Personal information
Olivier Deheuvels is an agronomist specialized in cocoa-based cropping systems, with a PhD in agroecology. He has been working in Cirad since 1999 as a researcher, first in Ecuador where he contributed to create the first collection of “Nacional” cocoa varieties at INIAP-Pichilingue. He then led with CNRA a research project in Ivory Coast where renovation and rehabilitation techniques for senescent cocoa fields were characterized and tested. From 2003 to 2006, he worked on consultancies in Ecuador, Ghana and Cameroon for cost/benefit studies in cocoa based agroforestry systems versus monospecific cocoa cropping system. During 8 years (2007-2014), he worked as seconded staff at Catie, in the Program for Sustainable Agriculture and Agroforestry conducted by Eduardo Somarriba. There he coordinated the “Productivity and Environment” work-package of the Centro American Cocoa Project (PCC) on tradeoffs between Productivity and Ecological services in 6 countries. He worked as seconded staff at ICRAF’s regional office for Latin America in Lima (Peru) where he was involved in research activities with the public and the private sector, focused on tradeoffs between ecosystem services that facilitate mitigation and adaptation to Climate Change. His current activities are oriented towards the design of sustainable cocoa-based agroforestry systems that combine several ecosystem services targeted by the farmers. He has been based in the Dominican Republic since 2020 and leads the research component of the Cacao Forest project, funded by AFD and the french chocolate industry.
Employment (1)
Education and qualifications (5)
Works (14)