Personal information

EABR, EALR, Cochlear Implant, Evoked Potentials, ABR, TT-EABR


Employment (1)

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München: Munich, Bavaria, DE

2014-04 to present | CI Technology Manager (Department of Ear, Nose and Throat Medicine)
Source: Self-asserted source
Daniel Polterauer

Education and qualifications (7)

MoCA Cognition: Longueuil, Québec, CA

2023-08 | Certified Rater
Source: Self-asserted source
Daniel Polterauer

GCP-Service International: Bremen, Bremen, DE

2023-05 | Principal Investigator training for clinical studies according to MPDG
Source: Self-asserted source
Daniel Polterauer

GCP-Service International: Bremen, Bremen, DE

2022-12 | MPDG-Refresher-Schulung & MDR-Update-Schulung
Source: Self-asserted source
Daniel Polterauer

GCP-Service International: Bremen, Bremen, DE

2017-12 | GCP-Basisschulung
Source: Self-asserted source
Daniel Polterauer

Technical University of Munich: Munich, Bavaria, DE

2014-03 | M. Sc. (Electrical and Computer Engineering)
Source: Self-asserted source
Daniel Polterauer

Technical University of Munich: Munich, Bavaria, DE

2011-11 | B. Sc. (Electrical and Computer Engineering)
Source: Self-asserted source
Daniel Polterauer

Pater-Rupert-Mayer Gymnasium Pullach: Munich, Bavaria, DE

1999-06 to 2008-06 | Abitur (neusprachliche Ausbildungsrichtung)
Source: Self-asserted source
Daniel Polterauer

Professional activities (4)

International Evoked Response Audiometry Study Group (IERASG): Freiburg (Breisgau), Baden-Württemberg, DE

Source: Self-asserted source
Daniel Polterauer

Gesellschaft zur wissenschaftlichen Untersuchung von Parawissenschaften e. V. (GWUP): Roßdorf, Hessen, DE

Source: Self-asserted source
Daniel Polterauer

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Audiologie e.V. (DGA): Oldenburg, DE

Source: Self-asserted source
Daniel Polterauer

Arbeitsgruppe evoked response audiometry (AG-ERA): Hannover, DE

Source: Self-asserted source
Daniel Polterauer

Works (50 of 59)

Items per page:
Page 1 of 2

Electrode contact estimation based on preoperative versus postoperative imaging as a basis for anatomy-based fitting

Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering
2024-12-19 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 2364-5504
Contributors: Andrea Schreier; Sarah Draut; Clemens Stihl; Carmen Molenda; Maike Neuling; Philipp Müller; Franziska Müller; Sophia Stöcklein; Florian Simon; Florian Schrötzlmair et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Daniel Polterauer

Applications of pre- and intraoperative eAEP like eABR in cochlear implant candidacy

Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering
2024-12-18 | Journal article
Contributors: Daniel Polterauer; Maike Neuling; Giacomo Mandruzzato; Marek Polak; Joachim Müller; John-Martin Hempel
Source: Self-asserted source
Daniel Polterauer

Reducing artifacts in electrically evoked auditory potentials (eAEP)

Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering
2024-12-18 | Journal article
Contributors: Daniel Polterauer; Maike Neuling; Giacomo Mandruzzato; Marek Polak; Joachim Müller; John-Martin Hempel
Source: Self-asserted source
Daniel Polterauer

Anatomy-based CI fitting via preoperative imaging (preopABF)

GMS Zeitschrift für Audiologie - Audiological Acoustics
2024-12-17 | Journal article
Contributors: Daniel Polterauer; Carmen Molenda; Andrea Schreier; Sarah Draut; Maike Neuling; John Martin Hempel; Joachim Müller
Source: Self-asserted source
Daniel Polterauer

The potential of the individualized treatment with the new cochlear implant electrode array FLEX34

GMS Zeitschrift für Audiologie - Audiological Acoustics
2024-12-17 | Journal article
Contributors: Daniel Polterauer; Andrea Schreier; Carmen Molenda; Sarah Draut; Maike Neuling; John Martin Hempel; Joachim Müller
Source: Self-asserted source
Daniel Polterauer

