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Research activity in continuous progression, with proven quality and dissemination since 1987, with an impact factor adjusted to the year of publication.1987, with an impact factor, adjusted to the year of publication greater than 200 ( 287.76): 165 publications in indexed scientific journals.
Total citations: 2018 citations (excluding self-citations). Average citations/year during the last 5 years (not including the current year). 5 years (not including the current year): 155 citations/year. Total publications in first quartile(Q1) during the last 5 years: 25, 16 of them in 1D. Publications as first Total impact index (last 12 years)= 172. h index = 24. Crown index in the area of Surgery-Transplantation: 1.20. The line on tolerance in liver transplantation of which I am first author in two publications in Transplantation and one in Clinical Transplantation and senior author in Liver Transplantation and American Journal of Transplantation. (2017-2018-2019-2020). Likewise, as a result of international collaboration, the publication in the Journal of Clinical Investigation (FI 16,559) in 2008. More than 100 scientific communications and 30 national invited presentations. invited; being also a vocal member of the Board of Directors of the Spanish Association for the Study of the Liver during for the Study of the Liver during the period 2005-2009 and currently President of the Spanish Society of LiverSpanish Society of Liver Transplantation (2017-). Research lines with funding in competitive public calls (Instituto de Salud Carlos III), up to a total of 11 projects, 5 of which are 11 projects of which 5 as principal investigator. Two projects funded by the Mutua Madrileña Foundation (2013 and 2019) and one as PI of the Seneca Foundation (2019). He is also a member of the CIBERehd in the area 4 of Immunology and liver transplantation and a researcher of the FIPSE (Foundation for AIDS research and prevention in Spain) and of the Transplantation network of CIBERehd. Scientific reviewer of the journals, American Journal of Transplantation, Liver Transplantation, Journal of Hepatology, Chemico-Biological Interactions and Revista Española de Enfermedades Digestivas, as well as member of the editorial committee of the journal Gastroenterología editorial committee of the journal Gastroenterología y Hepatologia. Since 1988, when the liver transplant program
liver transplantation program began in our center, he has been a teaching collaborator of the Department of Surgery Department of Surgery, giving theoretical and practical classes in liver transplantation. During the period
1998-2004, professor of semiology in Internal Medicine at the Catholic University San Antonio of Murcia. of Murcia. From 2004 to February 2018 I have been Associate Professor of Health Sciences at the Department of Internal Medicine.
Department of Internal Medicine of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Murcia. Actually.I am Full Professor of Medicine in the Department of Meicine of teh University of Murcia. Degree in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Murcia in 1980. from the University of Murcia in 1980. Doctor with Cum Laude qualification unanimously in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Murcia in 2010. Extraordinary award doctorate in 2010. Medical Specialist of Digestive System since 1986, physician since 1987 and Chief of Section of Hepatology of the Hospital Universitario Virgen de la Arrixaca. Dedication to the digestive area with special dedication to Hepatology and liver transplantation.
Employment (1)
Professional activities (1)
Works (50 of 191)