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Works (2)

Modern methods of 3D diagnostics and prototyping in temporomandibular joint reconstruction

Stomatology for All / International Dental review
2024-09-17 | Journal article
Contributors: P.P. Soloshenkov; S.Yu. Ivanov; M.L. Tsaritsenko; Ye.P. Tychina; D.A. Belozerskikh
Source: check_circle

Temporomandibular joint replacement as a method of treatment mandibular fractures

Clinical Dentistry (Russia)
2024-06-28 | Journal article
Contributors: П.П. Солошенков; С.Ю. Иванов; Л.Л. Бороздкин; А.М. Гусаров; Д.А. Белозерских; Ф.А. Володяев
Source: check_circle