Personal information
BA History in Universitat de València (2010), MA Archaeology (2012) and MA in Teaching Training (2013). International PhD in Mediterranean Prehistory and Archaeology with the dissertation: Caves as ritual spaces in Iberian Iron Ages: the cases of Kelin, Edeta and Arse (2017).
I have also developed my research abroad: Archéologie des Sociétés Méditerranéennes (UMR5140) (Montpellier, France) (2010-2011), Department of Archaeology (Durham University, UK) (2015, 2019-2020), School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts (Merced, UC, USA) (2016), as well as a yearly postdoctoral research stay in Durham University (POSTD-Generalitat Valenciana-European Social Fund Fellow, 2019-2020).
My research is focused on the Iberian ritual caves (6th c.- 1st c. BC.). I analyze not only the artefacts, the context and the sacred landscape, but also the sensorial and emotional experiences personalized on these natural scenarios, considering their importance across time, their memories and the ancestors related to them. From 2018, I codirect the archaeological excavations in Cueva del Sapo (Chiva, València).
Since December 2019, I work as assistant professor in the Department of Prehistory, Archaeology and Ancient History of the University of Valencia.