Tympanic Pre-Operative Electrically Evoked Auditory Late Response (TympEALR) as an Alternative to Trans-Tympanic Tests Using Anesthesia in Cochlear Implant Candidacy

Journal of Clinical Medicine
2024-12-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Daniel Polterauer; Maike Neuling; Florian Simon
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Revisions after prior stapes surgery: aspects on indication, intraoperative findings and surgical strategies

Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol
2024-11-26 | Journal article
Contributors: Kariem Sharaf; Ivo Grueninger; Sara Alekuzei; Daniel Polterauer; Andrea Schreier; Martin Canis; Tobias Rader; John Martin Hempel; Joachim Müller
Source: Self-asserted source
Daniel Polterauer

Tympanic Pre-Operative Electrically Evoked Auditory Late Response (TympEALR) as an Alternative to Trans-Tympanic Tests Using Anesthesia in Cochlear Implant Candidacy

2024-10-23 | Preprint
Contributors: Daniel Polterauer; Maike Neuling; Florian Simon
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Simultaneous closure of a perilymphatic fistula and placement of cochlear implant in a case of complex inner ear malformation.

Clinical case reports
2024-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Almuzaini H; Müller J; Wilhelm F; Polterauer D; Schuster M
Source: Self-asserted source
Daniel Polterauer via Europe PubMed Central

Hearing impairment amongst people with Osteogenesis Imperfecta in Germany

European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology
2024-09-27 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0937-4477
Part of ISSN: 1434-4726
Contributors: A. Felicio-Briegel; J. Müller; M. Pollotzek; M. Neuling; Daniel Polterauer; S. Gantner; J. Simon; I. Briegel; F. Simon
Source: Self-asserted source
Daniel Polterauer

Considerations for and initial clinical results of a totally implantable Cochlear Implant. First results of a feasibility study & 3 year follow up

95th Annual Meeting German Society of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Head and Neck Surgery e. V., Bonn
2024-04 | Conference abstract
Part of ISSN: 1438-8685
Contributors: Joachim Müller; Philippe Pierre Lefebvre; Gerhard Mark; Florian Schwarze; Daniel Polterauer; John-Martin Hempel; Ivo Grüninger; Maike Neuling; Tobias Einberger; Ingeborg Hochmair
Source: Self-asserted source
Daniel Polterauer

Der Einfluss von Cochlea-Implantationen bei älteren Menschen unter Nutzung eines präoperativen MoCA-Screenings für leichte kognitive Beeinträchtigungen

95. Jahresversammlung Deutsche Gesellschaft für Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Heilkunde, Kopf- und Hals-Chirurgie e. V., Bonn
2024-04 | Conference abstract
Part of ISSN: 1438-8685
Contributors: Carmen Molenda; Daniel Polterauer; Joachim Müller
Source: Self-asserted source
Daniel Polterauer

Individualized cochlear implantation – first experience with a new 34 mm electrode for patients with very long cochleae

95th Annual Meeting German Society of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Head and Neck Surgery e. V., Bonn
2024-04 | Conference abstract
Part of ISSN: 1438-8685
Contributors: Andrea Schreier; Carmen Molenda; Sarah Draut; John-Martin Hempel; Veronika Volgger; Daniel Polterauer; Lena Merz; Joachim Müller
Source: Self-asserted source
Daniel Polterauer

Pre-operative anatomical analysis estimating optimal electrode array in Cochlear Implant candidates based on CT or MRI images

95th Annual Meeting German Society of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Head and Neck Surgery e. V., Bonn
2024-04 | Conference abstract
Part of ISSN: 1438-8685
Contributors: Daniel Polterauer; Carmen Molenda; Maike Neuling; John-Martin Hempel; Joachim Müller
Source: Self-asserted source
Daniel Polterauer

