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Apoidea, Aculeata, Hymenoptera, Arthropoda, Apiformes


Works (6)

Insect Pollinator Voucher Collection: Pollinator Visitation to Pacific Northwest Native Plants and Native Cultivars

Catalog: Oregon State Arthropod Collection
2024-12-18 | Journal article
Contributors: Jen J. M. Hayes; Nicole C. Bell; Lincoln Best; Svea R. Bruslind; Devon O. Johnson; Mallory E. Mead; Tyler S. Spofford; Gail A. Langellotto
Source: check_circle

Insect Pollinator Voucher Collection: Pollinator Visitation to Pacific Northwest Native Plants and Native Cultivars

Catalog: Oregon State Arthropod Collection
2024-12-18 | Journal article
Contributors: Jen J. M. Hayes; Nicole C. Bell; Lincoln Best; Svea R. Bruslind; Devon O. Johnson; Mallory E. Mead; Tyler S. Spofford; Gail A. Langellotto
Source: check_circle

Occurrence records and taxonomic voucher specimens for study of wild bee communities in early seral forests generated by wildfire, post-fire salvage logging, and intensive forest management in southwest Oregon

Catalog: Oregon State Arthropod Collection
2024-12-18 | Journal article
Contributors: Frank S. Graham; Lincoln Best; James W. Rivers; Matthew G. Betts; Jake Verschuyl; Andrew J. Kroll; Mark E. Swanson; Meg A. Krawchuk
Source: check_circle

Occurrence records and taxonomic voucher specimens for study of wild bee communities in early seral forests generated by wildfire, post-fire salvage logging, and intensive forest management in southwest Oregon

Catalog: Oregon State Arthropod Collection
2024-12-18 | Journal article
Contributors: Frank S. Graham; Lincoln Best; James W. Rivers; Matthew G. Betts; Jake Verschuyl; Andrew J. Kroll; Mark E. Swanson; Meg A. Krawchuk
Source: check_circle

The establishment and potential spread of Osmia cornuta (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae) in North America

Environmental Entomology
2024-12-16 | Journal article
Contributors: Michael P Getz; Lincoln R Best; Andony P Melathopoulos; Timothy L Warren; Sandy DeBano
Source: check_circle

The Establishment and Potential Spread ofOsmia cornuta(Hymenoptera: Megachilidae) in North America

2024-06-19 | Preprint
Contributors: Michael P Getz; Lincoln R Best; Andony P Melathopoulos; Timothy L Warren
Source: check_circle