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Works (4)

Author Correction: Coherent correlation imaging for resolving fluctuating states of matter

2023-06-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Christopher Klose; Felix Büttner; Wen Hu; Claudio Mazzoli; Kai Litzius; Riccardo Battistelli; Sergey Zayko; Ivan Lemesh; Jason M. Bartell; Mantao Huang et al.
Source: check_circle

Coherent correlation imaging for resolving fluctuating states of matter

2023-02-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Christopher Klose; Felix Büttner; Wen Hu; Claudio Mazzoli; Kai Litzius; Riccardo Battistelli; Sergey Zayko; Ivan Lemesh; Jason M. Bartell; Mantao Huang et al.
Source: check_circle

Photon correlation spectroscopy with heterodyne mixing based on soft x-ray magnetic circular dichroism

Physical Review B
2022-06-22 | Journal article
Contributors: Christopher Klose; Felix Büttner; Wen Hu; Claudio Mazzoli; Geoffrey S. D. Beach; Stefan Eisebitt; Bastian Pfau
Source: check_circle

Deterministic Generation and Guided Motion of Magnetic Skyrmions by Focused He+-Ion Irradiation

Nano Letters
2022-05-25 | Journal article
Contributors: Lisa-Marie Kern; Bastian Pfau; Victor Deinhart; Michael Schneider; Christopher Klose; Kathinka Gerlinger; Steffen Wittrock; Dieter Engel; Ingo Will; Christian M. Günther et al.
Source: check_circle