Präoperative anatomische Analyse zur Abschätzung der optimalen Elektrodenanordnung bei Cochlea-Implantat-Kandidaten anhand von CT- oder MRT-Bildern

95. Jahresversammlung Deutsche Gesellschaft für Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Heilkunde, Kopf- und Hals-Chirurgie e. V., Bonn
2024-04 | Conference abstract
Part of ISSN: 1438-8685
Contributors: Daniel Polterauer; Carmen Molenda; Maike Neuling; John-Martin Hempel; Joachim Müller
Source: Self-asserted source
Daniel Polterauer

The influence of cochlear implantation in the elderly using preoperative MoCA screening for mild cognitive impairment

95th Annual Meeting German Society of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Head and Neck Surgery e. V., Bonn
2024-04 | Conference abstract
Part of ISSN: 1438-8685
Contributors: Carmen Molenda; Daniel Polterauer; Joachim Müller
Source: Self-asserted source
Daniel Polterauer

To what extent is hearing loss contributing to quality-of-life impairment in Menière's patients?

95th Annual Meeting German Society of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Head and Neck Surgery e. V., Bonn
2024-04 | Conference abstract
Part of ISSN: 1438-8685
Contributors: Sophia Gantner; Friedrich Ihler; Ralf Strobl; Andreas Zwergal; Martin Canis; Joachim Müller; Daniel Polterauer; Jennifer Spiegel
Source: Self-asserted source
Daniel Polterauer

Welchen Stellenwert hat Hörverlust in der Beeinträchtigung der Lebensqualität bei Patienten mit Morbus Menière?

95. Jahresversammlung Deutsche Gesellschaft für Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Heilkunde, Kopf- und Hals-Chirurgie e. V., Bonn
2024-04 | Conference abstract
Part of ISSN: 1438-8685
Contributors: Sophia Gantner; Friedrich Ihler; Ralf Strobl; Andreas Zwergal; Martin Canis; Joachim Müller; Daniel Polterauer; Jennifer Spiegel
Source: Self-asserted source
Daniel Polterauer

Aktuelle Trends und Entwicklungen bei der Cochlea-Implantat-Versorgung

Sprache · Stimme · Gehör
2024-03 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0342-0477
Part of ISSN: 1439-1260
Contributors: Joachim Müller; Carmen Molenda; Daniel Polterauer
Source: Self-asserted source
Daniel Polterauer

Cochlear Implantation in a Patient with Implanted Trigeminus Stimulator—Clinical Considerations for Using Two Different Electrical Stimulators in the Same Patient and Our Results

Journal of Otorhinolaryngology, Hearing and Balance Medicine
2024-01-31 | Journal article
Contributors: Daniel Polterauer; Maike Neuling; Sophia Stoecklein; Joachim Mueller
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Intra-operative test electrode and electrical auditory brainstem response after preoperative assessment in cochlear implant candidacy

Current directions in biomedical engineering
2023 | Journal article
Contributors: Daniel Polterauer; Giacomo Mandruzzato; Maike Neuling; Marek Polak; Joachim Müller; John Martin Hempel
Source: Self-asserted source
Daniel Polterauer via Deutsche Nationalbibliothek (DNB)
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Re-evaluation of local anesthesia transtympanic electrical auditory brainstem response in cochlear implant candidacy

Current directions in biomedical engineering
2023 | Journal article
Contributors: Daniel Polterauer; Giacomo Mandruzzato; Maike Neuling; Marek Polak; Joachim Müller; John Martin Hempel
Source: Self-asserted source
Daniel Polterauer via Deutsche Nationalbibliothek (DNB)
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Cochlear Implantation in a Patient with Implanted Trigeminus Stimulator – Clinical Considerations for Using Two Different Electrical Stimulators in the Same Patient and Our Results

2023-12-14 | Preprint
Contributors: Daniel Polterauer; Maike Neuling; Sophia Stoecklein; Joachim Mueller
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Revision stapes surgery – aspects of indication and surgical strategies based on 114 surgical cases

