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Susana Garrido holds a PhD and Habilitation in Management and is currently an Associate Professor at the University of Coimbra, Portugal. Her research interests lie in the circular economy, sustainability, supply chain, lean, green, and logistics management. She has published more than 300 scientific works in books, chapters, articles, and conference proceedings, being some of the journals where she has published in the sustainability area the following: Journal of Cleaner Production, Sustainable Production and consumption, Sustainability, Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, Resources, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Biomass & Bioenergy, Energy, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, Environment, Development and Sustainability, International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, Journal of Environmental Management.
She is a reviewer for many journals and international conferences, editor-in-chief, associate editor, and editorial board member of several top international journals. She makes part of the Scientific Evaluation Board of ERA-MIN European Funding Program on “Raw Materials for Sustainable Development and the Circular Economy”, and the Portuguese Agency for Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education.
She has participated in several projects in the area of sustainability and Circular Economy, such as: i) CHEERS4EU - Circular Hubs serving as an Engine for European Regions to foster a Strong Green Economy 4 Europe (Interreg-Europe); ii) BioAgroFloRes - Sustainable Supply Chain Management Model for Residual Agro-forestry Biomass supported in a Web Platform, FCT, PCIF/GVB/0083/2019, 2019 – 2023; iii) Lean, Agile, Resilient and Green Supply Chain Management (LARGeSCM), MIT-Pt/EDAM-IASC/0033/2008, Universidade Nova de Lisboa Unidade de Investigação e Desenvolvimento em Engenharia Mecânica e Industrial, Portugal; iv) Optimization of organic residues fermentation processes. Funded by CAPES-PRINT-UNESP, Brazil. 2021-2023.
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