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Clegg, T., Hernly, K., Ahn, J., Yip, J., Bonsignore, E., Pauw, D., & Pitt, C. (2023). Changing Lanes: Relational Dispositions That Fuel Community Science Learning. American Educational Research Journal, 00028312231165909.
Bih, J., Pauw, D., Clegg, T., & Weintrop, D. (2020). Building for robots: An alternative approach of combining construction and robotics. In Proceedings of Constructionism 2020 Conference (pp. 170-180).
Clegg, T., Boston, C., Preece, J., Warrick, E., Pauw, D., & Cameron, J. (2020). Community-driven informal adult environmental learning: Using theory as a lens to identify steps toward concientización. The Journal of Environmental Education, 51(1), 55-71.
Mills, K., Bonsignore, E., Pauw, D., Pitt, C., Hernly, K., Cabrera, L., Jeong, H., Yip, J., Ahn, J. & Clegg, T. (2019). Eliciting Scientific Funds of Knowledge Through Social Media Sharing in Formal Learning Environments. American Education Research Association Annual Conference. Toronto, Canada.
Mills, K., Bonsignore, E., Clegg, T., Ahn, J., Yip, J., Pauw, D., Cabrera, L., Hernly, K., & Pitt, C. (2019). Connecting children’s scientific funds of knowledge shared on social media to science concepts. International journal of child-computer interaction, 21, 54-64.
Preece, J., Pauw, D., & Clegg, T. (2019). Interaction design of community-driven environmental projects (CDEPs): A case study from the Anacostia Watershed. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116(6), 1886-1893.
Pauw, D., Cabrera, L., Hernly, K., Jeong, H., Mills, K., Pitt, C., Ahn, J., Yip, J., Bonsignore, E., Clegg, T. (Presented). Collaborative Joy Building with Digital Stickers. Presented as part of Pedagogies of Joy: Possibilities of Joy for Expansive Learning. American Educational Research Association Annual Conference 2019. Toronto.
Ahn, J., Clegg, T., Yip, J., Bonsignore, E., Cabrera, L., Mills, K., Pauw, D., & Pitt, C. (2018). Designing Interactive Public Displays for Neighborhood Scientizing. Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. New York: ACM.
Cabrera, L., Ahn, J., Yip, J., Clegg, T., Hernly, K., Bonsignore, E., Pitt, C., & Pauw, D. (2018). Exploring practices on the move: Facilitating learning across a neighborhood. Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference of the Learning Sciences – ICLS 2018. London, UK: International Society of the Learning Sciences.
Mills, K., Bonsignore, E., Clegg, T., Ahn, J., Yip, J., Pauw, D., Cabrera, L., Hernly, K., & Pitt, C. (2018, June). Designing to illuminate children's scientific funds of knowledge through social media sharing. In Proceedings of the 17th ACM Conference on Interaction Design and Children (pp. 266-277).
Ahn, J., Clegg, T., Yip, J.,, Bonsignore, E., Pauw, D., Cabrera, L., Hernley, K., Pitt, C., Mills, K., Salazar, A., Griffing, D., Rick, J., & Marr, R. (2018, April). Science Everywhere: Designing Public, Tangible Displays to Connect Youth Learning Across Settings. In Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (p. 278). ACM.
Uchidiuno, J., Clegg, T. L., Ahn, J., Yip, J. C., Bonsignore, E., Pauw, D., et al. (2017). Learning about Learning through Participatory Design with Families. In B. DiSalvo, J. C. Yip, E. Bonsignore, & C. DiSalvo (Eds.), Participatory Design for Learning. New York, NY.
Clegg, T. L., Preece, J., Pauw, D., & Warrick, E. (2016). Environmental learning through the lens of affinity spaces: Transforming community members into a community force. International Conference of the Learning Sciences 2016.
Yip, J. C., Clegg, T. L., Ahn, J., Uchidiuno, J., Bonsignore, E., Beck, A., Pauw, D., & Mills, K. (2016). The evolution of engagements and social bonds during child-parent co-design. Presented at the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
Clegg, T. L., Ahn, J., Yip, J. C., Bonsignore, E., & Pauw, D. (2016). Scientizing with“ ScienceKit.” Educational Technology, 56(3), 23–28.
Pauw, D., Clegg, T. L., Ahn, J., Bonsignore, E., & Yip, J. C. (2015). Navigating connected inquiry learning with ScienceKit. (Presented at CSCL 2015 and supported by Jacob K. Goldhaber travel grant.)
Clegg, T. L., Bonsignore, E., Ahn, J., Yip, J. C., Pauw, D., Gubbels, M., et al. (2014). Capturing Personal and Social Science: Technology for Integrating the Building Blocks of Disposition. Presented at the International Conference of the Learning Sciences.
Yip, J., Ahn, J., Clegg, T., Bonsignore, E., Pauw, D., & Gubbels, M. (2014). “It helped me do my science.” A Case of Designing Social Media Technologies for Children in Science Learning.
Bonsignore, E., Ahn, J., Clegg, T., Yip, J. C., Pauw, D., Gubbels, M., et al. (2014). Selfies for science (pp. 133–136). Presented at the the companion publication of the 17th ACM conference, New York, New York, USA: ACM Press. doi:10.1145/2556420.2556482


Employment (3)

University of Maryland, College Park: College Park, US

2013 to 2023 | Graduate Assistant (Information Studies)
Source: Self-asserted source
Daniel Pauw

University of Wisconsin-Madison: WI, WI, US

2010 to 2012 | Graduate Assistant (Cellular and Molecular Biology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Daniel Pauw

Oregon Health and Science University: OR, OR, US

2007 to 2009 | Research Assistant II
Source: Self-asserted source
Daniel Pauw

Education and qualifications (3)

University of Wisconsin-Madison: WI, WI, US

MS (Cellular and Molecular Biology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Daniel Pauw

University of Maryland, College Park: College Park, US

Ph.D. (Information Studies)
Source: Self-asserted source
Daniel Pauw

Gonzaga University: Spokane, Washington, US

BS (Biology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Daniel Pauw

Works (1)

Using Participatory Design to Gain Insight into How Students Make Sense of Data in Their Lives

2024-06-21 | Conference paper
Contributors: Rotem Israel-Fishelson; Peter F Moon; Daniel Pauw; David Weintrop
Source: check_circle