for fuel, food, drug, and beauty industries. In my project, I use ingenious techniques and cutting-edge tools to determine and maximize the potential of microalgae’s utilization in industrial biotechnology. I carry out cultivation in laboratory-scale vessels e.g. 500 mL or 100mL, closed system 12L photobioreactor, and 500L open raceway ponds using various microalgae strains. I am a member of the BBSRC People and Talent Strategy Advisory Panel (PAT SAP) group and I supervised foundation stage projects at the University of Manchester.
Employment (3)
Education and qualifications (2)
Funding (1)
Works (4)