94th Annual Meeting German Society of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Head and Neck Surgery e.V., Bonn
2023-05 | Conference paper
Part of ISSN: 1438-8685
Contributors: Kariem Sharaf; Ivo Grüninger; Julia Louza-Lützner; Martin Canis; Daniel Polterauer; Tobias Rader; Martin John Hempel; Joachim Müller
Source: Self-asserted source
Daniel Polterauer

Revisionseingriff nach Stapesplastik – Aspekte zur Indikationsstellung und operativer Herangehensweise auf Basis von 114 Eingriffen

94. Jahresversammlung Deutsche Gesellschaft für Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Heilkunde, Kopf- und Hals-Chirurgie e.V., Bonn
2023-05 | Conference paper
Part of ISSN: 1438-8685
Contributors: Kariem Sharaf; Ivo Grüninger; Julia Louza-Lützner; Martin Canis; Daniel Polterauer; Tobias Rader; JohnMartin Hempel; Joachim Müller
Source: Self-asserted source
Daniel Polterauer

Adult Cochlear Implant Users versus Typical Hearing Persons: An Automatic Analysis of Acoustic–Prosodic Parameters

2022 | Journal article


Source: Self-asserted source
Daniel Polterauer via MLA International Bibliography

LA-TT-EALR/PromCERA: Comparison of preoperatively performed electrically evoked auditory potentials at the brainstem and cortical level during local anesthesia

Current directions in biomedical engineering
2022 | Journal article
Contributors: Daniel Polterauer; Giacomo Mandruzzato; Maike Neuling; Marek Polak; Joachim Müller; John-Martin Hempel
Source: Self-asserted source
Daniel Polterauer via Deutsche Nationalbibliothek (DNB)
Preferred source (of 3)‎

Adult Cochlear Implant Users Versus Typical Hearing Persons: An Automatic Analysis of Acoustic-Prosodic Parameters.

Journal of speech, language, and hearing research : JSLHR
2022-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Arias-Vergara T; Batliner A; Rader T; Polterauer D; Högerle C; Müller J; Orozco-Arroyave JR; Nöth E; Schuster M
Source: Self-asserted source
Daniel Polterauer via Europe PubMed Central
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Analyse der PromCERA (= präop. transtympanale ECERA in Lokalanästhesie) nach Phase des Hörverlusts und Tinnitus

DGA 2022
2022-09 | Conference paper
Contributors: Daniel Polterauer; Giacomo Mandruzzato; Maike Neuling; Joachim Müller; John Martin Hempel
Source: Self-asserted source
Daniel Polterauer

Veränderung des Sprachverstehens durch Upgrade des Sprachprozessor OPUS2 oder RONDO1 auf SONNET2 oder RONDO3 bei CI-Versorgten

DGA 2022
2022-09 | Conference paper
Contributors: Daniel Polterauer; Maike Neuling; John Martin Hempel; Joachim Müller
Source: Self-asserted source
Daniel Polterauer

Evaluation of auditory pathway excitability using a pre-operative trans-tympanic electrically evoked auditory brainstem response under local anesthesia in cochlear implant candidates.

International journal of audiology
2022-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Polterauer D; Mandruzzato G; Neuling M; Polak M; Müller J; Hempel JM
Source: Self-asserted source
Daniel Polterauer via Europe PubMed Central
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Sprachverstehen und Hörqualität mit verschiedenen Sprachprozessoren nach CI Versorgung

Abstract- und Posterband - 93. Jahresversammlung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für HNO-Heilkunde, Kopf- und Hals-Chirurgie e.V., Bonn Interface - Fokus Mensch im Zeitalter der technisierten Medizin
2022-05 | Conference paper
Part of ISSN: 1438-8685
Contributors: Daniel Polterauer; Joachim Müller
Source: Self-asserted source
Daniel Polterauer

Variation of the cochlear anatomy and cochlea duct length: analysis with a new tablet-based software

European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology
2022-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Jennifer L. Spiegel; Daniel Polterauer; John-Martin Hempel; Martin Canis; Judith E. Spiro; Joachim Müller
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 3)‎

Diagnosis of Menière's disease according to the criteria of 2015: Characteristics and challenges in 96 patients.

