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is a Lecturer/Professor with Doctorate level at the Department of Physic (DF) of the Faculty of Philosophy, Sciences and Letters at Ribeirao Preto (FFCLRP) of the University of Sao Paulo (USP). PhD in Biomolecular Physics (2010) from the Institute of Physics of Sao Carlos (IFSC). Had previous PostDoctoral Researcher positions at Birkbeck College (University of London, UK), UH Manoa (Hawaii, USA), and USP. His research is focused on the structural characterization of proteins using eletromagnetic radiation. The intrinsically disordered proteins and their interaction with partners are especially focused. Uses the spectroscopies of circular dichroism (conventional and synchrotron radiation-CD) and fluorescence (steady-state and time-resolved methods), but also other biophysical techniques (calorimetry, Surface Plasmon Resonance, and microscopy).