Personal information
Prof. Dr. Dancho Danalev has graduated at the University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy (UCTM), Sofia, Bulgaria, in the direction of “Organic chemical technology”, specialization “Organic synthesis”. Dr. Danalev is a Chemical engineer and a M.Sc. in Chemistry (1999). He is a Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry (2003, UCTM, Sofia, Bulgaria), worked on the synthesis and structure-activity relationship of biological active peptides as inhibitors and activators of enzymatic systems. Since 2002 Dr. Danalev is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Organic Chemistry at UCTM. In 2006-2007 he spent 10 months postdoctoral research position at the laboratory headed by Prof. Vincent Ferrières, Ecole National Superior de Chimie de Rennes, France. There Dr. Danalev has been developed synthesis of glycofuranosides. Two years later in 2009, during 6 months period, Assist. Prof. Dr. Dancho Danalev is invited lecturer in the University of Cergy-Pontoise, France, ECIME laboratory, where he works with Prof. Pascal Griesmar and Prof. Stephane Serfaty on the design of new hybrid organic-inorganic materials comprising biomolecules. In 2009, as a part of the project with the National Scientific Fund of Bulgaria Dr. Danalev starts his second post-doctoral specialization in laboratory SOSCO, University of Cergy-Pontoise under supervising of Prof. Jacques Augé and Prof. Nadège Lubin-Germain. During 10 months period of this post-doc position, he worked on the synthesis of glycopeptides with antiviral and antiparasitic properties. Since 2012 Dr. Danalev is an Associated Professor in the Biotechnology Department of UCTM. His teaching concerns with the organic, bioorganic chemistry, biochemistry, bioanalytical technics for analysis and separation of biomolecules (HPLC, GC, MS, and electrophoresis) as well as pharmaceutical biotechnology and molecular design of biological active compounds. Till the moment Prof. Dr. Dancho Danalev is headed 14 Ph.D. students and more than 100 diploma theses for bachelor and master degree. As researcher, Dr. Danalevs’ work is related to the synthesis and investigation of structure-activity relationships of biomolecules especially biologically active peptides and their bioconjugates as well as development and validation of new chromatographic methods for determination of organic compounds in different matrices. He has more than 80 research articles referenced in the international databases Scopus and Web of Science. Since 2020, Dr. Danalev has a full professor position in the Biotechnology Department of University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, Sofia. Between 2020-2023 Prof. Danalev was Head of Biotechnology Department of UCTM and currently he is a Vice-Rector of Educational affairs of UCTM. In addition, he is an Editor-In-Chief of the Journal of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy (Scopus, Q3).
Employment (1)
Education and qualifications (1)
Professional activities (3)
Funding (1)
DN 19/17, 20.12.2017