Journal of vestibular research : equilibrium & orientation
2022-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Ihler F; Stoycheva I; Spiegel JL; Polterauer D; Müller J; Strobl R; Grill E
Source: Self-asserted source
Daniel Polterauer via Europe PubMed Central
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Stapes and Stapes Revision Surgery: Preoperative Air-Bone Gap Is a Prognostic Marker.

Otology & neurotology : official publication of the American Otological Society, American Neurotology Society [and] European Academy of Otology and Neurotology
2021-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Sharaf K; Grueninger I; Hilpert A; Polterauer D; Volgger V; Manz K; Canis M; Hempel JM; Müller J
Source: Self-asserted source
Daniel Polterauer via Europe PubMed Central
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Comparison of ABR and ASSR using narrow-band-chirp-stimuli in children with cochlear malformation and/or cochlear nerve hypoplasia suffering from severe/profound hearing loss.

European archives of oto-rhino-laryngology : official journal of the European Federation of Oto-Rhino-Laryngological Societies (EUFOS) : affiliated with the German Society for Oto-Rhino-Laryngology - Head and Neck Surgery
2021-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Eder K; Polterauer D; Semmelbauer S; Schuster M; Rader T; Hoster E; Flatz W
Source: Self-asserted source
Daniel Polterauer via Europe PubMed Central
Preferred source (of 3)‎

Elektrisch evozierte Potentiale des auditorischen Systems - Teil 2

Zeitschrift für Audiologie (Audiological Acoustics)
2021-05 | Journal article
Contributors: Izet Baljić; Alexander Müller; Laura Fröhlich; Daniel Polterauer; Oliver Christian Dziemba
Source: Self-asserted source
Daniel Polterauer

Variation of the Anatomy of the Cochlea and Cochlear Duct Length (CDL) in Patients who Underwent Standard Cochlear Implantation – Radioanatomy with a New Tablet-Based Software

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Heilkunde, Kopf- und Hals-Chirurgie e.V., Bonn
2021-05 | Conference paper
Part of ISSN: 1438-8685
Contributors: JL. Spiegel; D Polterauer; J-M Hempel; M Canis; J Spiro; J Müller
Source: Self-asserted source
Daniel Polterauer

Variationen in der Anatomie der Cochlea und Cochlear Duct Lengtk (CDL) bei Patienten nach routinemäßiger Versorgung mit einem Cochleaimplantat – Radioanatomie mit einer neuen Tablet-basierten Software

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Heilkunde, Kopf- und Hals-Chirurgie e.V., Bonn
2021-05 | Conference paper
Part of ISSN: 1438-8685
Contributors: JL. Spiegel; D Polterauer; J-M Hempel; M Canis; J Spiro; J Müller
Source: Self-asserted source
Daniel Polterauer

Elektrisch evozierte Potentiale des auditorischen Systems - Teil 1

Zeitschrift für Audiologie (Audiological Acoustics)
2021-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Izet Baljić; Alexander Müller; Laura Fröhlich; Daniel Polterauer; Oliver Christian Dziemba
Source: Self-asserted source
Daniel Polterauer

PromCERA light (tympanale praeop. ECERA) vs. PromCERA (transtympanale praeop. ECERA in Lokalanästhesie)

DGA 2020
2020-09 | Conference paper
Contributors: Maike Neuling; Daniel Polterauer; Giacomo Mandruzzato; Joachim Müller; John Martin Hempel
Source: Self-asserted source
Daniel Polterauer

Intraoperative and postoperative measurement of brainstem responses through electrical stimulation of the auditory nerve via implantable neurostimulators

2020-07 | Report
Contributors: Daniel Polterauer
Source: Self-asserted source
Daniel Polterauer

Comparison of ABR and ASSR using NB-chirp-stimuli in children with severe and profound hearing loss.

