Personal information
Andreas was born on 13. April 1964 in Vienna, where he studied Biochemistry from 1982-1988
finishing with a PhD in 1991. He was then awarded an FWF Schrödinger Fellowship to do his
Post-Doc studies in protein structure-function relationships at the Max-Planck-Institute of
Biochemistry under Robert Huber. From 1993-1997 he was working as a researcher (later as
senior scientist) at the Sandoz- later Novartis-Research-Institute in Vienna performing
biophysical investigations of drug-receptor interactions. After receiving an Austrian Academy of
Sciences APART fellowship to promote the interaction between basic and applied research, he
habilitated 1999 in Biophysical Chemistry at the University of Vienna before becoming Associate
Professor at the Institute of Pharmaceutical Chemistry in Graz. Andreas led several FWF and
FFG-funded projects, he was founding member of the Austrian GenAU Proteomics platform,
and he coordinated one of the very early EC-funded functional proteomics consortia. In 2005
Andreas was co-founder of ProtAffin Biotechnology AG, a privately-held biotech company
located in Graz and in London which developed novel, chemokine-based biopharmaceuticals
for inflammatory applications such as COPD. In 2011, he was appointed Professor for
Biopharmaceuticals and Proteomics at the Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences in Graz. In
March 2015, Andreas co-founded his second biotech company, Antagonis Biotherapeutics
GmbH, where he currently holds the CEO position. Antagonis develops novel glycan-targeting
biologics in the field of immunooncology. Andreas lives in Graz/Austria, he is married and is
father of two lovely teenage girls.