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Employment (2)

National Institute of Standards and Technology: Gaithersburg, MD, US

2019-12 to present | Mechanical Engineer (Engineering Laboratory)
Source: Self-asserted source
Jordan Weaver

National Institute of Standards and Technology: Gaithersburg, MD, US

2017-12 to 2019-12 | NRC Postdoctoral Researcher
Source: Self-asserted source
Jordan Weaver

Works (15)

A comparison of adiabatic shear bands in wrought and additively manufactured 316L stainless steel using nanoindentation and electron backscatter diffraction

Journal of Materials Science
2020-02-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Jordan S. Weaver; Veronica Livescu; Nathan A. Mara
Source: check_circle

Unsupervised learning of dislocation motion

Acta Materialia
2019-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Darren C. Pagan; Thien Q. Phan; Jordan S. Weaver; Austin R. Benson; Armand J. Beaudoin
Source: check_circle

Response of 14YWT alloys under neutron irradiation: A complementary study on microstructure and mechanical properties

Acta Materialia
2019-04 | Journal article
Contributors: E. Aydogan; J.S. Weaver; U. Carvajal-Nunez; M.M. Schneider; J.G. Gigax; D.L. Krumwiede; P. Hosemann; T.A. Saleh; N.A. Mara; D.T. Hoelzer et al.
Source: check_circle

Quantifying the mechanical effects of He, W and He + W ion irradiation on tungsten with spherical nanoindentation

Journal of Materials Science
2018-04-19 | Journal article
Contributors: Jordan S. Weaver; Cheng Sun; Yongqiang Wang; Surya R. Kalidindi; Russ P. Doerner; Nathan A. Mara; Siddhartha Pathak
Source: check_circle

Spherical Nanoindentation Stress-Strain Measurements of BOR-60 14YWT-NFA1 Irradiated Tubes

2017-11-29 | Report
Contributors: Jordan Weaver; Ursula Carvajal Nunez; David Krumwiede; Tarik A. Saleh; Peter Hosemann; Andrew Thomas Nelson; Stuart Andrew Maloy; Nathan Allan Mara
Source: check_circle

Poking our way to stronger and safer materials for nuclear energy applications

2017-06-05 | Report
Contributors: Jordan Weaver; Siddhartha Pathak; Ashley Reichardt; Hi Vo; Stuart Andrew Maloy; Peter Hosemann; Nathan Allan Mara
Source: check_circle

Nanoindentation of Electropolished FeCrAl Alloy Welds

2017-02-13 | Report
Contributors: Jordan Weaver; Eda Aydogan; Nathan Allan Mara; Stuart Andrew Maloy
Source: check_circle

Mechanical characterization of Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy at multiple length scales using spherical indentation stress-strain measurements

Materials & Design
2016 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Jordan Weaver

On capturing the grain-scale elastic and plastic anisotropy of alpha-Ti with spherical nanoindentation and electron back-scattered diffraction

Acta Materialia
2016-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Jordan S. Weaver; Matthew W. Priddy; David L. McDowell; Surya R. Kalidindi
Source: check_circle

High throughput exploration of process-property linkages in Al-6061 using instrumented spherical microindentation and microstructurally graded samples

Integr Mater Manuf Innov
2016-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Jordan S. Weaver; Ali Khosravani; Andrew Castillo; Surya R. Kalidindi
Source: Self-asserted source
Jordan Weaver via Crossref Metadata Search

Insights from the 3rd World Congress on Integrated Computational Materials Engineering

2016-03 | Journal article
Contributors: D. Howe; B. Goodlet; J. Weaver; G. Spanos
Source: Self-asserted source
Jordan Weaver via Crossref Metadata Search

Development of a proof-of-concept hybrid electric fuel cell vehicle

J. Renewable Sustainable Energy
2012 | Journal article
Contributors: Peter Strahs; Jordan Weaver; Luis Breziner; Christophe Garant; Keith Shaffer; Georgiy Diloyan; Parsaoran Hutapea
Source: Self-asserted source
Jordan Weaver via Crossref Metadata Search

Development of a Proof-of-Concept Series-Hybrid Vehicle Utilizing Multiple Power Sources

ASME 2010 8th International Fuel Cell Science, Engineering and Technology Conference: Volume 2
2010 | Conference paper
Contributors: Peter Strahs; Luis Breziner; Jordan Weaver; Christophe Garant; Georgiy Diloyan; Keith Shaffer; Parsaoran Hutapea
Source: Self-asserted source
Jordan Weaver via Crossref Metadata Search

Spherical nanoindentation stress-strain curves of commercially pure titanium and Ti-6Al-4V

Source: Self-asserted source
Jordan Weaver

Tensile and Microindentation Stress-Strain Curves of Al-6061

Source: Self-asserted source
Jordan Weaver