International journal of pediatric otorhinolaryngology
2020-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Eder K; Schuster ME; Polterauer D; Neuling M; Hoster E; Hempel JM; Semmelbauer S
Source: Self-asserted source
Daniel Polterauer via Europe PubMed Central
Preferred source (of 2)‎

ADANO recommendations for the selection of target parameters and measurement processes for the use of auditory evoked potentials, otoacoustic emissions, and impedance audiometry in clinical trials : Prepared by the ERA consortium (AG-ERA)* of ADANO#. Confirmed by the board of ADANO on 18.01.2019.

2019-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Rahne T; Dziemba O; Lodwig A; Polterauer D; Thie R; Walger M; Wesarg T; Hoth S
Source: Self-asserted source
Daniel Polterauer via Europe PubMed Central
Preferred source (of 2)‎

[ADANO recommendations for the selection of target parameters and measurement processes for use of auditory evoked potentials, otoacoustic emissions, and impedance audiometry in clinical trials : Prepared by the consortium ERA (AG-ERA) of ADANO. Confirmed by the board of ADANO on 18 January 2019. German version].

2019-05 | Journal article
Contributors: Rahne T; Dziemba O; Lodwig A; Polterauer D; Thie R; Walger M; Wesarg T; Hoth S
Source: Self-asserted source
Daniel Polterauer via Europe PubMed Central
Preferred source (of 2)‎

PromBERA: A preoperative eABR: An update

Current directions in biomedical engineering
2018 | Journal article
Contributors: Daniel Polterauer; Maike Neuling; Joachim Müller; John-Martin Hempel; Giacomo Mandruzzato; Marek Polak
Source: Self-asserted source
Daniel Polterauer via Deutsche Nationalbibliothek (DNB)
Preferred source (of 2)‎

The relationship between speech intelligibility and speech perception in cochlear implant patients

Forschung heute – Zukunft morgen
2018-04 | Conference paper
Part of ISSN: 1438-8685
Contributors: N Freimann; D Polterauer; S Gollwitzer; J Müller; ME Schuster
Source: Self-asserted source
Daniel Polterauer

Zusammenhang zwischen Sprachproduktion und Sprachperzeption bei erwachsenen Cochlea Implantat-Trägern

Forschung heute – Zukunft morgen
2018-04 | Conference paper
Part of ISSN: 1438-8685
Contributors: N Freimann; D Polterauer; S Gollwitzer; J Müller; ME Schuster
Source: Self-asserted source
Daniel Polterauer

PromBERA – praeoperative EBERA – objektiver Promontorialtest zur Integritätsprüfung des Hörnervs bei Cochleaimplantat-Kandidaten

BMT 2017
2017-09 | Conference paper
Contributors: Daniel Polterauer; Giacomo Mandruzzato; Maike Neuling; Marek Polak; Joachim Michael Müller; John Martin Hempel
Source: Self-asserted source
Daniel Polterauer

Consonant articulation errors of adult and adolescent cochlear implant recipients with respect to onset and duration of hearing loss

International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology
2017-05 | Journal article
Contributors: Dinah Luise Dear Splitthoff; Sandra Gollwitzer; Suzan Ruff; Eva Hoster; Veronika Neumeyer; Daniel Polterauer; Joachim Müller; Maria Schuster
Source: Self-asserted source
Daniel Polterauer
Items per page:
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Peer review (32 reviews for 14 publications/grants)

Review activity for American journal of audiology. (6)
Review activity for Audiology research. (6)
Review activity for Brain sciences. (1)
Review activity for Children. (2)
Review activity for Diagnostics. (1)
Review activity for Genes. (1)
Review activity for Healthcare. (2)
Review activity for IEEE transactions on medical robotics and bionics. (2)
Review activity for International journal of audiology. (2)
Review activity for Journal of clinical medicine. (1)
Review activity for Journal of otorhinolaryngology, hearing and balance medicine (1)
Review activity for Journal of speech, language, and hearing research. (3)
Review activity for JoVE. (3)
Review activity for NeuroSci. (1)